| Posted By
indi on 2006-09-29 14:51:19
| Future games....
Okay... I'm just thinking ahead a little here.... But part of the release to XeO3 will be the source+doc's where it helps describe how to use the source to buld your own shooter. In other words, a simple Plus4 "SEUCK". You will probably need some basic scripting skills (although its VERY VERY simple stuff).
So question is.... Is there anyone around here that actually thinks they may do something with this, or do you just want to play it? It'll help to know this since it'll cut down on the work later on (as I need to tidy up the source, do some more DOCs etc.)
I may also port it to the C64 myself - so porting isn't really that much of a worry....
Posted By
Chicken on 2006-09-29 15:10:12
| Re: Future games....
I can't promise that I'll use it to create something worth looking at but it sounds very tempting.
Ok... plus/4 history taught us that good software/tools aren't always used. However, it might attract some not so experienced coders to do something with it and get RESULTS
The games I liked I analyzed (at least a bit), too, that was sometimes just as much fun as playing the game. And if you get some comments with it, it's a great opportunity to learn something about game coding. On plus/4 there aren't any publications about game coding in MC and a little de-mystifying won't hurt!
Posted By
Degauss on 2006-09-29 23:10:48
| Re: Future games....
Of course i'd be interested. Somewhen i thought of doing a commando-like shooter. Probably your engine will be a motor for this (but just like chicken i can't promise to do it).
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