I read about some *fantastic* :) cartridges as Easycalc 264, Superscript, MagicDesk, and other for Plus4 of course. Are (were) they existing somewhere? If yes please tell me the address Thank you.
Cartridges in question EasyCalc 264 was released as Calc/Plus SuperScript was released as Script/Plus MagicDesk II was not released by Commodore. Status of software at time of discontiuation of project unknown. (This means that I don't know if the software was ever written, let alone ready to release before Commodore decided not to release it.)
I have a ROM image of Calc/Plus but am trying to find one of Script/Plus so I can submit both at the same time. If I don't have any luck within another week or so remind me and I'll post Calc/Plus.