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on 2007-01-10
 Re: LOL maths

>>That is "The Sum of Nines", an accounting trick to determine if a number has been transposed during keyboard/adding machine entry.
>>Where's SVS? He should know about this also....

ehehe I'me here. You are right. It happens that, at my work as accountant, I have sometimes to search for a balance error, a value multiple of 9 (for example 9, 27, 81). In all this cases a number was transposed! This helps me to guess the wrong value to be searched for.
(For example an error value o 27 can be generated by a 63 instead of 36)
A good feature of this mode is that there is only one occurence every ten. (The same example of 27 is possible for 63-36 74-47 85-58 etc.).

Waiting for Litwr (math genius) post!!!

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