Results for Missing Software |
Software: |
17+4 | 1987-05 | Game/Cards | German | program file. Missing software. ... |
1942 | 1986 | Game/GTW | English | program file. Missing software.... |
24 Ore Basic | 1985 | Educational | Italian | apes 1, 3, 4. Missing software.... |
2Games: Dama Cinese Othello | Unknown | Game/Compilation | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
2Games: Reversi Chinese Checkers | 1985 | Game/Compilation | Italian | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
2Games: Slot Machine Bounce Around | Unknown | Game/Compilation | Italian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
2Games: Slot The Ball | 1985 | Game/Compilation | Italian | program file. Missing software.... |
3.5er 13 | 1989-04 | Magazine | German | ate). WANTED: missing software.... |
3.5er 17 | 1989-12 | Magazine | German | ate). WANTED: missing software.... |
3.5er 20 | 1990-10 | Magazine | German | ate). WANTED: missing software.... |
3.5er 5 | 1987-12 | Magazine | German | ate). WANTED: missing software.... |
3.5er 9 | 1988-08 | Magazine | German | ate). WANTED: missing software.... |
3D Grand Prix | 1986 | Game/Race | English | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
3D Sea Race | 1986 | Game/Race | Italian | an, prg, TAP. Missing software.... |
3D Silicon Fish | Unknown | Game | | Missing software. WANTED: TAP file, bett... |
3D Super Tennis | 1986 | Game | | r cover scan. Missing software.... |
8 Bit Classics 06 | Unknown | Demo | English | program file. Missing software.... |
90° Minuto | Unknown | Misc/General | Italian | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
A Kalandor | Unknown | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | program file. Missing software.... |
Accounts Receivable | 1984 | Utility/Business | English | le, D64 file. Missing software.... |
Adept Demo II | 1990 | Demo | | program file. Missing Software.... |
Adressenverwaltung | 1986-01 | Utility/Database | German | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Agenda Telefonica (Type In) | 1986-04 | Utility/Database | Italian | program file. Missing software.... |
Agyaggalamb Lövészet | Unknown | Game/Action | | program file. Missing software.... |
Air Wolf (Golden Software) | Unknown | Game/Action | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Alien Ords | 1987 | Game | | from voting. Missing software.... |
Aliens (Playsoft) | Unknown | Game | | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Androide | Unknown | Game | Spanish | ter quality). Missing software.... |
Annuiteiten | 1985 | Utility/Business | Dutch | program file. Missing software.... |
Ant Hill | 1987 | Game/Wellpipe | Italian | from voting. Missing software.... |
Apollo 16 | 1985-08 | Game/Landing | Italian | program file. Missing software.... |
Aramkörök | Unknown | Educational | Hungarian | an, prg, TAP. Missing software.... |
Ashby Manor | Unknown | Game/Adventure | English | program file. Missing software.... |
Asigo | 1985 | Game/Logic | English | ing D64 file. Missing software.... |
Assembler (ICPUG) | Unknown | Utility/Programming | English | program file. Missing software.... |
Autobase | Unknown | Utility | English | program file. Missing software.... |
Autocount | Unknown | Utility/Database | English | an, prg, TAP. Missing software.... |
Autofile | Unknown | Utility/Database | English | program file. Missing software.... |
Autokosten | 1987-05 | Utility | German | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Babel Baby | Unknown | Demo | | program file. Missing software.... |
Ball (Horstmannsoft) | Unknown | Game/Action | German | program file. Missing software.... |
Baseball (Armati) | Unknown | Game/Sport | | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Basic-Tool (Commodore Welt) | 1988-02 | Utility/Programming | German | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Battaglia Navale (Bear Games) | 1985 | Game | Italian | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Battaglia Navale (Bear Games) / Hiroshima | 1985 | Game/Compilation | Italian | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Battle Command | Unknown | Game/GTW | English | program file. Missing software.... |
Beeps | 1985 | Game/Shoot'em up | | an, prg, TAP. Missing software.... |
Berks 3 / Tycon Tex | Unknown | Game/Compilation | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Big Kong | 1984 | Game/Action | Italian | an, prg, TAP. Missing software.... |
Biggles Demo | 1990 | Demo | | program file. Missing software.... |
Bilanci | 1986-03 | Utility/Business | Italian | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Bildgenerator | 1988-02 | Utility/Programming | German | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Billedtegner | Unknown | Utility/Graphic | Danish | program file. Missing software.... |
Billiard | Unknown | Game/Sport | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Black Cat | 1987 | Utility/Tape | English | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Black Jack (Editronica) | 1985-06 | Game/Cards | Italian | ED: TAP file. Missing software. ... |
Blackjack (Mantra) | 1986 | Game/Cards | Italian | an, prg, TAP. Missing software.... |
Blackjack / Trip | 1986 | Game/Compilation | Italian | ter quality). Missing software.... |
Blade | 1986 | Game/Shoot'em up | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Blaggers | Unknown | Game | | r cover scan. Missing software.... |
Blame | 1986 | Game/Shoot'em up | | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Blitz (MEC) | 1984 | Game/Bomber | English | an, PRG, TAP. Missing software.... |
Blitz Bomber | Unknown | Game/Bomber | English | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Blitz Krieg | Unknown | Game | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Bomb Hunter | 1987 | Game/Action | Italian | from voting. Missing software.... |
Bomb Jack (Armati) | Unknown | Game/Platformer | | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Bombardiere | 1985 | Game | | an, prg, TAP. Missing software.... |
Bombardiere / Totofortuna | 1985 | Game/Compilation | Italian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Bookkeeper's Aid | Unknown | Utility | | , cover scan. Missing software. Develope... |
Boolsche Wahrheit | 1987-05 | Utility | (none) | le, D64 file. Missing software.... |
Bounce Around | Unknown | Game | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Break Out (Visiogame) | 1986 | Game/Knockout | Italian | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Briscola (Mantra) | Unknown | Game/Cards | Italian | an, prg, TAP. Missing software.... |
Briscola / Slot Machine | Unknown | Game/Compilation | Italian | an, prg, TAP. Missing software.... |
Buttons | 1985-04 | Game/Adventure | English | file, scans. Missing software.... |
C'est La Vie (Game) | Unknown | Game/GTW | English | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
C16 Bemutatkozó | 1986 | Demo/Graphics | | WANTED! Missing software |
Caccia Al Ladro | 1987 | Game | Italian | from voting. Missing software.... |
Calcolo Delle Orbite Di Saturno | 1985-10 | Utility/Scientific | Italian | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Campionato Di Calcio | 1986-04 | Utility/Database | Italian | program file. Missing software.... |
Canoe Slalom (Mr. Soft) | Unknown | Game | | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Carri Armati (NSG) | Unknown | Game | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Cassette C16S06 | Unknown | Game/Compilation | Dutch | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Cave Hunt | Unknown | Game | English | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Caverna | Unknown | Game | Spanish | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Character Designer | 1988-01 | Utility/Graphic | Dutch | program file. Missing software. ... |
Chess (MEC) | 1984 | Game/Chess | English | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Chinese Checkers | 1985 | Game/Board | Italian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Classic Backgammon | 1986 | Game/GTW | English | KA Peggammon. Missing software.... |
Climb It / Munch It | Unknown | Game/Compilation | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Cohetes | Unknown | Game | Spanish | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Combipack | 1989 | Utility/Compilation | German | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Computer Games E Utilities N.1 Anno 3 Supplemento | 1986 | Game/Compilation | Italian | ED: D64 file. Missing software.... |
Computer Games E Utilities N.1 Anno 4 Supplemento | 1987 | Game/Compilation | Italian | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Computer Games E Utilities N.2 Anno 4 Supplemento | 1987 | Game/Compilation | Italian | y of Ready64. Missing software.... |
Computer Games E Utilities N.3 Anno 4 | 1987 | Game/Compilation | Italian | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Computer Set 16 | 1988 | Game/Compilation | Italian | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Condor Adventure | Unknown | Game/Adventure | | program file. Missing software.... |
Contabilidad | 1985 | Utility/Business | Spanish | r cover scan. Missing software.... |
Conto Corrente (Visiodata) | Unknown | Utility/Business | Italian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Crazy Ball | Unknown | Game | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Crazy Burger | 1986 | Game/Action | English | e cover scan. Missing software.... |
Crazy Golf (MEC) | 1984 | Game/Sport | English | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Crazy House (Playsoft) | Unknown | Game | | e cover scan. Missing software.... |
CSJ Turbo Tape / Azimuth-tape | 1986 | Utility/TapeTurbo | German | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Cuthbert Enters The Tomb Of Doom / Baby Berks | Unknown | Game/Compilation | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Dama (Systems, CC#10) | 1986 | Game/Draughts | Italian | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Das RP-Graphic-System | 1986 | Game/GTW | German? | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Data Base (Personal Software) | 1985-07 | Utility/Database | Italian | program file. Missing software.... |
Database (LSA) | 1985 | Utility/Database | Danish | LSA Software. Missing software. WANTED: ... |
Datagenerator | 1986-07 | Utility/Programming | German | program file. Missing software.... |
Datei V1.0 | 1988 | Utility/Database | German | program file. Missing software.... |
Datumsberechnung | 1986 | Utility/Calendar | German | tten in 1985. Missing software. ... |
Daumenkino (Tronic) | 1989 | Utility/Print | German | program file. Missing software. ... |
Dedalus 3D (Mr. Soft) | Unknown | Game | | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Defender (Playsoft) | Unknown | Game/Shoot'em up | | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Deklination | 1986-03 | Utility | German | am file, D64. Missing software. ... |
Deutscher Zeichensatz C16 | Unknown | Utility/Graphic | German | m /.bin file. Missing software.... |
Deutscher Zeichensatz Plus/4 | Unknown | Utility/Graphic | German | ED: ROM file. Missing software.... |
Digital System | 1988-01-27 | Utility/Music | English | program file. Missing software. A tape d... |
Directly Assembler 2.4 +4 | 1992 | Utility/Programming | | etti. WANTED: missing software.... |
Directory-Sorter (RUN) | 1987-01 | Utility/Disk | German | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Disk #PE | Unknown | Game/Compilation | English | D: D64 image. Missing software.... |
Disk #PF | Unknown | Game/Compilation | English | D: D64 image. Missing software.... |
Disk #PG | Unknown | Game/Compilation | English | D: D64 image. Missing software.... |
Disk #PH | Unknown | Game/Compilation | English | D: D64 image. Missing software.... |
Disk #PI | Unknown | Game/Compilation | English | D: D64 image. Missing software.... |
Disk #PJ | Unknown | Game/Compilation | English | D: D64 image. Missing software.... |
Dominoes | Unknown | Game/Domino | English | program file. Missing software.... |
Dork's Dilemma / Aqua Race | Unknown | Game/Compilation | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Drink Company | 1985-08 | Game/Management | Italian | program file. Missing software.... |
Drucker-Graphic-Editor | 1987-10 | Utility/Print | German | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Earth Defence | 1986 | Game/Shoot'em up | English | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Easy Tutor | Unknown | Misc/Unknown | English | program file. Missing software. Excluded... |
Echter Bruch | 1986-01 | Educational | German | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Eggman | Unknown | Game/GTW | | program file. Missing software.... |
Elemek | 1989 | Educational | Hungarian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Életmentő | 1987-08-19 | Game/Action | Hungarian | program file. Missing software. ... |
Entertainer I | Unknown | Game/Compilation | English | information. Missing software.... |
Éremgyűjtő | 1989 | Game | Hungarian | program file. Missing software.... |
Etikettendruck | 1986-01 | Utility/Print | German | Missing software.... |
Explorer (Byte Games 26) | 1988-12 | Game/Action | | from voting. Missing software.... |
Ez A Plus/4 | Unknown | Misc/General | Hungarian | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Fang Die Maus | 1987-06 | Game | German | program file. Missing software. Written ... |
Fantastic Screens 1 | 1989-05-30 | Demo/Picture Show | | program file. Missing software.... |
Farbenfroh | 1985 | Utility/Programming | German | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Fichiers | 1986-03 | Utility/Database | French | program file. Missing software. ... |
Fifteen | Unknown | Game/SlidePuzzle | | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
File Csere | 1988-07-06 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | program file. Missing software. ... |
Foxes | 1986 | Game | Italian | ting. WANTED: missing software.... |
Frasi D'Amore | 1986-03 | Misc/Unknown | Italian | program file. Missing software. ... |
Funktionen | 1986-12 | Utility | German | am file, D64. Missing software. ... |
Galactica | Unknown | Game/Shoot'em up | Italian | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Galactica / Dama | Unknown | Game/Compilation | Italian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Gheddafi | 1986 | Game/Shoot'em up | Italian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Gheddafi / Orror | 1986 | Game/Compilation | Italian | ter quality). Missing software.... |
Girls +4 | Unknown | Demo | | program file. Missing software.... |
Gokken | 1988-01 | Game | Dutch | program file. Missing software. ... |
Golf Simulator | Unknown | Game | Italian | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Gorf | 1984 | Game/GTW | English | program file. Missing software. Excluded... |
Gran Premio | 1985-11 | Game | Italian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Grand Prix (Playsoft) | Unknown | Game | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Grand Prix / Super Poker | Unknown | Game/Compilation | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Guerra En El Mar | 1986-10 | Game | Spanish | es, PRG file. Missing software.... |
Gullwing Falcon (Armati) | 1986 | Game/Shoot'em up | | from voting. Missing software. WANTED: ... |
Guy Demo 2 | Unknown | Demo | | program file. Missing software.... |
Hálóábra-Generátor | 1988-05 | Utility | Hungarian | program file. Missing software. ... |
Ham Radio | Unknown | Utility/Compilation | English | al D64 image. Missing software.... |
Handelsreisender | 1987-03 | Game | German | le, D64 file. Missing software.... |
Hídépítő | 1987-05-31 | Game/Platformer | Hungarian | program file. Missing software. ... |
Hiresscroll | 1987-10 | Utility/Programming | German | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Hiroshima | 1985 | Game | Italian | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Hit & Miss | 1985 | Game/Logic | English | program file. Missing software.... |
Hofstedes Boeing-Simulator | 1988-07-25 | Game/Simulator | German | 27 Simulator. Missing software.... |
Hofstedes C16 Paket | 1987-01-23 | Utility/Compilation | German | program file. Missing software.... |
Hofstedes Fibu V1.4 | Unknown | Utility/Business | German | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Hofstedes Spielepaket 1 | Unknown | Game/Compilation | German | AP, any info. Missing software.... |
Hofstedes Vokabeltrainer | 1987-02-28 | Utility | German | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Hoppit (Armati) | 1985 | Game/Frogger | | from voting. Missing software. WANTED: ... |
Hypothekenberechnung | 1986-08 | Utility/Business | German | file, D64. Missing software |
Intelligent Ball | 1987 | Game/Race | Italian | from voting. Missing software.... |
Interrogazione Di Chimica | 1985-10 | Educational | Italian | program file. Missing software.... |
Introduccion Al C16 | Unknown | Educational | Spanish | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Invaders (Visiogame) | 1986 | Game/SpaceInvaders | Italian | program file. Missing software.... |
Jackson Soft Compilation 5 Nuova Serie | Unknown | Game/Compilation | | ED: TAP file? Missing software?... |
Jackson Soft Compilation 6 | 1986-02 | Game/Compilation | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Joygraphcontrol | 1986-01 | Utility/Graphic | German | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Képszerkesztő | 1987 | Utility/Graphic | Hungarian | program file. Missing software. ... |
Key-Helper | 1985-10 | Utility/Programming | | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
King Kong (Movie Box) | Unknown | Game | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Klausztropolisz | 1991 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | program file. Missing software.... |
Konjugation | 1986-03 | Utility | German | am file, D64. Missing software. ... |
Konstruktor Liczb | 1986 | Misc/Unknown | Polish | program file. Missing software. ... |
Kontenführung | 1986-12 | Utility/Business | German | am file, D64. Missing software. ... |
Kopieerhulp Van Tape Naar Disk | 1988-01 | Utility | Dutch | program file. Missing software. ... |
Kreisdiagramm | 1986-06 | Utility/Graphic | German | le, D64 file. Missing software.... |
Kubus | 1988-01 | Game | Dutch | program file. Missing software. ... |
Kultúrtörténeti Kronológia (Honfoglalás) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Kultúrtörténeti Kronológia (Középkor) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Kultúrtörténeti Kronológia (Ókor I.) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Kultúrtörténeti Kronológia (Ókor II.) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Kultúrtörténeti Kronológia (Reneszánsz) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Kultúrtörténeti Kronológia (XIX. Század) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Kultúrtörténeti Kronológia (XVII. Század) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Kultúrtörténeti Kronológia (XVIII. Század) | 1987 | Educational | Hungarian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
La Battaglia Del Lago Ghiacciato | 1985-04 | Game | Italian | program file. Missing software. Excluded... |
La Formica | Unknown | Game/Action | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
La Luna (Savage) | Unknown | Game | Italian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
La Luna / Golf Simulator | Unknown | Game/Compilation | Italian | an, prg, TAP. Missing software.... |
La Palude | Unknown | Game | | an, prg, TAP. Missing software.... |
La Palude / Wall | Unknown | Game/Compilation | Italian | an, prg, TAP. Missing software.... |
Laberinto del Dragón | Unknown | Game | Spanish | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Labirinto (NSG) | Unknown | Game | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Labirinto (SAD) | Unknown | Game | | program file. Missing software.... |
Las Vegas (Computer Set 13) | Unknown | Game/Gambling | | from voting. Missing software.... |
Laser Base (Visiogame) | 1985 | Game | | r cover scan. Missing software.... |
Laser Dance | Unknown | Demo/Digi | English | program file. Missing software.... |
Laufschrift (Commodore Welt) | 1986-06 | Utility/Programming | German | le, D64 file. Missing software.... |
Lemezmonitor | 1989 | Utility/Disk | Hungarian | by (private). Missing software. ... |
Loans And Investments | 1984 | Utility/Business | English | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Look This | 1990 | Demo | | program file. Missing software.... |
Lotto | 1986 | Game/Gambling | Italian | program file. Missing software.... |
Luna Raid | 1987 | Game/Action | Italian | from voting. Missing software.... |
Magic (Popular Computing Weekly) | 1987-04-03 | Game/Gauntlet | English | program file. Missing software.... |
Magic Box | Unknown | Demo | | ueen digis!". Missing software.... |
Magic Paint (Visiodata) | Unknown | Utility/Graphic | Italian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Magyar Basic | 1987-01-05 | Utility/Programming | Hungarian | program file. Missing software.... |
Mailboxsys | 1988 | Utility | German | program file. Missing software.... |
Maintenance And Service | 1985 | Utility/Business | English | ED: D64 file. Missing software.... |
Manufacturing Industry | 1985 | Utility/Business | English | ED: D64 file. Missing software.... |
Mastermind 16 | Unknown | Game/Trivia | English | program file. Missing software.... |
Mate Pool | Unknown | Game | Spanish | ter quality). Missing software.... |
Mayhem (MEC) | Unknown | Game/Action | | ter quality). Missing software.... |
MCB's Melodie I | Unknown | Demo/Digi | | program file. Missing software.... |
MCB's Melodie II | Unknown | Demo/Digi | | program file. Missing software.... |
MCB's Music 1 | Unknown | Demo/Digi | | program file. Missing software.... |
MCB's Music 2 | Unknown | Demo/Digi | | program file. Missing software.... |
MegaCopy V1.0 Info | 1989 | Demo/Information | Hungarian | program file. Missing software.... |
Memorex | 1988 | Game/GTW | German? | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Merge-Routine (CPU) | 1986-01 | Utility/Programming | German | le, D64 file. Missing software.... |
Mikro Assembler | Unknown | Utility/Programming | English | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Minesweeper Pro | 1997-06-28 | Game/Minesweeper | English/Hungarian | program file. Missing software.... |
Mini Golf (Go-Go Games) | Unknown | Game/Sport | | WANTED: missing software.... |
Mini-Painter | 1987 | Utility/Graphic | German | le, D64 file. Missing software. ... |
Missile Command | 1986 | Game | Italian | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Möbelrücken | 1987-10 | Utility | German | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Moneygraph | 1986-06 | Utility/Graphic | German | le, D64 file. Missing software. ... |
Motor-Way | Unknown | Game | | r cover scan. Missing software.... |
Munch-It | 1985 | Game/PacMan | | from voting. Missing software. WANTED: ... |
Napoleone / Submarine | Unknown | Game/Compilation | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Nautilus (Visiogame) | 1986 | Game/Simulator | Italian | program file. Missing software.... |
Nómina | 1985 | Utility/Business | Spanish | program file. Missing software.... |
NPUG Newsletter 01 | Unknown | Magazine/First Issue | English | ED: D64 file. Missing software.... |
Nuovi Caratteri | 1986-03 | Utility/Graphic | Italian | program file. Missing software. ... |
Ökölvívás A Ringben | 1989 | Game/Fighting | Hungarian | program file. Missing software.... |
Olympiad (Mr. Soft) | Unknown | Game/Sport | | ..., cover scan. Missing software |
Opening Practice | Unknown | Educational | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Orror | 1986 | Game | Italian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Osztók | 1988-02 | Utility | Hungarian | program file. Missing software. ... |
Page-Setter V2.0 | 1990 | Utility/DTP | German | y the author. Missing software.... |
Paladine / Scramble | Unknown | Game/Compilation | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Pause Plus | Unknown | Utility/Graphic | English | Missing software. From the Terra Nova co... |
Perdido | Unknown | Game | Spanish | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Personal Money Management | Unknown | Utility/Business | English | file, cover. Missing software.... |
Photon Load | 1986 | Utility/TapeTurbo | English | program file. Missing software.... |
Piano X | Unknown | Game | Italian | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Piano X / Fifteen | Unknown | Game/Compilation | Italian | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Pilot II | Unknown | Utility/Programming | English | program file, missing software.... |
Pixie | Unknown | Educational | | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Pixie Steps | Unknown | Educational | | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Plus-Text 80 | 1988 | Utility/Text | | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Plus/4 Terminal | Unknown | Utility/Terminal | English | D: D64 image. Missing software.... |
Plus4orth | 1987 | Utility/Programming | English | file, scans. Missing software.... |
Pogo (Golden Software) | Unknown | Game | | r cover scan. Missing software.... |
Point-Test | 1989 | Demo/BasicExample | German | on detection. Missing software.... |
Pole Position | Unknown | Game/Race | | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Ponch | Unknown | Game | | program file. Missing software.... |
Prímszám Vizsgáló | 1988-07-06 | Utility/Scientific | Hungarian | program file. Missing software. ... |
Project Nova (Armati) | Unknown | Game/Simulator | | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Punchy (MEC) | Unknown | Game/Action | | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Purple Turtles (MEC) | 1984 | Game/Action | English | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Puzzle (Commodore Welt) | 1986-06 | Game/Logic | German | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Quiz-Eddy | Unknown | Game/Editor | German | : Everything. Missing software.... |
Quizmix Erweiterungsdisk | Unknown | Game/Trivia | German | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Raffles / Nacky Painter | Unknown | Game/Compilation | | r cover scan. Missing software.... |
Raketenstart (Commodore Welt) | 1987-10 | Demo/Graphics | German | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
RAM-Floppy C16 | 1987-12 | Utility/Programming | | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Reach For The Sky / Xargon Revenge | Unknown | Game/Compilation | | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Reactor Run (Soft) | Unknown | Game | | r cover scan. Missing software.... |
Rem-Killer | 1988 | Utility/Programming | German | le, D64 file. Missing software. ... |
Retail Industry | 1985 | Utility/Business | English | ED: D64 file. Missing software.... |
Reversi (Visiogame) | 1985 | Game/Othello | Italian | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Rig Attack (Golden Software) | Unknown | Game/Action | English | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Rig. Attack | Unknown | Game/Action | | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Római Számok | 1987-11 | Utility | Hungarian | program file. Missing software. ... |
Rugby Manager | Unknown | Game/Strategy | English | ... file, scans. Missing software |
Sandcastles (MEC) | Unknown | Game/Educational | | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Sárkányölő | 1985 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | king version. Missing Software.... |
Sat 2.1 | 1986-11 | Utility | German | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Sauelendiagramm | 1986-06 | Utility/Graphic | German | le, D64 file. Missing software.... |
Savage Collection N.1 | 1985 | Game/Compilation | Italian | Missing software.... |
Scooby Doo (Armati) | Unknown | Game/Action | | from voting. Missing software. WANTED: ... |
Scram | 1986 | Game | Italian | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Scramble (Mr. Soft) | Unknown | Game | | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Screen Dump | Unknown | Utility | English | program file. Missing software. Excluded... |
Ships At War | Unknown | Game/Educational | English | program file. Missing software.... |
Shoo-It | Unknown | Game/SpaceInvaders | | Missing software. WANTED: TAP file.... |
Silent Demo | 1989 | Demo | | program file. Missing software.... |
Simon Magico | 1985-11 | Game/Simon | Italian | program file. Missing software.... |
Sintetizzatore Musicale | 1986-01 | Utility/Music | Italian | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Sir Lancelot | Unknown | Game/GTW | | program file. Missing software.... |
Skoro's Char 1 | 1991-10 | Demo/Charsets | | program file. Missing software.... |
Slot Machine | Unknown | Game/Gambling | | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Slot Machine (Mantra) | Unknown | Game/Gambling | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Soft 10 | 1985 | Game/Compilation | Italian | file, scans. Missing software.... |
Soft 14 | 1986-05 | Game/Compilation | Italian | file, scans. Missing software.... |
Soft 15 | Unknown | Game/Compilation | Italian | , cover scan. Missing software. Contains... |
Software Club #10 | 1986 | Game/Compilation | Italian | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Software Club #11 | 1985-11 | Game/Compilation | Italian | an, prg, TAP. Missing software.... |
Software Club #17 | Unknown | Game/Compilation | Italian | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Software Club German #14 | Unknown | Game/Compilation | English | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Software Club German 6 | Unknown | Game/Compilation | English | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Software Club German 7 | Unknown | Game/Compilation | English | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Software Club German Y | Unknown | Utility/Compilation | | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Software Club German Z | Unknown | Utility/Compilation | | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Sötétség Birodalma | 1988 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Soundgenerator | 1988-01 | Utility/Music | German | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Space 2 (Armati) | Unknown | Game/Compilation | | ssette photo. Missing software.... |
Space Fortress (Soft) | Unknown | Game | | r cover scan. Missing software.... |
Space Mission (Soft) | Unknown | Game | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Space Sweep (MEC) | Unknown | Game/Shoot'em up | | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Speicher- und Laderoutine | 1985-11 | Utility/Programming | German | le, D64 file. Missing software. ... |
Spelcassette 1601 | 1985 | Game/Compilation | Dutch | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Spelcassette 1602 | 1985 | Game/Compilation | Dutch | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Spelcassette 1603 | Unknown | Game/Compilation | Dutch | er, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Spelcassette 1604 | Unknown | Game/Compilation | Dutch | er, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Spider Man | 1985 | Game/Adventure | English | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Spiralizer | 1986-07 | Demo/BasicExample | English | program file. Missing software. ... |
Stapelgrafik | 1986-06 | Utility/Graphic | German | le, D64 file. Missing software. ... |
Star Wars (Golden Software) | Unknown | Game | | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Starter Disk | Unknown | Game/Compilation | English | D: D64 image. Missing software.... |
Stud Jack | 1985 | Game/Cards | German | program file. Missing software.... |
Stud Poker / Stud Jack | 1985 | Game/Compilation | German | WANTED: missing software (Stud Jack).... |
Summer Champions | Unknown | Game/Sport | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Super Commodore 5 | 1985-05 | Game/Compilation | Italian | n code lists. Missing software.... |
Super Olympiad | Unknown | Game/Sport | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Super Pool | 1986 | Game/Sport | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Super Soccer | 1986 | Game/Sport | | World Soccer. Missing software. WANTED: ... |
Supergiochi Al C16/Plus4 1 | Unknown | Game/Compilation | Italian | working TAPs. Missing software.... |
Supergiochi Al C16/Plus4 3 | 1988 | Game/Compilation | Italian | working TAPs. Missing software.... |
Superscript Plus | 1989 | Utility/Text | German | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Superstar | Unknown | Game/Compilation | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Tape Head Alignment Kit C16/Plus4 Tape | 1987 | Utility/Tape | English | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Tavola Grafica | 1986-01 | Utility/Graphic | Italian | program file. Missing software. ... |
Taxaid | Unknown | Utility/Business | | , cover scan. Missing software. Develope... |
Telefonkosten | 1988-03 | Utility/Business | German | ED: D64, prg. Missing software. ... |
Terrorist | 1986 | Game/Action | | an, any info, Missing software.... |
The Commodore Plus/4 Adventure Pack | 1985 | Game/Compilation | English | ED: D64 file. Missing software.... |
The Magicans | Unknown | Game/ArcadeAdventure | | from voting. Missing software. WANTED: ... |
The Old Man | Unknown | Demo | | from voting. Missing software.... |
The Thief | 1986 | Game | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
The Wall (Playsoft) | Unknown | Game/Action | English | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
The Way Of The Tiger (Armati) | Unknown | Game/Fighting | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Thököly Adventure | 1990 | Game/Adventure | Hungarian | program file. Missing software.... |
Tic-Tac-Toe | 1988-02 | Game/TicTacToe | German | am file, D64. Missing software.... |
Timezone 2 | Unknown | Game | | program file. Missing software.... |
Title Master I | Unknown | Utility | English | program file. Missing software.... |
Title Master II | Unknown | Utility | English | program file. Missing software.... |
Torens Van Hanoi | 1986 | Game/HanoiTower | Dutch | program file. Missing software.... |
Törzstényezők | 1988-05 | Utility | Hungarian | program file. Missing software. ... |
Trip | 1986 | Game | | an, prg, TAP. Missing software.... |
Tsapp! 16 | 1985 | Game/Othello | Finnish | program file. Missing software. Written ... |
Turbo 16 (Supersoft) | Unknown | Utility/TapeTurbo | English | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Turbo-Log | 1986 | Utility/HamRadio | English | program file. Missing software.... |
Typing Tutor + Word Invaders | Unknown | Game/Educational | English | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Utility / Check-Up | 1985 | Utility/Compilation | Italian | rg, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Utility / Letter Help | Unknown | Utility/Compilation | Italian | an, prg, TAP. Missing software.... |
Útkereső | 1987 | Game | Hungarian | program file. Missing software. ... |
UXB (MEC) | 1984 | Game/Action | English | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
W-nyelv | Unknown | Utility | Hungarian | le, TAP file. Missing software. Listed i... |
Wall (Mantra) | Unknown | Game/Knockout | | an, prg, TAP. Missing software.... |
War Games (Playvision) | 1986 | Game/Strategy | Italian | r cover scan. Missing software.... |
Wholesale Industry | 1985 | Utility/Business | English | ED: D64 file. Missing software.... |
Winter Olympiad '88 | 1988 | Game/GTW | English | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Wizard Of Wor (Cartridge) | 1984 | Game/GTW | English | ED: CRT file. Missing software.... |
Wooden Demo | 1990 | Demo | | program file. Missing software.... |
Wordwrap | 1987-08 | Utility/Programming | German | le, D64 file. Missing software.... |
World Cup II | Unknown | Game/Sport | | , cover scan. Missing software.... |
Xargon Wars / Blaze | Unknown | Game/Compilation | | le, TAP file. Missing software.... |
Zap (MEC) | Unknown | Game/Shoot'em up | English | ED: TAP file. Missing software.... |
Zap Em / Pac-man C16 | Unknown | Game/Compilation | | program file. Missing software.... |
Zap-em (Top30) | Unknown | Game/Shoot'em up | | ting. WANTED: missing software.... |
Zegar | 1992-03 | Demo/BasicExample | Polish | program file. Missing software. ... |
Zirgon Wars | 1985 | Game/Shoot'em up | Italian | program file. Missing software.... |
Software |
Rap Demo | Software List | Dex Teta Demo - unknown missing software Dryft Yet - unknown missing software Krakout Fr... |
The Horse | Release List | releases from the scroll text: Emi I (missing software) Emi II Emi III (missing software)... |
Publications: |
Commodore Horizons 22 | 1985-10 | English | ftware may be missing software.... |
News: |
Aster Has Been Found! | 2024-10-07 | added it to our database as a piece of Missing Software. However, thanks to BSZ digging ar... |
New Bunch Of Stuff Added | 2017-03-23 | has been won on eBay, another bunch of missing software comes to fix our software database... |
New Programs Added | 2013-10-22 | lley and Kígyók.MCB Turbo is no longer missing software (in fact, we have 4 different vari... |
Two Three Most Wanted And More | 2013-05-20 | Our persisting fight against the "Missing software" tagging has won against other celebrat... |
Club Info 119 | 2010-10-17 | e value of Pi), LA FOSSA DEI SERPENTI (missing software from the italian "Papersoft" 19/19... |
Club Info 98 and Other Mags | 2007-04-03 | d new releases. Our frequent calls for missing software also got answered. It's a coincide... |
Even More Oldies Found! | 2006-04-28 | ... remember to keep an eye out for those missing software. |
Another Lost Demo Found! | 2006-04-25 | ... you never know when you may find some missing software! |
New TAP images! | 2005-09-22 | y missing one, knocks off one from our Missing Software list. We also have Classic Adventu... |
Forum: |
34 matches found on the forum. |
407 found. |