Visual Atmosphera
Title:Visual Atmosphera
Release Date:
Device Req.:Disk only (2 sides)
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
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Released by:Gentlemen Software (GS)
Music by:SLD
Code by:RTL
Graphics by:OLS
Notes:Announced in No Limit! demo.
User Rating: 6.8/10 (7 votes)
Visual Atmosphera Screenshot

PartEffect nameParametersNotes
Sprite Arrow in the menu part. Use Cursor keys and return to select the part to be loaded in the given sequence.
2PlotscrollerItems: 896 
33D Rasterbars A very basic implementation of it.
4DYCP Sort of advanced DYSCP, bad sync when DYCP only. Bitmap scrolling.
7Rolling Letters 
9BobsItems: 2 Called "sprites" with no reasons, as they don't run over a background.
11DYCP Non scrolling.

Image Gallery
Visual Atmosphera Screenshot #1
Visual Atmosphera Screenshot #2
Visual Atmosphera Screenshot #3
Visual Atmosphera Screenshot #4
Visual Atmosphera Screenshot #5
Visual Atmosphera Screenshot #6
Visual Atmosphera Screenshot #7
Visual Atmosphera Screenshot #8
Visual Atmosphera Screenshot #9
Visual Atmosphera Screenshot #10
Visual Atmosphera Screenshot #11
Visual Atmosphera Screenshot #12
Visual Atmosphera Screenshot #13
Visual Atmosphera Screenshot #14

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