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Time Cristal 1 - What Could Have Been?
Posted by Csabo on 2024-10-09
Time Cristal 1 screenshotFrom KiCHY's archives another surprise has been recovered: Time Cristal 1. The name may immediately sound familiar to folks who remember 90's homebrew games from Hungary: Reddi did release Time Cristal, which, as it turns out, was coded by KiCHY.

What we have here are four level prototypes. The first level is the - now already familiar - long tunnel; the player have to shoot and navigate through it. The second level is Starbase Tau Ceti - a large maze swarming with aliens. The third level is a huge boss fight; try to shoot down a massive ship through a moving gate, while avoiding the obstacles. The fourth level sees our hero on the ground: we can run around, jump and shoot with a weapon. This level has definite "Turrican" vibes.

The game is certainly unfinished - levels will freeze when all lives are lost, have blank screens, and so on. Nevertheless, it's definitely worth checking out... and wondering what could have been...
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Aster Has Been Found!
Posted by Csabo on 2024-10-07
Aster screenshotAster is an elusive game from '93, written by KiCHY. References to it in contemporary diskmags are hard to find, and we only learned of its existence in 2015, when we added it to our database as a piece of Missing Software. However, thanks to BSZ digging around on some old disks, this game has been miraculously found! Therefore it will be a "new release" for most sceners.

In the game, the introductory text paints a grim picture: you're up against none other than the destroyer of the galaxy. You must guide your loincloth-wearing hero across 5 levels in a fantasy world. Avoid all enemies, don't examine the fire - it is hot (as the game helpfully points out), and touch shiny vases to open doors and make progress. Will the hero save the galaxy? That's up to you! (How will he save it? That's something to ponder, but rest assured that reaching the end of the 5th level does the job.)

This game is definitely a '93 release. Most of the graphics have been converted from C64, and so was the music. The in-game text could have used some proofreading, and the controls are downright difficult. Nevertheless, we're ecstatic to have this game in the collection, definitely give it a try! Kudos for KiCHY for this game (real programmers ship) and big thanks to BSZ for finding it!
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Posted by Csabo on 2024-10-06JimmyCoupe's very first project, DragonSlayer has been released!

Posted by Csabo on 2024-10-05Sirhadisen represented the Plus/4 scene in the Textmode Graphics Compo at Deadline 2024 this weekend, with Mixed Feelings About Xmas.

Posted by Luca on 2024-10-05Did you love PETSCII Lumberjack? Did you play in version 1.1 with music by Csabo? You're gonna love it more when smaller than ever: Lumberjack 256!

Posted by Csabo on 2024-09-27A new release from mono: Songs of the Spies converts POKEY music from the Spy Vs Spy games to the TED.

Firewood Better Burns In PETSCII
Posted by Luca on 2024-09-27
PETSCII Lumberjack screenshotSummer has gone this year too, and the cold season begins to show small signs of its impending presence. To avoid being surprised by the colder temperatures, it's time to stock up on firewood for the winter!

PETSCII Lumberjack is the new "from-game-to-PETSCII" reinterpretation by Ko-Ko: cut branches to make firewood as quickly as possible and without losing the required frantic pace. It features both PvE and PvP modes: n PvE mode, you will face off against the computer in a race to chop down trees as fast as possible; in PvP mode, two players compete head-to-head to see who can chop down more trees within the time limit. Precision and timing are key, and mistakes can slow you down. Can you out-chop your opponent or beat the computer’s speed?

PETSCII Lumberjack is the last reinterpretation of a series of C64 lumberjack-themed games which basically show a similar gameplay, and this specific one has been inspired by the BASIC driven implementation created by the BASIC games' master coder István "Steveboy" Maros. Its original C64 counterpart has joined the Game development mixed compo at QBParty 2024, getting ranked fourth out of five.

Winter is coming! Wood got requesting! Show us your scoring!
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Posted by Csabo on 2024-09-10Orac81 released two new games: Cascade 2 and Fruit Hoot.

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