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on 2006-09-14
 Re: Missing Hardware

Typing in listings...

One of my very first experiences with computers included my brothers C16. I found a photocopy of a listing for a game and tried to type it in. Back then COMPUTE MIT didn't have checksums and not what they later on called "KLARTEXT" (meaning any cursor control etc inside quotes got a name for easier recognition). I had no idea how to get those "reversed chars". So I asked my bro and he said "Try Reverse On".
After three hours I had entered lots of REM lines (nobody told me that those are not needed wink ) and produced lots of weird errors. Even though there were still 5 pages missing, I thought about giving it a test run (I knew RUN :D ). I guess I thought that would show me at least the first level or something wink Well, all it did was causing garbage (due to charset changes in the very first lines). I was totally disappointed happy I guess that experience made me check out the manual and learn BASIC, so it had some "reason" after all happy

Crown: The essence of those instructions is...

There should be an external switch to switch between different setups/memory configurations.

In the "128 MODE"
POKE 64768,5 and POKE 64768,10
are switching between the two banks. Each bank has an own zero page and own video ram.
You are adviced to switch AFTER you have loaded a BASIC program. Otherwise you might have some problems with the OS.

Furthermore, it says that you can switch in MC, too. Then those programs have to be at a certain address range.

Unfortunately, it doesn't say where those programs have to be. Neither does it say which address range is shared by both programs/"banks"

Should be enough info to check it out, though happy

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