Hardware - Commodore 1531
Name:Commodore 1531
Category:Tape Device
Manufactured:Commodore Business Machines (UK) Ltd. (CBM)

The 1531 Datassette was made for the 264 series. It had a new connector, which meant that it could not be connected to any other computer, and that no other tape drives could be connected to the 264 series computers. However, a number of adaptors were made to allow connection of 1530/C2N Datassettes (there were also adaptors to connect the 1531 to the C64 etc, with some included with the 1531). The 1531 was included in many bundles, and in Europe (especially on the Hungarian scene) it was the only peripheral people had.

Produced in two variants:
With larger tape counter, black reels with white numbering, record LED below tape counter, made in Taiwan. (shown as Type A)
With smaller tape counter, white reels with black numbering, record LED above record button, made in Japan. (shown as Type B)

Hardware (owned by members)
HardwareCountrySerial NumberConditionStatusOther DataNotes
Atigood with boxworkingfrom my childhood :)
JimmyCoupe UKfully recappedWorking
LitwrI used one it in 1987-91 and another in 2010-18, the first was sold the second was sent it to a museumThe first was bought in Poland, the second I got from a Hungarian guy who lived in the Netherlands then
TLCTaiwanJD4 0282261With box and guide. Slight cable burn marks on surfaces unfortunately.
TLCTaiwanJA 0724515
12 found.


Box (Type A)
Box (Type A)
Record LED on the right (Type A)

Box (Type B)
Box (Type B)
Note the location of the "Record LED": it is above the Record button and not below the counter.

Datasette (Type A)
Datasette (Type A)
[ Large image ]

Datasette (Type B)
Datasette (Type B)

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