Here is the complete solution by MCG:
Part 1: November Graveyard
You start next to your own grave as Alan Chance's vain spirit and your score is 0/300. The last thing you remember is driving in the car with Sarah on the way to your meet with the drugs gang. All your undercover work was about to pay off. Now you find yourself standing by your own grave, with a priest, mourners and a detective. One of the policemen there says he's glad the funeral is over, this is the part of the work he hates - going to funerals for stupid bastards who get themselves killed and their partner captured. Another agrees and says that it's only because Mr. Severian stumbled on them dumping Alan's body that the crooks needed a hostage, otherwise the girl would be dead.
EXAMINE DETECTIVE: Mr. Severian, a new recruit to the drugs squad. He's carrying a matchbook and newspaper. From what he says, talking to himself, you realise he's one of the crooks. He set you up and because you're dead, you're a convenient scapegost. No-one suspects what has happened. If you follow him, he pats the vaults on his way out of the graveyard and mutters: "Who'd think of looking in there". You realise it's where he stashed the drugs. It's up to you to do something so that the crooks can't pick up the drugs that evening to give the police time to complete their investigations.
EXAMINE VAULT: You see a flash of white and inside you see a pile of white plastic bags. EXAMINE BAGS: the sort you get from high street shops but they contain narcotics.
After a while, a spotlight comes on in the graveyard and the shock of the lights sends you back to your grave. When you recover, Joe Danby turns up and offers to show you around. He introduces you to the other ghosts and then asks to walk round with you.
The first thing you must do is to build up your strength. You do this by picking up small, light things to start with and gradually picking up heavier and heavier items. When you pick up your first thing, Joe says it won't be long before you can lift something worthwhile. You can only pick up one thing at a time.
(Starting from your grave) N (By Joe Danby's grave) GET THISTLEDOWN (You feels yourself a slightly stronger, score 10) W (In a circular clearing between the graves) W (In a patch of swishy grass, heavy with dew) W (Among an untidy group of old tombstones) NW (By a grave covered in marigolds) GET PETAL (Your strength is increasing, score 15) E (By a granite cenotaph) E (By the tomb of David Ridge) E (Beneath a copper beech) GET LEAF (You feel yourself a little more solid, score 20) S (In a circular clearing between the graves) S (At a corner in the gravel path...) GET MATCHBOOK (Your psionic control is improving, score 25) W (At the end of the path outside a weather-beaten shed) W (West of the shed where a pile of twigs and branches lay rotting) EXAMINE HEAP (You find a twig and a faded wreath) EXAMINE WREATH (On it was a yellow card) GET CARD (You feel yourself more experienced, score 40 and you are an incompetent ghost) GET TWIG (You drop the yellow card, score 50) E (At the end of the path outside a weather-beaten shed) E (At a corner in the gravel path...) E (Standing beside my own grave) WAIT (Till it gets dark) EXAMINE FIGURE (He is Joe Danby) N (by Joe Danby's grave) WAIT N (Among the new graves...) N (By the Willmot graves where a tombstone bore the word "reunited") EDNA HELLO SW (Beneath a copper beech) W (By the tomb of David Ridge) EXAMINE SARCOPHAGUS (It's a coffin and on it is an urn) ROCK URN (David is impressed, score 75 and you are a harmless apparition) DAVID FOLLOW ME NW (By Colonel Rycroft's tombstone) COLONEL HI THERE! SW (By a grave covered in marigolds) S (By the headstone of Violet Conway) VIOLET HI S (By a toppled sepulchre, overgrown with weeds and grass) S (By Edith Dean's headstone in a lonely corner) EDITH NICE WEATHER TODAY N (By a toppled sepulchre, overgrown with weeds and grass) WAIT NE (Among an untidy group of old tombstones) E (In a patch of swishy grass, heavy with dew) E (In a circular clearing between the graves) EXAMINE SUNDIAL (You see a gnomon) JOE WAIT THEN PUSH SUNDIAL PUSH SUNDIAL (It shatters) GET GNOMON (Your strength has reached its peak, score 90 and you are an ordinary ghost) SW (At the end of the path outside a weather-beaten shed) W (West of the shed where a pile of twigs and branches lay rotting) W (By a toppled sepulchre, overgrown with weeds and grass) S (By Edith Dean's headstone in a lonely corner, and Edith notices the gnomon and the curse is removed, score 115) EDITH FOLLOW ME (Edith Dean nodded slowly) N (By a toppled sepulchre, overgrown with weeds and grass) E (West of the shed where a pile of twigs and branches lay rotting) E (At the end of the path outside a weather-beaten shed) EXAMINE LOCK (It's a galvanised iron lock of the shed door with a short, a medium sized and a long lever and in a barrel) JOE WAIT 3 THEN PUSH LONG LEVER DAVID WAIT 2 THEN PUSH MEDIUM LEVER EDITH WAIT THEN PUSH SHORT LEVER TURN BARREL (The door is unlocked) E (At a corner in the gravel path which wound west to a shed and south beside the church) S (On a wide gravel path leading south from the graves) PAT DOG (The dog has wagged its tail a little and runs north) N (At a corner in the gravel path which wound west to a shed and south beside the church) PAT DOG (The dog sniffs you) PAT DOG (The dog becomes your new friend and coughs hoarsely) EXAMINE DOG (A bone is stuck in its throat) REMOVE BONE (The dog yelped in panic and ran away) W (At the end of the path outside a weather-beaten shed) W (West of the shed where a pile of twigs and branches lay rotting) GET CARD E (At the end of the path outside a weather-beaten shed) E (At a corner in the gravel path which wound west to a shed and south beside the church) E (Standing beside my own grave) DAVID GET WHITE CARD (From new wreath and a dog comes back) PUT YELLOW CARD ON WREATH WAIT FOR DOG GET WREATH (The dog grabs it for you) NW (In a circular clearing between the graves) WAIT FOR DOG N (Beneath a copper beech) EXAMINE STONEWORK (You see a plinth and some carvings) EXAMINE PLINTH (You see on it a statue) HIT STATUE (It comes alive - it was just Alex Pym sleeping, score 140 and you are a competent spirit) ALEX FOLLOW ME NE (By the Willmot graves where a tombstone bore the word "reunited") WAIT FOR DOG (Edna sees the wreath and the discussion is over, score 190 and you are a strong presence) EDNA FOLLOW ME BERT FOLLOW ME SW (Beneath a copper beech) SW (In a patch of swishy grass, heavy with dew) S (At the end of the path outside a weather-beaten shed) WAIT FOR DOG PULL HANDLE (The dog opens the door) S (Inside the shed) DAVID WAIT THEN PRESS BUTTON PRESS BUTTON (Aided by David you turn off the spotlight. You hear the vandals harassing the colonel, score 215 and you are a powerful phantasm) GET BELL PRESS SWITCH (The vandals flee. You return to your grave, score 240 and you are a vivid phantom) FIND COLONEL COLONEL FOLLOW ME FIND VIOLET PUT BELL ON BUSH (Violet can hear the bell and agrees to follow you, score 265) VIOLET FOLLOW ME (All the ghosts are gathered now) SE (West of the shed where a pile of twigs and branches lay rotting) E (At the end of the path outside a weather-beaten shed) E (At a corner in the gravel path which wound west to a shed and south beside the church) S (On a wide gravel path leading south from the graves) JOE WAIT 8 THEN PUSH WALL EDITH WAIT 7 THEN PUSH WALL ALEX WAIT 6 THEN PUSH WALL DAVID WAIT 5 THEN PUSH WALL EDNA WAIT 4 THEN PUSH WALL BERT WAIT 3 THEN PUSH WALL VIOLET WAIT 2 THEN PUSH WALL COLONEL WAIT THEN PUSH WALL PUSH WALL (With each other's help you make the wall tip over, covering the drugs)
We all cheered as the vault was buried beneath an avalanche of rubble, trapping the drugs hoard within it. Now the gangsters would be delayed while I tracked down their hideout.
The end of the first night. Your score is 300/300 and you are a poltergeist.
Part 2: Haunted House
(You begin at your own grave as a vain spirit again the next night, and your score is 300/600. You are aware of a house north of the cemetery. You must find the gang's hideout. Joe says you can probably now heat and cool things and also reach through solid objects. He says he will come with you to find the crooks.) N (By Joe Danby's grave) N (Among the new graves, Joe Danby tags along) E (On a path which twisted into the foggy distance to the north) N (On a winding track leading north from the cemetery towards the old village) N (On the south part of the village green, a car approaches) S (On a winding track leading north from the cemetery towards the old village) WAIT N (On the south part of the village green, red tail lights heading away from you, Joe says it's now safe to cross) N (In the middle of the village green) N (See an old house at the end of a tangled garden to the north) N (In the front garden which must once have been well tended but was now overrun with weeds and long grass, score 310 and you are a vain spirit) CONCENTRATE (Remember what Joe said a moment ago, you remember for the past events, score 330 and you are an incompetent ghost) WAIT (You remember you were kneeling down in the herb garden to the west) W (In the herb garden, ruined by long neglect - its plants all strangled by dead nettles) WAIT WAIT (You feel a strong sense of fear and pain) WAIT WAIT WAIT (Smoke whisped shimmeringly out of the chimney at the top of the house) WAIT WAIT (In your vision you see gang leaves the house with drugs) CONCENTRATE (You remember you were approaching from the garden to the east) WAIT (You saw yourself burying your identity card in the garden amongst the herbs) DIG (You find the plastic card that you have buried, score 350) GET CARD N (In the kitchen) E (In the hall which was cold and bare and unwelcoming) GET BULB (You drop the plastic card, score 355) PRESS SWITCH (Luke's ghost vanishes, score 380 and you are a harmless apparition) W (In the kitchen) EXAMINE DISPENSER (In it was some foil) GET FOIL WAIT FOR JOE (If he has gone) JOE GET PEARL BULB PUT FOIL IN LAMPHOLDER PRESS SWITCH (You make a short circuit the system and the main fuse is blown in the house) S (In the herb garden, ruined by long neglect - its plants all strangled by dead nettles) EXAMINE DITCH (On the running water was a branch) EXAMINE BRANCH (On it was a map) FREEZE WATER (Using your new abilities you freeze the water so you can grab the map) GET MAP (Score 400 and you are an ordinary ghost) JOE GO TO LOUNGE AND PRESS WALL E (In the front garden which must once have been well tended but was now overrun with weeds and long grass) E (On a thick grassy lawn) WAIT (You see Joe's hand coming through the wall, indicating where the chimney is) PRESS WALL (Score 420 and a competent spirit) W (In the front garden which must once have been well tended but was now overrun with weeds and long grass) N (In the hall which was cold and bare and unwelcoming) DROP MAP (Score 425) E (In the lounge) EXAMINE PAPER (It shows all first names of the gang - it's a list of their gambling debts. You realise it will help the police find out their full names by narrowing down their search) GET PAPER W (In the hall which was cold and bare and unwelcoming) DROP PAPER (Score 430) EXAMINE DIRECTORY (In it was a bookmark) JOE WAIT THEN PULL BOOKMARK PULL BOOKMARK (Score 455 and you are progressing in the spirit world) EXAMINE BOOKMARK (It is actually an old envelope which had been sent from a local village, possibly the location of the gang's new hideout) U (On the landing, overlooking a narrow staircase, score 465) U (In the attic, score 475) GET PLUG D (On the landing, overlooking a narrow staircase) N (In the bathroom) SMASH MIRROR (You find the briefcase in a secret alcove behind the mirror, score 495 and you are a strong presence) EXAMINE BRIEFCASE (There is a label attached to the handle which revealed the town where the briefcase was bought, possibly near the new hideout) JOE GET BRIEFCASE S (On the landing, overlooking a narrow staircase) U (In the attic) GET IN TANK (AAAARGGGH!!!! Luke's dead body is in here!) GET IN TANK (You can now control your nerves) TIE PLUG TO BODY D (On the landing, overlooking a narrow staircase) GET SOCKET (Which has been dragged along with the plug) OPEN PANEL PUT SOCKET IN PANEL CLOSE PANEL PUSH CLOCK (The clock drags the body along behind it) D (In the hall which was cold and bare and unwelcoming, score 550 and you are a vivid phantom) JOE DROP BRIEFCASE W (In the kitchen) PUSH BOTTLE (Whisky vapour fills the room) LIGHT PUDDLE PULL CURTAINS (score 575 and you are a dominant supernatural force) WAIT (Firemen arrive, find the body & evidence and realise he was not killed in the fire and call police)
The end of the second night, score 600/600 and you are a poltergeist.
Part 3: Poltergeist
You awake at the start of the third night wondering if you are now strong enough to bend metal and manifest to mortals.
(You begin by your own grave. There is a priest bending over the grave who is trying to exorcise you, aided by Big John and Weasel) W (On a path of stone chippings, running east-west between my grave and the rubble of the wall, score 610 and you are a vain spirit) S (On a path leading south) S (At a junction in the path) E (Outside the cemetery gate, score 620) GET IN VAN WAIT FOR WEASEL WAIT 3 (you drive to the gang's hideout) GET OUT OF VAN W (On a narrow dirt track) W (In the farmyard outside a small stone farmhouse) W (In the front of the barn, score 630) EXAMINE HAY (In the hay was an insecticide sprayer) GET SPRAYER LET DOWN TYRES (You deflated tyres, score 640 are an incompetent ghost) E (In the farmyard outside a small stone farmhouse) NE (By the side of the farmhouse, where stood a small stone-built outhouse) N (At the back of the house, score 650) TOUCH SPRAYER ON CONNECTORS (the wires have got short circuit, score 670) S (By the side of the farmhouse, where stood a small stone-built outhouse) SW (In the farmyard outside a small stone farmhouse) N (In the hallway, score 680 and you are a harmless apparition) EXAMINE CUPBOARD (In it is a circuit breaker) PUSH BREAKER (the circuit is turned off in the house, score 700) U (At the top of the stairs) U (In the attic which had been converted into a small bed-sitting room, score 710) W (In the attic bedroom) EXAMINE LAMPHOLDER (You see a light bulb in it) WAIT FOR BIG JOHN (WAIT 13) WAIT (You see flashing lights in the nearby village, score 720 and you are an ordinary ghost) WAIT (The lights were coming from the police station) E (In the attic which had been converted into a small bed-sitting room) D (At the top of the stairs) PULL STAIR (John is startled and doesn't notice the police, score 730) U (In the attic which had been converted into a small bed-sitting room) W (In the attic bedroom) WAIT (Big John poured whisky down his throat) WAIT (Something is going outside the window... You saw lights of a convoy of cars, score 740) WAIT (Lukily, John didn't see the police cars) GET BULB (John took a casual look out of the window) WAIT (John looks out for the second time) THROW BULB (He looks away from the window, score 750) GET GLASS E (In the attic which had been converted into a small bed-sitting room) D (At the top of the stairs) D (In the hallway) D (On a flight of steps cut into the stone foundation) WAIT 9 (Weasel comes and opens the heavy oak door) IN (In a large cellar which stretched north beneath a low ceiling, score 760 and you are a competent spirit) WAIT (Weasel walked north) N (In the back of the cellar) DROP GLASS GO TO ATTIC (S,OUT,U,U,U,W) WAIT (You see something is going outside the window, you caught a glimpse of some cars on a nearby hill, score 770) WAIT 3 (In the distance, a faint light moved slowly away from the parked car. John squinted through bloodshot eyes. The dim light turned out to be from a torch, approaching across the fields. John stared at the torch light) CHARGE HOLDER (John's hair stood on end. He looked away from the window again and left the room and goes to the kitchen, score 780) GO TO CELLAR (E, D, D, D, IN) N (In the back of the cellar) MANIFEST (Sarah is tied to the chair. She is scared, but is soon calm again) CUT ROPE (Sarah is free and puts a hammer on the shelf, above the door, score 800) S (In a large cellar which stretched north beneath a low ceiling) WAIT FOR WEASEL (WAIT 3) PUSH HAMMER (It hit Weasel smack on the back of the head, knocking him cold) MANIFEST (Sarah comes through) SARAH TIE WEASEL (Score 820 and you are progressing in the spirit world) OUT (On a flight of steps cut into the stone foundation, score 840 and you are a strong presence) SARAH FIND TAXI AND DEFLATE TYRES THEN GO TO LIVING ROOM AND WAIT FOR ME GO TO ATTIC (U, U, U, W, score 850) GET FLASK WAIT (You see something is going outside the window, you noticed torch beams in the field outside, score 860) WAIT 3 (Although they were quite a distance away, You could make out three policemen. John somehow managed no to see the policemen. I knew that it was only a matter of time before John would notice the police arriving. John blinked as a torch beam swept across the window) BLOW CURTAINS (John stares and hides under the blanket, score 870) WAIT 4 (John cautiously peered out. John thinks it's probably just the wind. Big John put his copy of Viz back into his pocket) WAIT (Something is going outside the window, police were closing in through the fields below the window, score 880 and you are a powerful phantasm) WAIT 3 (You noticed a number of cars on the adjacent road. John watched the approaching cars throughtfully. You saw that the police were closing their net. It wouldn't be long before John noticed the police) FREEZE JOHN (John squealed in terror and hid in a corner, score 890) WAIT (John's beady eyes scanned the room nervously) MANIFEST (He screams and shooting at you, summoning the others) E (In the attic which had been converted into a small bed-sitting room) D (At the top of the stairs) BEND KEY (John has it in his pocket. Crooks ran upwards, score 910) D (In the hallway) N (In the living room. Sarah is waiting here) MANIFEST SARAH S E GET BRIEFCASE W HIDE IN CUPBOARD (Sarah finds the evidence and hides it), S (In the hallway) WAIT 3 (Sarah returns from kitchen and hides in the cupboard, score 930 and you are a vivid phantom) OUT (Crooks want to escape) WAIT 12 (Wait until Severian drives the taxi) GET IN TAXI WAIT (To stop buyers you make yourself visible and getting into a fight. The flat tyres cause the car to tip over, so the police can catch all the crooks)
The evidence is recovered and Sarah is safe as well so She can give the evidence to police to clear your name. The end of the third night, score is 1000/1000 and you are a poltergeist.
Game is completed successfully.