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on 2011-08-09
 Re: New Game Released: Bit Fox

Wow! Very nice mockup!

An extended version? Why not? I'd like to see one! I had the idea of a dynamically expanding coloring game in my mind half a year before I was able to actually create it, so I won't have that free time for another half a year at least. The code is not so difficult, you would be able to add more stages with other seeds (or other methods), there could be intelligent stage creation and challenges (2-player co-op/challenge? :), I could think of many things, but I don't have the opportunity to do things now.

If you guys make a full-featured Plus/4 game out of it, with moving gfx, game music, full screen title screen and whatnot, then I give it my blessing. happy

Note that however, Bit Fox is written separately, because "bitfox" is quite crowded on the net. The title is about a bit-shaped (big pixel) fox with a white tail and quickly moving eyes.


Posted By

on 2011-08-09
 Re: New Game Released: Bit Fox

That's an excellent mockup, very stylish. I'd be glad to see it become an actual game... but as long as you have the energy and free time, maybe you could work on something new? BitFox is "good as it is", you know what I mean?

Regardless, keep the flame of enthusiasm alive happy

Posted By

on 2011-08-09
 Re: New Game Released: Bit Fox

i can offer logo or/and full screen introgfx for the extended version!
if anyone interested grin

Posted By

on 2011-08-09
 Re: New Game Released: Bit Fox

Posted By

on 2011-08-09
 Re: New Game Released: Bit Fox

I had some free time... What about an extended version?

Posted By

on 2011-08-04
 Re: New Game Released: Bit Fox

Litwr: Thanks! But have you played Oltic?

Posted By

on 2011-08-04
 Re: New Game Released: Bit Fox

IMHO it is the best dynamic game in BASIC.

Posted By

on 2011-07-30
 Re: New Game Released: Bit Fox

Csabo: Funny thinking, for you, a "time is up" message equals a reward, maybe you liked school exams very much happy I think the problem is you wanted to mix 3 different things (hi-score, reward, ending) into one. For example, Thrust Fox has an end and a highscore, but no reward (or: every caught pheasant is a reward happy, and you can't continue the game, but to start a new one.

Sixteen Plus: The music pieces just hop into my head in late evening when I'm already in bed, and I must write them down at instant, because they would never come back. (Problem is, I can't identify music notes myself, I have to slow down the music in my head and key them in a virtual piano note by note, using trial&fail. happy

Luca: Yeah, I think it's not the best idea to measure products in a fixed scale, it can be a remorse to gain ratings like better commercial games from the past, or, for the voter to give too low or too high values. I think Pouet.net's system is a good idea. We could sum many players' votes:
- don't like (-1)
- don't know (0)
- it's okay (1)
- like it (2)
Or similar, I'm not into scoring systems much.

About the speeds: I do will try out Austro (my bad, I completely forgot about it). Don't forget that in my latest games the features and complexity were cut down to a minimal level to reach a playable speed. I could have put in a lot of ideas like cannons and disappearing blocks in Bit Fox, different kinds of birds, bonus time and even a remaining time display in Thrust Fox Extra, but the speed would have suffered, like in Foxish...

Whatever, I make these games for fun and because I think they have been missing since I got a Plus/4 in childhood. Back then I saw what simple games were selling at stores where I live.

Posted By

on 2011-07-29
 Re: New Game Released: Bit Fox

Of course I'm sure. The reward is the "TIME IS UP!" message happy None of the other game endings seemed to fit. Perhaps that a sign that we should add another option.

Posted By

on 2011-07-29
 Re: New Game Released: Bit Fox

Prrrrrrrrrrrrr, 2800 in my first attempt! :P
But, "Has an end, restarts (reward)", sure? :o

Posted By

on 2011-07-29
 Re: New Game Released: Bit Fox

...And we have another little one from the author, as a way of saying thank you. At these speeds, who needs Austro? happy (My high score with Thrust Fox Extra was 1800, who can beat it?)

Posted By

on 2011-07-27
 Re: New Game Released: Bit Fox

Very polished and pretty darn playable, love the music too which you don't often hear in BASIC games happy

Posted By

on 2011-07-27
 Re: New Game Released: Bit Fox

This is a very cute and playable game actually...! Amazing how much you can achieve with just how little...

Posted By

on 2011-07-27
 Re: New Game Released: Bit Fox

Same here happy There's a very specific type of charm to these games. Hope to see more in the future!

Posted By

on 2011-07-27
 Re: New Game Released: Bit Fox

I have a soft spot for RoePipi's BASIC games, and this is a frantic one! Love it! Maybe we should implement a "coup de coeur" feature like on Pouet.net, in order to express our feelings regardless to the overall quality of the product happy

Posted By

on 2011-07-26
 New Game Released: Bit Fox

Bit FoxRoepipi is here again with another cool BASIC game. Small size, quick action, start it up and have some fun!

Are you quicker than a BASIC action coloring game? You certainly are, but can you guess what kind of action it is? It takes 10 minutes to beat, so let's do it!

Update (2011-07-29):

Bringing you the pheasant-catcher minigame (Thrust Fox Extra) from Foxish. Now it's a bit more optimized, a bit more responsive, and a bit more for C16 fans! Thanks for all the kind words!

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