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on 2007-07-21
 Re: So I want to do plus/4 gfx...

Oh my. Okay, let's go one by one.

Perff (the creator of CSDb) already said yes to the expansion and the title will probably be changed to Commodore Scene Database. No, PC and Amiga stuff won't be included as they're not 8bit Commodore computers. No, it wasn't my idea, and I was thinking a kind of the same as you in the beginning, but I have changed my mind as assembling the global C= scene seems like an interesting thing to me. Pouet is still far behind CSDb considering usability or the social aspect of editing the database, and it has a way different approach to the release/group entries. Nevertheless, I really don't know what Pouet has to do with all this.

Rules, guys, feelings... Nah man, it's pretty much the same as on the Plus/4 scene. At least the last time I have seen a bunch Plus/4 guys, they all looked to me like friendly humans who enjoy working on an ancient 8bit computer. Just tell me some unwritten rules that differ so much from the unwritten rules of the C64 scene. Besides, there are a couple of sceners who work on both platforms, let alone that most of the Plus/4 and C64 know each other pretty well.

Luckily, according to their comments, most of the other Plus/4 guys don't feel like you do. Some of them will probably include their releases and will enjoy receiving comments, useless or not. Arousing the interest towards the Plus/4 scene could bring more people to "your" scene. If you want to stay isolated, hey, it's your choice - I guess you realised till now that uploading your release to CSDb is an option, not a must.

I couldn't care less about games. They're commercial products, their creators don't have a community, it's aimed towards a different audience. We're talking about the C= 8bit scene here, people who work on these machines for fun. Whether it's C64/128, Plus/4, VIC20, C16 or DTV... Mixing them still seems quite reasonable to me.

But to stop this whole offtopic discussion right here: Csabo, I fully understand and accept your opinion, but frankly, you (or I) can't do much against expanding CSDb. We're discussing something which is already decided, right? The update will be done sooner or later and only time will tell if it was a wise idea or not.

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