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Posted By

on 2001-06-07
 Experimenting with a 1551?

I am in the United States. Here we have a 110 volt, 60 hertz electrical system.

I was wondering how well it would work if I bought a 1551 in Europe and used the US 1541 power transformer to supply whatever the 1551 mainboard requires.

Have any of you used a hybrid disk drive in this way, either going to or from 220V/50Hz?

Posted By

on 2001-06-07
 It must work... BTW This site is really great !

Almost everything inside any computer works with direct current so, if you make the correct connections and provide the right voltages it must work here in America.

BTW Big cheers to Lando, Szolt, Mike and Ati, Thumbs up for this outstanding site and those amazing emulators, it's really an enormous amount of work, with people working so hard like these great guys, for sure the Plus4 (and the C16:) will never die. Please keep up the good work!

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