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on 2024-06-01
 Re: Is Wizball possible on Plus/4?

I hope these words can be found adaptable to all threads with the subject "Would it be possible to convert [add a title of your choice] to Plus/4?".

Any game can be converted. Any. The real question is: how.

Under the little word "how" there's a horde of incredible compromises and choices to do. We recently got a taste of what "compromise" means: changing the inner nature of the turbo in Turbo Outrun, violating both the original coin-op and the home adaptations in one fell swoop, has been not only a skillful act of optimization of the very last free bytes, but also a revolutionary and decisive decision for the success of the conversion. Did you know that TCFS briefly considered abandoning the idea of ​​seeing that game through to the end? :o

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on 2024-06-01
 Re: Is Wizball possible on Plus/4?

I'd like to quote myself. "So, there's your challenge: do it!" grin

Posted By

on 2024-06-01
 Is Wizball possible on Plus/4?

I'm not a coder. If I was I'd be qualified to answer it, and maybe even attempt porting it myself.

But is it possible? Someone suggested it isn't. But even with my lack of knowledge, after what I have seen achieved on the plussy such as Lemmings, I disagree.

It is one of my all time favourite games. The C64 version is unsurpassable.

The Spectrum version has managed it. It plays very well, and looks great. But it is hugely missing the bonus stage.

I'd love to see this on the Plus/4, complete with the bonus stage. What are your views, and is anyone willing to take on this mammoth project?

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