Merlin's Quest
Title:Merlin's Quest
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Code by:Dunric
Notes:Your task is to find the Orb of Light. Unfortunately the game can't be completed as-is, see below.
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It's not possible to pick up the "Orb of Light" in the game. The item's name includes spaces. The parser will split apart words at spaces incorrectly: entering "GET ORB OF LIGHT" will be interpreted as "GET ORB OF" (verb) and "LIGHT" (noun) - which won't work.

One possible fix is to make "ORB" be a synonym for this item. Stop the game with Run/Stop, then enter
157 IF N$="ORB" THEN N=27

There's only one other item with space in the name, the Green Dragon, and line 156 has similar code to make "DRAGON" be a synonym for this item.

Solutions - Hints
General hints:

You don't have to bother with the lantern. You can move freely in darkness without any penalties; possible exits and items in the room are still shown.

Fights are too random to make sense. Be sure to save before fights, reload if you lose.

What is the end goal?
To find and return the Orb of Light.
What should I say to the various NPCs?
You can attempt to SAY HELLO, but none of them have anything useful to say, they can be ignored.
I can't pick up that item!
Unfortunately the game is buggy: the item's name is "Orb of Light", the only item that includes spaces. It's not possible to pick it up without code changes, see below.
Where should I deliver the item?
The game appears to hint that it should be returned to the now empty altar, but instead you have to drop it in the "final" cavern (with the loom).

Solutions - Complete
S, S, W
E, S, S, E, S, E, E, N, N
(save the game before the fight, if you lose, reload)
GET ORB (this command will not work, unless you applied the bugfix before)
N, N, E, E

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