| Lancelot | |
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| Instructions | This game has 3 parts on two disk sides. The side A contains game programs as the game disk, the side B contains only pictures for all game parts. When you are using only one disk drive to the machine, after loading the game, switch to game disk side B to be able to view pictures during the game.
There are some special activities in the game with system words: - PICTURE (or GRAPHIC) to switch text combined picture mode - WORDS (or TEXT) to switch text mode - BRIEF/VERBOSE to control the length of text description of the location - EXITS to see exits of the location - EXITS ON/OFF to show/hide exits at the location - INVENTORY (or I) to list items you have - LOAD to restore a previously saved position from disk - SAVE to save the current position to disk - RAM SAVE/LOAD to save/restore current position to/from memory - SCORE to see your performance - UNDO to take one move back - QUIT (or RESTART) to stop and restart the game
You can switch among modes in the game anytime. You can modify the size of the picture on the screen with UP and DOWN cursor keys as well.
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| Solutions - Complete | Here is the complete solution by MCG:
Scenario You, as the legendary Lancelot, are out on a quest for the Holy Grail, and must, along the way, save imprisoned knights and damsels in distress.
Note: You cannot take the gold out of the offertory bowl.
YES (We start the game at the beginning.)
Part 1: Lancelot's ride to Camelot
(You start riding east along on a forest road carrying weapons and armour. Your score is 0 out 1000.) E (Wading through a ford. The Black Knight is here and you are challenged by him.) FIGHT KNIGHT (Keep fighting until the Black Knight eventually yields.) YES (You accept his surrender - He is King Arthur in disguise and he invites you to Camelot. SCORE 20) E (On a road lined with great elms.) E (On the road through the castle village.) E (Outside the Serf's Gate.) E (Inside the Serf's Gate. Sir Kay is here. He tells you to go and sleep in the mews, but if you do you will arrive at the royal presence in such a filthy state that the king will refuse to knight you. SCORE 30) E (On the way.) N (In the north warren, among the twisting lanes of the city.) N (On the road outside the mews.) W (On the road.) W (On the road, which has been churned to a bog all alround the door of a low building on the north side.) W (On the road, where it came to an end.) N (On some ill-lit stairs.) N (In the study; nearly a CIRCLE in shape, with tons of wood panelling and exits to north and east. Merlin is here, and he greets you. SCORE 40) MERLIN HELLO (He tells you to make yourself at home. Merlin goes to north) N (In the guest room. You lay down on the bed. Merlin enters from the south.) WAIT (Merlin says, "It is destined that the Queen will come to matter much to you". You are full comfortable on the bed. Merlin goes to south.) WAIT (You sleep and awake refreshed in the morning.) S (In the study.) E (In Merlin's library. SCORE 50) READ BOOK (You read "a selection of WELL-KNOWN works for the harp". SCORE 70) READ BOOK (You read "the sound of a horn can be heard in the distance".) READ BOOK (You read "a true knight is always true to his lady".) READ BOOK (You read "THE legends of wounded King Pellam of the Marsh".) READ BOOK (You read "Turquin's prison can not be entered by no knight alone".) READ BOOK (You read "only a knight, free of sin, shall reach the Grail".) READ BOOK (You read "THE key to the key is cancellation, and much help".) READ BOOK (You read "Elaine is cursed, yet blessed, for she will bear the best of knights".) READ BOOK (You read "Orkney shrubs can hide a multitude".) READ BOOK (You read "Arthur's missing knights are found in nine places".) W (In the study.) S (On some ill-lit stairs.) S (On the road, where it comes to an end.) E (On the road, which has been churned to a bog all alround the door of a low building on the north side.) E (On the road.) E (On the road outside the mews.) SE (On the north way, that runs between the warrens and the royal castle wall.) S (On the market square.) E (On the lawns beside Arthur's castle.) N (In a great hall. Some sieges and round table are here. SCORE 80) N (In Arthur's echoing hall. Guenever and King Arthur are here. SCORE 90) WAIT (King Arthur greets you.) WAIT (King Arthur praises you.) WAIT (King Arthur thanks you for not killing him.) WAIT (You are knighted and become a member of the Round Table. You are sent on a quest to rescue his knights and prove yourself worthy.) S (In a great hall.) S (On the lawns beside Arthur's castle.) W (On the market square.) N (On the north way, that runs between the warrens and the royal castle wall.) N (On the King's road.) N (Going to Logris... part 2 loads)
Part 2: The quest of saving Knights
(Start on a wide avenue to the north. Damosel Maledisant is here.) DAMOSEL HELLO (Damosel Maledisant greets you and asks you to help break the siege at Castle Lyonesse.) N (At a crossroads, the which is much used.) W (On a Roman road through forest Sauvage.) W (On an east-west Roman road. Some briers are here.) W (Beside the castle of forest Sauvage.) W (At a junction in the forest.) N (On a straight track through a wide glade.) N (On the track outside Turquin's manor.) N (On a country road.) N (At a main road. There are some dead wood and elm tree. A lady runs up and cries aloud.) CLIMB TREE (In the lower branches of the elm. You see the bird is trapped above you.) U (At the top of the elm. The hawk is here.) UNTIE HAWK (SCORE 110) D (In the lower branches of the elm.) D (At a main road. As the Lady has turned away, Sir Phelot attacks.) GET WOOD THROW WOOD AT PHELOT (The wood smites Sir Phelot on the on side of the head, so that he falls dead upon the ground.) N (At a country junction.) N (In the black launds, a clearing encompassed by old trees. The Black Knight is here.) ATTACK KNIGHT (Sir Lancelot smites the Black Knight. He is but lightly wounded. The Black Knight smites Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is scarely harmed.) ATTACK KNIGHT (Sir Lancelot smites the Black Knight. He is badly hurt. The Black Knight smites Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is scarely harmed.) ATTACK KNIGHT (Sir Lancelot smites the Black Knight. He is close to death. The Black Knight yields. Do Lancelot spare him?) YES (He rides away, striking Lancelot to the ground as he has left.) N (In the green launds, a clearing encompassed by leafy trees. The Green Knight is here.) ATTACK KNIGHT (Sir Lancelot smites the Green Knight. He is but lightly wounded. The Green Knight smites Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is scarely harmed.) ATTACK KNIGHT (Sir Lancelot smites the Green Knight. He is badly hurt. The Green Knight smites Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is scarely harmed.) ATTACK KNIGHT (Sir Lancelot smites the Green Knight. He is close to death. The Green Knight yields. Do Lancelot spare him?) YES (He rides away, striking Lancelot to the ground as he has left. SCORE 120) N (In the red launds, a clearing encompassed by Autumn trees. The Red Knight is here.) ATTACK KNIGHT (Sir Lancelot smites the Red Knight. He is but lightly wounded. The Red Knight smites Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is scarely harmed.) ATTACK KNIGHT (Sir Lancelot smites the Red Knight. He is badly hurt. The Red Knight smites Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is scarely harmed.) ATTACK KNIGHT (Sir Lancelot smites the Red Knight. He is close to death. The Red Knight yields. Do Lancelot spare him?) YES (He rides away, saluting you. Unlike the other two, the Red Knight will now help you on your quest.) N (At a siegeworks where the road ends. A horn and a siege army are here.) GET HORN BLOW HORN (The siege army leaves. SCORE 140) IN (In castle Lyonesse. Dame Lyonesse is here who thanks your help.) RED KNIGHT FOLLOW ME
GO TO BRACHET (On a stone road. (S,S,S,S,S,E,N)) EXAMINE BRACHET (It is a large dog.) FOLLOW BRACHET (In a decaying hall. (E,S,E,E,E,N) Sir Meliot is here who tells you that his wounds may only be cured by a cloth from the witch who cursed him.) FIND CLOTH (Inside the chapel. (S,S,S,S,IN) Some thirty knights are here.) S (In the inner chamber. Hellawes and a cloth are here.) GET CLOTH (Hellawes vanishes and all her knights with her.) FIND MELIOT (In a decaying hall. (OUT,N,N,N,N) Sir Meliot touches the cloth to his wounds and is healed. He rides off to Camelot to join Arthur. SCORE 180)
GO TO CROSSROADS (At a crossroads, the which is much used. (S,W,W,N,W,S,W,S,S,S,S,S,E,E,E,E)) N (On the great north road.) N (In the marches.) N (In Scotland.) N (In the Orkneys.) N (In a glen. Some bushes are here.) EXAMINE BUSHES (Them are large enough to hide several knights.) U (On the mountainside.) U (On a mountaintop. A Beacon is here.) EXAMINE BEACON (It can be re-lit as needed.) D (On the mountainside.) D (In a glen.) HIDE BUSHES (They hide.) RED KNIGHT GO U, U, AND THEN LIGHT BEACON (The Red Knight gets out.) WAIT (The Red Knight rides upwards.) WAIT WAIT (The Red Knight lights the beacon, and a guard enters from the west.) W (Beside a broch. A portcullis is here.) IN (In the ground floor of the broch. SCORE 190) W (On the stairs.) D (At the foot of the stairs, within the west wall of the broch.) E (In the basement. A door, a trapdoor and a chest on it are here.) UNBOLT DOOR (SCORE 210) E (In a prison. Lamorak is here. He is most grateful.) LAMORAK FOLLOW ME W (In the basement.) EXAMINE CHEST (It's heavy.) LAMORAK WAIT THEN PUSH CHEST PUSH CHEST (The chest slides away from the trapdoor.) D (In a tunnel.) OUT (On a beach.) N (Beside a broch.)
GO TO ROMAN ROAD (On a Roman road beside a turret. (E,S,S,S,S,S,W,W,W,W,W)) IN (In Garlon's turret. SCORE 220) CLOSE SHUTTERS (It's dark now, so the invisible Garlon has lost his advantage.) ATTACK INVISIBLE (Sir Lancelot smites someone invisible. He is badly hurt. Someone invisible smites Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is slightly hurt.) ATTACK INVISIBLE (Sir Lancelot smites someone invisible. He is dead.) OUT (On a Roman road beside a turret.) W (On a marsh road.) W (On a forest road through open woodland.) N (In the forest.) E (In the forest.) E (In the forest.) E (In the forest.) N (In the forest.) N (At the wailing castle, which loomes into view between the trees. Sir Pedivere is here, and he asks you to slay Sir Breunis that he may be free. SCORE 230) OUT (In the forest.) WAIT FOR BREUNIS (Sir Breunis comes.) ATTACK BREUNIS (Sir Lancelot smites Sir Breunis. He is badly hurt. Sir Breunis shouts that all visitors to his forest should die.) ATTACK BREUNIS (Sir Lancelot smites Sir Breunis. He is dead. SCORE 250) N (At the wailing castle, which loomes into view between the trees.) PEDIVERE FOLLOW ME GO TO MARSH ROAD (In a trackless marsh. (S,S,W,W,W,S,E,N)) S (On a marsh road.) GIVE HORN TO PEDIVERE PEDIVERE WAIT THEN BLOW HORN N (In a trackless marsh. The horn sounds and you can now see which way to go.) N (On a reedy isle beside a castle. SCORE 260) IN (In castle Pellam, where King Pellam confides that the Holy Grail will appear after the arrival in Camelot of Lancelot's unborn son, Galahad.)
RUN TO CROSSROADS (At a crossroads, the which is much used. (S,S,E,E,E,E,E,E)) W (On a Roman road through forest Sauvage.) W (On an east-west Roman road. Some briers are here - note these grow back as fast as they are cut.) EXAMINE BRIERS (They are armed with thorns.) LAMORAK WAIT 2 THEN CUT BRIERS PEDIVERE WAIT THEN CUT BRIERS CUT BRIERS (They chop away the briers.) N (Below an apple tree beside castle Chariot. You lay down and fell into a sleep. At length you is awakened by four royal ladies who are insisting that you choose one of them as a lover.) WAIT (The Damosel Maledisant sniffs "If you are going to dally with these trollops, I will be off" and she rides south.) WAIT (Queen Morgan raises an eyebrow. Queen Eastlands smoothes her gown.) WAIT (Queen Morgan smiles at you. Queen Northgales raises an eyebrow.) WAIT (Queen Outisles smoothes her gown.) WAIT (Queen Morgan raises an eyebrow. Queen Outisles smoothes her gown.) WAIT (Queen Eastlands smiles at you.) WAIT (The Queens are furious that you did not choose one of them. You are dragged away to cell. SCORE 270) WAIT WAIT (A maiden enters from the west.) EXAMINE MAIDEN (She is carrying a plate.) EXAMINE PLATE (On it is some food. The maiden offers some food.) GET FOOD WAIT WAIT (The maiden goes west.) WAIT WAIT (Another day passes.) WAIT (Queen Morgan enters from the west.) EXAMINE MORGAN (She is carrying a glass of wine.) GET WINE WAIT (The Queen asks if you are willing to love only her.) NO (The Queen goes west.) WAIT WAIT (A maiden enters from the west.) GIVE WINE TO MAIDEN (She falls in love with you and opens the door. SCORE 290) W (In a north-south prison corridor.) N (In a prison. Gawain is here.) GAWAIN FOLLOW ME (He aggrees.) S (In a north-south prison corridor.) OUT (Below an apple tree beside castle Chariot.) S (On an east-west Roman road.)
E (On a Roman road through forest Sauvage.) E (At a crossroads, the which is much used.) E (On the coast road, an east-west causeway through the marsh.) E (On the west shore of a wide sea. A boat is here.) IN (They get in the boat.) S (On the sea.) S (On the sea.) E (On the sea beside a rock, where a comely mermaid sits a-combing her long hair.) EXAMINE MERMAID (She is carrying a harp.) GAWAIN WAIT THEN GO EAST GET HARP (If you don't get Gawain to do this she snatches the harp back.) E (On the far shore, where a narrow path leads east through a strange country.) OUT E (On a shore beside a tower. An inscription is here.) READ INSCRIPTION ("Here lives Elaine, cursed by Queens Morgan and Northgales to simmer in boiling water, until rescued by the best knight in the world.") S (On some stairs.) U (In a room near filled with steam. Elaine is here - you lead her from the cauldron. She invites you to visit her at Corbin castle.) D (On some stairs.) N (On a shore beside a tower.) E (In Corbin village, an INHABITATION where the people eat fish.) IN (In the hall of Corbin castle. Elaine and her father, King Peller are here. He commands a feast in your honour. After banquet Elaine invites you to her bedroom.) U (On the gallery. Elaine's room is east while your room is south, so you can not go to Elaine without sullying your honour.) S (In the perilous bedroom. A panel, a bed and on it a pillow are here. SCORE 300) GET PILLOW LIE ON BED (During night you are awakened by the creaking of the panel opening, are attacked and wounded. SCORE 310) EXAMINE PANEL (It is almost hidden.) LIE ON BED (This time you are awakened by a Magical Knight emerging from the panel.) CLOSE PANEL (The panel moves a little.) CLOSE PANEL (The panel is now almost half shut.) CLOSE PANEL (The panel is shut completely.) ATTACK KNIGHT (Sir Lancelot smites the Magical Knight. He is but lightly wounded. The Magical Knight smites Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is scarely harmed.) ATTACK KNIGHT (Sir Lancelot smites the Magical Knight. He is badly hurt. The Magical Knight smites Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is scarely harmed.) ATTACK KNIGHT (Sir Lancelot smites the Magical Knight. He is close to death. The Magical Knight smites Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is scarely harmed.) ATTACK KNIGHT (Sir Lancelot smites the Magical Knight. He is dead.) LIE ON BED (The panel opens again and an old man with a spear of vengeance.) EXAMINE MAN (He is of a sad appearance. Note: if you kill him you lose 20 points so just ignore him.) LIE ON BED (The old man blesses you for not attacking him, and returns through the panel.) LIE ON BED (You are awakened again by the creaking of the panel opening and four gentlewomen and a bishop emerge, then withdraw back through the panel, with closed again behind them.) LIE ON BED (During the night, you are awakened by the creaking of the panel opening, at last, a cock crows outside and you are free to leave.) N (On the gallery. Dame Brisen the enchantress gives you a potion that makes you believe Elaine is Queen Guenever... so you lay together... thus the prophesy is fulfilled... Lancelot however kept his honour because he betrayed Guenever against his will. SCORE 350)
GO TO BOAT (On the far shore, where a narrow path leads east through a strange country. (W,W)) IN N (On the sea.) N (On the Isle of Servage.) OUT E (On an island. A dark tower is here. You are warned about a giant living here. SCORE 360) U (Inside the tower. Giant Nabon and a keyhole are here. The giant wakes long enough to tell you that he is not afraid of you as a saint once told him that he could only be killed by his hand, which is mummified and in the sack on which the giant rests his head.) GAWAIN WAIT THEN PUT PILLOW UNDER HEAD GET SACK (This substitudes the pillow for the sack and the giant continues sleeping.) EXAMINE SACK (It is a relic in it.) REMOVE RELIC HIT GIANT WITH RELIC (The giant collapses into dust as the mummyfied hand strikes him.) GAWAIN WAIT THEN OPEN DOOR OPEN DOOR (SCORE 380) E (In prison. Bors de Ganis is here. He thanks for his rescue.) BORS FOLLOW ME
GO TO TURQUIN'S MANOR (On the track outside Turquin's manor. (W,S,D,IN,W,W,W,OUT,W,W,W,W,W,W,N,N) Sir Turquin is here and attacks you.) FIGHT TURQUIN (Sir Lancelot smites Sir Turquin. He is but lightly wounded. Sir Turquin smites Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is slightly hurt. Sir Lancelot smites Sir Turquin. He is badly hurt. Sir Turquin smites Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is slightly hurt. Sir Lancelot smites Sir Turquin. He is close to death. Sir Turquin submits and flees inside his manor.) IN (In the gateway of Turquin's manor. Some loose planks and a secret panel are here. SCORE 390) N (You step on the loose planks. The panel opens and an arrow flies out, but you dodges it easily. In a wide arch below the gatehouse. You feels the floor move. Do you jump back?) YES (In the gateway of Turquin's manor. The panel closes.) BORS WAIT THEN HOLD PANEL OPEN N (You step on the loose planks again and the panel opens. An arrow flies to you, but you dodges it easily again. Do you jump back?) YES (Bors is holding the panel open.) ENTER PANEL (In a secret room. A crossbow is here.) EXAMINE CROSSBOW (It was the act of a moment to destroy it.) GAWAIN WAIT 20 (Leaving Gawain here acts as a balance for the boards and prevents you falling into the lower dungeons with the other knights.) BORS FOLLOW ME SE (In the gateway of Turquin's manor.) N (In a wide arch below the gatehouse.) NO (The floor is balanced by someone in the secret passage.) N (In the coutyard of Turquin's manor.) N (In an upper prison. There are a pit, a winch, a cage and a lever.) BORS WAIT 12 THEN TURN WINCH GET IN CAGE TURN WINCH (The cage descends to the lower prison, where nine knights await rescue.) ECTOR GET IN CAGE, WAIT 10 THEN GO TO CAMELOT AGRAVAIN GET IN CAGE, WAIT 9 THEN GO TO CAMELOT ALIDUKE GET IN CAGE, WAIT 8 THEN GO TO CAMELOT BRANDILES GET IN CAGE, WAIT 7 THEN GO TO CAMELOT BRIAN GET IN CAGE, WAIT 6 THEN GO TO CAMELOT GEHERIS GET IN CAGE, WAIT 5 THEN GO TO CAMELOT GARETH GET IN CAGE, WAIT 4 THEN GO TO CAMELOT LIONEL GET IN CAGE, WAIT 3 THEN GO TO CAMELOT MARHAUS GET IN CAGE, WAIT 2 THEN GO TO CAMELOT GET IN CAGE (Bors winches the whole party to the top) WAIT (The knights get out from cage.) W (In a guardroom. The guards look up in surprise as you enters. Dozens of guards pour forth from the guardroom and drives the party from the castle, with you fighting a heroic rearguard action. The knights ride off to Camelot. SCORE 410)
S (On a straight track through a wide glade.) S (At a junction in the forest.) W (On a Roman road beside a turret.) W (On a marsh road.) W (On a forest road through open woodland.) W (On a winding road, which runs through thickly wooded river valleys, where RICH lords DEFENDS their rights to the salmon.) W (On a windswept tor.) N (On a walled road.) E (On a road from the beach. Some sentries are here.) WAIT (Until a carter enters, if he is not here.) GET IN CART WAIT (The carter rides southwest.) WAIT (The carter rides notheast.) WAIT (The carter drives past the sentries. The cart is on a beach. A carter, a cauldron, a fire and some ships are here.) GET OUT EXAMINE FIRE (Burning and in it is some hot coals.) EXAMINE SHIPS (They are the Sessoine invasion fleet.) EXAMINE CAULDRON (It is hot and it contains soup.) EMPTY CAULDRON BORS PUT COALS IN CAULDRON (SCORE 420) GET CAULDRON (You are in pain, because cauldron is hot. If you drop it, just get it again.) U (On board a Sessoine warship. A pile of sails is here.) PUT COALS ON SAILS (The sails catch a fire and the flames are carried by the breeze to set a fire the entire fleet. Without their ships the Sessoines surrender... King Mark of Cornwall invites you to Tintagel Castle for a celebration. SCORE 440) SW (On a road from the beach.) SW (On a walled road.) NW (At Tintagel.) IN (You enters the castle. King Mark steps forward and greets you. He is holding Tristram, one of Arthur's knights, as a hostage... He imprisons you lest you free him. In the dungeons Tristram asks you if you have his harp.) GIVE HARP TO TRISTRAM (He plays and the guards fall under the enchantments of his music and gladly opens the cells for all to escape. SCORE 480)
(You have now released the knights from the nine locations and must report back to Arthur to be confirmed as a Round Table Knight.) RUN TO ARTHUR (SE,D,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,S....you are on a wide avenue to the north.) S (The game part 1 loads... On the King's road.)
RUN TO ARTHUR (In Arthur's echoing hall. (S,S,E,N,N) Guenever reads a sheaf of letters from the Damosel Maledisant, in which she praises Lancelot's deeds... You are proclaimed a worthy champion for the Queen and invited to join Guenever in the meadows of Westminster.) GO TO WESTMINSTER (In Westminster meadows. (S,S,W,S,S,S,S,S) A carter is here. You find the queen is no longer here, and signs of a struggle.) WAIT FOR CARTER (If he is not here yet.) GET IN CART (Note: if you get in while he is going north, you will see him making deliveries before finally loading provisions and heading south to Castle Meliagaunt.) WAIT (The carter collects some straw from the meadows.) WAIT (The carter goes north. Outside the Bishop's Gate.) WAIT (The carter goes north. On the bridge over the River Camel.) WAIT (The carter goes north. Inside the Bishop's Gate, that is the south entrance to the city.) WAIT (The carter goes north through the door. On the south way, before the Bishop's Gate.) WAIT (The carter goes north. On the market square.) WAIT (The carter delivers some straw.) WAIT (The carter collects some vegetables from the market.) WAIT (The carter goes south. On the south way, before the Bishop's Gate.) WAIT (The carter goes south through the door. Inside the Bishop's Gate, that is the south entrance to the city.) WAIT (The carter goes south. On the bridge over the River Camel.) WAIT (The carter goes south. Outside the Bishop's Gate.) WAIT (The carter goes south. In Westminster meadows.) WAIT (The carter goes south. On a straight way, that runs broad and true through well-kempt woodland.) WAIT (The carter goes south. On the east side of castle Meliagaunt.) OUT S (In the hall of Sir Meliagaunt. The Knights of the castle turn and run at your very presence. SCORE 490) U (On the stairs, leading up to a landing, with exits to the north, west and south.) N (In the royal suite, which has been pressed into service as lodgings. Some Queen's knights are here. You hear voice of Guenever from the norther room.) N (In Guenever's boudoir. Guenever, Sir Meliagaunt and a bed are here. Sir Meliagaunt is apologising for kidnapping the Queen... she thanks you as her saviour inviting you to return later and dismisses you imperiously with a wave of the hand. SCORE 500) S (In the royal suite, which has been pressed into service as lodgings. Note: If you try to return to the boudoir, you are told that you are not permitted.) S (On the stairs, leading up to a landing, with exits to the north, west and south.) W (In the guest suite. A bed and a chest are here.) EXAMINE BED (It is a narrow cot with a hard mattress.) EXAMINE CHEST (It contains some gloves and a hat.) GET GLOVES (Leave the hat...) E (On the stairs, leading up to a landing, with exits to the north, west and south.) D (In the hall of Sir Meliagaunt.) OUT (On the east side of castle Meliagaunt.)
W (In formal gardens and lawns of sort scented camomile. A window is here.) EXAMINE WINDOW (There is some bars in it.) U (Overcome with passion you bend the bars and hurt your hand... You spend the night with Guenever. Next morning you hear footsteps...) OUT (In formal gardens and lawns of sort scented camomile.) WEAR GLOVES (They hide your injury.) E (On the east side of castle Meliagaunt.) GO IN CASTLE (In the hall of Sir Meliagaunt.) U (On the stairs, leading up to a landing, with exits to the north, west and south. You hear shouting from the Queen's room.) N (In the royal suite, which has been pressed into service as lodgings. The shouting becomes louder.) N (In Guenever's boudoir. Sir Meliagaunt accuses Guenever of adultery as blood was found on her pillow... You defend her... Your challenge is accepted setting the time for three days hence. SCORE 520) S (In the royal suite, which has been pressed into service as lodgings.) S (On the stairs, leading up to a landing, with exits to the north, west and south.) D (The stairs give way and you drop a long way.) LOOK (In a small dark prison. SCORE 530) WAIT FOR DAMOSEL (If she is not here.) EXAMINE DAMOSEL (She promises your freedom, if you promise to love her and give her a kiss.) WAIT (The damosel goes outside.) WAIT (A night and a day pass.) WAIT (A damosel enters from outside.) EXAMINE DAMOSEL WAIT (She still wants a promise and a kiss.) WAIT WAIT (The damosel goes outside.) WAIT (Another night and day passes.) WAIT (A damosel enters from outside.) WAIT (The damosel twirls her dress, revealing her trim ankles.) WAIT (The damosel tells you that Guenever is to be executed today, as she has no champion to defend her honour... The damosel is filled with pity and offers to free you just a kiss, with no promise intended.) KISS DAMOSEL (She opens the door.)
FIND QUEEN (On the lawns beside Arthur's castle. (OUT,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,E) A crowd, Sir Meliagaunt and a pyre are here. Guenever is fastened to it.) FIGHT MELIAGAUNT (After a pitched battle you prove the queen's innocence and release her from the stake... You are taken to the landing of the palace - Note: Down takes you to the throne room, but you cannot re-climb the stairs... Your room is to the west and the queen's is to the east... You know that it is Arthur's wish that you embark on the quest for the Holy Grail, but realise that you cannot leave without saying farewell to your only love the queen, so undressed and unarmed. SCORE 560) LOOK (In your bedchamber.) E (On the stairs.) E (In Guenever's bedchamber. Guenever, a footstool, a bed and a knock on the door are here. SCORE 580) GET STOOL EXAMINE STOOL (It is a wooden seat. There is a demand that the door be opened.) QUEEN WAIT THEN CLOSE DOOR OPEN DOOR (Colgreavaunce enters and attacks you. The queen shuts the door.) ATTACK COLGREAVAUNCE (You strike the knight down with the footstool and take his armour and weapons. You open the door and drive off the other knights... Again you prove your honour and that of the queen... SCORE 600) (Game Part 3 loads...)
Part 3: The Quest for the Holy Grail
(Twenty years have passed since you left Camelot... The knights have dispersed to follow the Holy Grail... You find yourself in the chapel of Vagon Castle in front of the altar and as you are about to embark on a holy quest.) PRAY (or be called Lancelot the Infidel) WAIT FOR GALAHAD EXAMINE GALAHAD OUT (On a track leading east.) E (At a fork in the road, marked by a great stone cross. A crown and a stone cross are here.) EXAMINE CROSS (Bears an inscription saying northeast to peace and southeast to death.) EXAMINE CROWN (It's a gold crown. Don't take it though or you will be known as Lancelot the thief.) NE (On a paved road leading north, its grass verges close mown and speckled with small bright flowers.) N (Outside a fine church. A smiling preacher and a penniless cleric are here. The preacher greets you and says he will shorten your quest for the holy grail if you give him the jewelled crown.) MAKE SIGN OF CROSS (The demon vanishes. SCORE 620)
S (On a paved road leading north, its grass verges close mown and speckled with small bright flowers.) SW (At a fork in the road, marked by a great stone cross.) SE (On a thorny track, leading south through a dense growth of brier and bramble.) S (In shady woodland, on a winding path that runs north and east below the canopy of leaves. A knight is here who protecting the woods has sworn to kill Lancelot and asks your name.) KNIGHT I AM LANCELOT (The knight attacks you. The knight smites Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is slightly injured. Note: If you lie then you lose 70 points) ATTACK KNIGHT (Sir Lancelot smites the knight. He is unharmed. The knight smites Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is sorely hurt. Keep attacking until he is defeated or avows that you have fought bravely and spares your life.) ATTACK KNIGHT (Sir Lancelot smites the knight. He is almost unharmed. The knight smites Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is gravely wounded.) ATTACK KNIGHT (Sir Lancelot smites the knight. He is almost unharmed. The knight smites Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is nigh unto death.) ATTACK KNIGHT (Sir Lancelot smites the knight. He is slightly hurt. The green knight has Lancelot at his mercy. He raises his sword to MAYBE strike the final blow, but the hold back and lowers his blade. He avows that you have fought bravely, and he spares your life.) E (On an east-west woodland road in the middle of a dense forest. A damosel, some pious priests and a resplendent pavilion are here. The damosel invites you inside. SCORE 630) EXAMINE DAMOSEL (She is a young woman. Note: Beware, in real she is a fiend.) IN (In the pavilion that is clad in soft shade. A damosel and a comfortable bed are here. The damosel offers you some cakes. Note: If you eat this you lose 10 points for the first and second cake and 50 points for the third one. If you ignore the damosel you are branded unchivalrous and lose 50 points also. SCORE 640) MAKE SIGN OF CROSS (She was really a demon and vanishes with the pavilion. SCORE 660)
E (At a ford across a south-flowing river. A black knight is here, who challenges you but you can get past so long as you aren't carrying anything.) E (In a bleak wasteland.) E (At the crossing of two roads. A stone cross is here. SCORE 670)
EXAMINE CROSS (You dream of a place which seemed a chapel with a tree on one side which was weak and a lily on the other side. A good man said, should not he do great folly that would let this flower perish to succour the rotten tree, that it dropped not to earth.) N (At the base of a cliff, so tall and rugged that its top is scarely to be seen. Two salamanders turn and scuttle swiftly up a rough path.) U (On a rocky path, near the base of the cliff. The followers tell you not to pass or they will die. Ignore them.) U (On a steep path, part way up the cliff.) U (On a path near the top of a cliff, near the top.) U (On a path outside a hermitage.) IN (In Nacien's hermitage. Nacien and Galahad are here. The real Nacien offers you a chalice. Note: If you have just examined a cross, he explains your dream. The first represents the pavilion and damosel; in the second the tree is Ector and the lily the maiden, showing you must rescue the maiden first, when you have to make the choice. SCORE 680)
GET CHALICE OUT (On a path outside a hermitage.) D (On a path near the top of a cliff, near the top.) D (On a steep path, part way up the cliff.) D (On a rocky path, near the base of the cliff.) D (At the base of a cliff, so tall and rugged that its top is scarely to be seen.) S (At the crossing of two roads.) S (Beside a well encompassed by a low wall of dressed stone. A pilgrim and a well are here.) GIVE CHALICE TO PILGRIM (He drinks and returns it to you. Note: Lancelot isn't pure enough to draw water from the well. SCORE 700)
N (At the crossing of two roads.) E (On a stony road that tracks through the wasteland. You see a distant wall of green in the east.) E (On a forest ride of smooth sward. You see Sir Ector in trouble with some bandits to the north and a maiden in distress to the south.) S (In a flower strewn glade surrounded by flowering shrubs. You rescue the maiden. SCORE 720)
N (On a forest ride of smooth sward.) N (In a woodland glade encompassed entirely by close-set oaks. You rescue Sir Ector. SCORE 740)
S (On a forest ride of smooth sward.) W (On a stony road that tracks through the wasteland.) W (At the crossing of two roads.) WAIT FOR GALAHAD (Galahad enters from the west.) GALAHAD FOLLOW ME (He says he won't help you till the land is free from evil.) FOLLOW GALAHAD (Continue following him until the barbarous knights attack him and you hasten to his aid. You rides swiftly to the place where he is in danger. You see Galahad and some barbarous knights.) ATTACK KNIGHTS (Sir Lancelot smites the barbarous knights. They are unharmed. The evil knights called out, "Lancelot, flee for your life, or die at out hands.".) ATTACK KNIGHTS (Sir Lancelot smites the barbarous knights. They are almost unharmed. The barbarous knights smite Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is slightly injured.) ATTACK KNIGHTS (Sir Lancelot smites the barbarous knights. They are almost unharmed. The barbarous knights smite Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is injured.) ATTACK KNIGHTS (Sir Lancelot smites the barbarous knights. They are almost unharmed. The barbarous knights smite Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is seriously hurt.) ATTACK KNIGHTS (Sir Lancelot smites the barbarous knights. They are slightly hurt. The barbarous knights smite Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is gravely wounded.) ATTACK KNIGHTS (Sir Lancelot smites the barbarous knights. They are slightly hurt. The barbarous knights smite Sir Lancelot. Lancelot is nigh unto death.) ATTACK KNIGHTS (Sir Lancelot smites the barbarous knights. They are slightly injured. Of a sudden, the skies opens and bolts of lightning strikes down Galahad's foes to left and right, and those flee in terror that are not slain. Galahad is rescued and now obeys your commands.) GALAHAD FOLLOW ME GO TO WHITE ABBEY (In the white ABBEY, standing square in the centre of the nave, between pillars of solid silver. (S,S,S) A circular shield and a huge tomb are here. SCORE 750)
EXAMINE SHIELD (It is a valuable shield. It is said to be Joseph of Arimathea's and is for the best knight in the world.) GALAHAD GET SHIELD (Note: You are unable to get the shield.) EXAMINE TOMB (The tomb is closed. There is an inscription on it, reading that only the best knight in the world can open it and live.) GALAHAD OPEN TOMB (A foul fiend emerges.) GALAHAD KILL FIEND (The fiend flees. SCORE 770)
EXAMINE TOMB (It containes a dead body.) GET BODY OUT (Beside a well encompassed by a low wall of dressed stone.) N (At the crossing of two roads.) W (In a bleak wasteland.) WAIT FOR PRIEST (We want not to meet the black knight again, so we are waiting here...) WAIT (The pious priests say a benediction over the body and take it.) WAIT (The pious priests bury the body.) GO TO BOAT (On a bleak shore, whipped by the cold salt wind and battered by the surging waves. (E,E,E,E)) GALAHAD GET SWORD GET HORN IN (Note: Galahad is only one who can steer the boat.) GALAHAD GO S (The boat will not move without wind.) BLOW HORN (A magical wind springs up.) GALAHAD GO S (On a western shore of seaweed strewn pebbles. SCORE 790)
GALAHAD GO E (On the sea, battered by a wind that blows from the eastern ocean.) GALAHAD GO E (On the sea.) GALAHAD GO S (On the isle of Turnance at the foot of a cliff.) U (On a path that wound up the cliff. A poor fisherman appeares and tells you about two great dragons laying waste to this isle and striking terror into his people.) E (On a small hillock which raises like an island out of a sea of trees.) S (On a path straggling down from a hillock heading south into a gloomy wood.) S (On an overgrown path within a dismal wood.) S (In a blackened clearing where the air is heavy with acrid smoke. A black dragon is here and smites Lancelot.) N (On an overgrown path within a dismal wood. The dragon follows you.) N (On a path straggling down from a hillock heading south into a gloomy wood.) N (On a small hillock which raises like an island out of a sea of trees.) GALAHAD WAIT WITH DRAGON N (On a path leading north along a cliff top that leads northwards.) N (On a path through a pine wood deep within the wood.) N (At a clearing amongst the pines surrounded by blackened trees. A red dragon is here.) S (On a path through a pine wood deep within the wood. The red dragon follows you.) S (On a path leading north along a cliff top that leads northwards.) S (On a small hillock which raises like an island out of a sea of trees. The two dragons fight and kill each other. The people of the isle bring Lancelot a cup of mead in token of their gratitude. SCORE 810)
GALAHAD GO TO BOAT GO TO BOAT (On the isle of Turnance at the foot of a cliff. (W,N) SCORE 820)
IN GALAHAD GET IN GALAHAD GO N (On the sea.) GALAHAD GO N (On the sea.) GALAHAD GO N (On the shore of an island, encompassed by the sea on three sides. A wall of fire across the isle.) EMPTY CUP GIVE CHALICE TO GALAHAD GALAHAD WAIT, FILL CHALICE, THROW CHALICE AT WALL, FILL CHALICE, THROW WATER FILL CUP, THROW CUP AT WALL, FILL CUP, THROW CUP AT WALL (The salt water finally quenches the flames.) U (On a sand dune that crumbled and shifted. A sand dune is here.) FILL CUP D (On the shore of an island, encompassed by the sea on three sides. SCORE 830)
IN GALAHAD GO S (On the sea.) GALAHAD GO E (On the sea, in a place of flat calm.) GALAHAD GO E (On a dark shore where endless clouds block out the sun.) U (On a pavement. A squat grey antechapel is here.) IN (In an antechapel. Bors, Percival and a heavy key are here.) EXAMINE KEY (It is blackened and pitted with age.) OUT (On a pavement. A squat grey antechapel is here.) D (On a dark shore where endless clouds block out the sun. SCORE 840)
GET CHALICE (Taken from Galahad.) FILL CHALICE U (On a pavement. A squat grey antechapel is here.) IN (In an antechapel.) GIVE HORN TO GALAHAD GIVE CUP TO PERCIVAL GIVE CHALICE TO BORS BORS WAIT 3 THEN THROW WATER PERCIVAL WAIT 2 THEN THROW SAND GALAHAD WAIT THEN BLOW HORN GET KEY (A fire spirit appears. The salt water quenches the fire spirit. A water spirit appears and the sand soaks it up. A sand spirit appears. Galahad blows the horn, a magical wind springs up which scatters the sand spirit. SCORE 860)
E (In a dark valley.) IN (In a castle. Some savage lions are here. SCORE 890)
E (In a majestic corridor wide enough for six knights to ride abreast. SCORE 900)
E (In the Grail chamber, a room of light and life. The Holy grail is here. Angels sing while the holy Joseph of Arimathea is saying mass for the knights... He looks good for being over 1000 years old, but you gain the last 100 points and go off to become a hermit for the rest of your days. SCORE 1000)
At length, Lancelot withdraw from the chamber of the Holy Grail. The worthy knights, Galahad, Bors and Percival are also blessed and do attain the Grail in the fullness of time. Lancelot returns to Camelot, where he tells Arthur of his deeds, and then, at length, he retires to serve God as a hermit. As for the history of Arthur and of Guenever, that is for another time. Meanwhile, congratulations on winning this game.
Lancelot scored 1000 out 1000. The adventure is over.
The game is done successfully.
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