Into The Eagle's Nest Deluxe
Title:Into The Eagle's Nest Deluxe
Original version:Into The Eagle's Nest
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Machine code
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Released by:Legion Of Doom (LOD)
Created by:Csabo
Notes:AKA Into The Eagles Nest Deluxe. Complete 4 missions in an enemy castle, rescuing prisoners and blowing it up. An improved conversion of the original with many extras.
User Rating: 9.5/10 (11 votes)
User comments: Read comments
Into The Eagle's Nest Deluxe Title Screenshot

Into The Eagle's Nest Deluxe Screenshot

Hall Of Fame
1neil1637121,500Lovely game. Mission 4 cleared, and a good start of Floor 1. (No cheats used).
2Luca95,300Played on YAPE 1.2.4, PSX joypad.
4C64Mark54,100Played on live streaming.
6Csabo25,000Played on YAPE 1.2.3.
9Mike Bailey9,800
10Arcade Fan3,300Played on real hardware.

Big Bass Cracktro
Into The Eagle's Nest
Into The Eagle's Nest Sounds

Review: Zzap! 11/96 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 50
News: Retro Gamer 256 (Magazine/English) pg. 99

[ Download ]
1.9MBA HQ mix of the original. (by Csabo)

Game Map Preview
Download: into_the_eagles_nest_map.png
Created by Csabo
Description: Game Map
Dimensions: 2080x2144
File size: 289 KB. Created on 2023-12-05.

Image Gallery
Into The Eagle's Nest Deluxe Screenshot #1
Tribute to the Elders
Into The Eagle's Nest Deluxe Screenshot #2
Into The Eagle's Nest Deluxe Screenshot #3
Title screen
Into The Eagle's Nest Deluxe Screenshot #4
Into The Eagle's Nest Deluxe Screenshot #5
In-game title
Into The Eagle's Nest Deluxe Screenshot #6
Cheat menu
Into The Eagle's Nest Deluxe Screenshot #7
Fighting in the basement
Into The Eagle's Nest Deluxe Screenshot #8
The bitter end

Below is a partial list of changes and improvements.

Compared to the Plus/4 version

- Bugfix: prisoner following the player. This was broken only in the Plus/4 version.
- All colors fixed throughout.
- Removed all C64 sprite code. Instead of writing to non-existent registers and then converting those, the sprite handling was completely rewritten with native code.
- Updated code and charset to make room for 16 extra chars for the player's sprite. This allowed new custom graphics for player, including re-implemented shooting muzzle flash, all of which was done with sprites in the C64 version.
- New (native) custom music (the old one did not play the melody correctly, it had an "octave jump" problem).
- New (native) custom sounds. Instead of attempting to convert the in-game sounds, they have been lovingly recreated.
- A new castle recreated for the side panel (using mostly existing characters). The original used sprites.
- Explosion flashing color feature added back.
- Fixed random number generator; yellow crates will (randomly) now have loot.

Compared to the C64 version

- Bugfix: fixed garbled chars on first floor map.
- Bugfix: firing the bullet to the right never stopped (causing random odd bugs).
- Bugfix: picking up jewels sometimes drew the empty crate in the wrong place.
- NTSC compatibility added, on NTSC, the playing area is narrower. The C64 version was PAL only, although a separate NTSC-only release exists.
- Added item pickup sound for jewels. Since this had separate code handling, the sound missing in the original was probably an oversight.
- Side panel fixed (all hires colors)
- Intro auto-detects which joy port is used
- Added keyboard controls (press space from intro) - cursor keys + space.
- Typos fixed, space from before "!" removed
- Improved digits 1,4,7 in the 2x2 font (proper center alignment)
- Color improvements: extra shades of yellow and green added throughout the map, basement has darker walls.
- Vase redrawn, the original was a weird mix of multi/hires
- Several minor fixes to the map (odd corners, unreachable crates)
- Redrawn gun for enemy facing left (it had inconsistent color)
- Table next to officers fixed (red color added)
- Screen transition out synced to frame (instead of using delay) to avoid tearing
- "Gemstones" renamed to jewels (for consistency)
- Apostrophe added to 2x2 font (and into scroll text), special apostrophe (custom chars) for highscores screen
- Removed flashes and other small glitches from intro screen
- "Right" allows intro screens to be quickly toggled
- During explosion, color change is synced to bottom of screen
- Added red warning color for "hits" getting dangerous, ammo getting low
- Massive code optimization and reorganization, moved all variables to zp, etc.


New cheat menu:
- enemies die from one bullet
- enemy respawn can be disabled
- enemy speed (they can also be made faster!)
- invulnerability
- unlimited ammo
- player speed (player can also be made slower!)
- all doors are open
- lifts open
- safe explosives
- lift hotkey (L)
- nuke hotkey (N)
- ghost mode hotkey (G)
Original title screen and documentation added.
Note: you can press space during the startup, the screen will immediately go blank and everything will be skipped - go straight to the game.

Big thanks to KiCHY (for graphics help and graphics related ideas) and to Luca and MMS for testing.

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