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Posted By

on 2002-09-09
 Merlin's Quest

OK, probably we all must ask this favour to American +4ers: get it and spread AOTW!
Posted By

on 2002-09-09
 New C16 game

The author of this game also wrote a 64/128/Plus4 game a few months back. THAT game was converted to D64 and posted on the 'net.

I suspect it's because he's using direct disk access to store datafiles, that he's not posted a D64. Not everyone has an X1541-series cable to use it on a real machine.
Posted By

on 2002-09-09

You are right, his first one was Sea Hunter. That's why I said second game from this author in the news bit. Still, you could send him that $5 for us, right? wink It's easier for you, since you are in the States as well...

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