Posted By
 James on 2001-07-16
| Joystick wanted !
My joystick is broken and I am in urgent need of a replacement - preferably a new one. I am willing to pay a fair price. I need a single button joystick with an 8-pin mini-DIN socket connection. Can anyone help ? |
Posted By
 MIK on 2001-07-17
 | Above: If you cant..... Sorry (nt)
. |
Posted By
 MIK on 2001-07-17
 | If you can get hold of an adapter......
Cut off the conection 1/2 end of your broken joystick and wire it to the new (C64, Amiga) type ended one.
I use a Sega Megadrive 6 button pad on my Plus4. It's been fine for years. "B" if the normal fire button. |