Thrust Fox Extra
Title:Thrust Fox Extra
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
Game ending type:No end (highscore)
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Code by:RoePipi
Notes:Pheasant-catcher minigame from Foxish. Collect as many pheasants in 1 minute as you can.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (4 votes)
Thrust Fox Extra Title Screenshot

Thrust Fox Extra Screenshot

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Author's Notes:
(EN) Bringing you the pheasant-catcher minigame from Foxish. Now it's a bit more optimized, a bit more responsive, and a bit more for C16 fans! Thanks for all the kind words!

(HU) Leszállítva a fácán-kapdosós minijáték a Foxish-ból. Most egy kissé jobban optimalizált, egy kissé irányíthatóbb, és egy kissé több a C16 rajongóknak! Köszönet a sok kedves szóért!

Scope	Variable
===== ========
game E: enemy x
cycle F: enemy y (1-18)
prg F$: fox standing
prg G$(0-2): grass anim phases
prg H: high score
cycle I: loop variable / ABS(T) in play
game J: joy port (1,2)
prg L$: "Thrust fox" left
game P: score
prg R$: "Thrust fox" right
prg RO$: the traditional fox head
game S: enemy anim state (0,1)
prg S$: 7x cursor right characters
game Y: fox y coord (0-18)
game T: thrust (-10 - 10)
prg U$: 38x SPC characters / worker variable at start
prg Z$: timer reset string ("000000")

10 init (400)
20 title screen
80 find out actual joystick
90 start new game: init score, erase playfield, reset timer
100 move fox
300 pheasant: present? ->320; fox stopped? ->370; randomly appear ->330
320 fox stopped? ->330; present, move it; out? ->360
330 present, draw other anim frame
340 not caught? ->360
350 yes, eat it, score
360 grass anim
370 1 minute limit
380 time up

400 fix chargen
420 init screen
430 init variables
600 trap

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