Posted By
Fuzzweed on 2024-12-22 08:04:51
| Re: oh no. My sample player works in yape but not on hardware
better timer and it sounds so much better in yape. so that is a huge improvement. BUT its still not working on my C16 (6502,64k).......???????
lda #$40 sta $FF00 ldy #$00 lda #$00 sta $FF01
.read_losample lda (Sample_LSB),y and #$0f ora #$20 tax - lda $ff09 bit bitcheck ;;;;;;=#$08 bit 3, timer 1 beq - sta $FF09 stx volume
.read_hisample lda (Sample_LSB),y lsr lsr lsr lsr ora #$20 tax - lda $ff09 bit bitcheck ;;;;;;=#$08 bit 3, timer 1 beq - sta $FF09 stx volume
inc Sample_LSB bne + inc Sample_MSB + dec sample_counter_LSB bne + lda sample_counter_MSB ora sample_counter_LSB beq ++ dec sample_counter_MSB + jmp .read_losample ++
MORE: so heres the sound setup: lda #$fd sta voice1lo lda #$fe sta voice2lo lda voice1hi and #$fc ora #$03 sta voice1hi lda voice2hi and #$fc ora #$03 sta voice2hi lda #$BF sta volume lda #$3F sta volume
In yape machine = plus4. it seems to work 100% In yape machine = c16+hannes expansion. i works sometimes, but occasionally it is clipped, mising first seconds in real c16 expanded it is complete silence