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on 2007-05-21
 Re: plus4emu 1.1.0

So, almost everything seems to work, except there is no video display. This could be either because of an OpenGL problem, or a FLTK threading (or other threading) problem. The first possibility can be tested by changing the line 'bool glEnabled = true;' in gui/main.cpp, main(), so that the variable is set to false; of course, this could be set on the command line, but that does not work yet. To find out if there are threading issues, I have uploaded a version of the emulator that does not use separate threads for display/GUI and emulation. This is available in the SVN repository, and can be downloaded with the following command:
svn co http://plus4emu.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/plus4emu/tags/plus4emu-1.1.0-nothreads
By the way, this also includes some commented out code at the beginning of main() that can be used to display the contents of argv[] on start-up in a window.

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