Posted By
JamesC on 2002-01-23
| Want to buy: C= 1551
I am looking to buy one or two Commodore 1551 disk drives for use on my Plus/4.
As I will convert them to North American voltage requirements, minor power supply problems will not be an issue. However, since I cannot obtain repair parts, I would want drives with working and aligned read-write heads and properly working interface boards.
If you have one (or more) for sale, please contact me at .
James C in NTSC-land
Posted By
BushRat on 2002-02-08
| Re: I am aware.
Just paint it black...Ha! No, seriously, I understand where you are coming from... but the 50hz xformer in those Euro-cases take up a bit more bulk. If it for collector reasons, then ypu'll just have to keep trying. Lando, or some others may know the location of Peter Hanson or Steve Morgans from the old "Thunderbirds" group. They were real good scroungers. Christian Schafner might still have access to some.
Posted By
JamesC on 2002-02-08
| I am aware.
I have talked to Bo Zimmerman about converting the 1551 to work here. He took a 1551 and replaced the internal power supply with one from a 1541 and it works fine.
I want the novelty of the 1551 case also.
Posted By
BushRat on 2002-02-08
| 1551 works fine on No American Voltage
Actually Peter Hanson, in Englamd, sent me the guts for one a few years ago and I dropped it into an old 1541 case/supply. Had to make a different cut-out on the back for the cord... but that was all. Used it a lot when we were writing/rewriting Pal to Ntsc. Worked with the Geos disks, that we translated into English from the original German.
Posted By
MIK on 2002-01-24
| I have seen some on before.
The 1551 is and I would of thought mega rare in the UK. Only a very small handlefull of games came on disk here and the price of the dirve would of been over twice as much as a Plus4 I only have Mercenary original on disk.. The rest are tapes.
Over the last year I have seen a couple on