Unisoft (Italy)
Name:Unisoft (Italy)
Country: Italy
Notes:Reseller of hacked BASIC games. Not to be confused with Unisoft. All the covers of both C16 and C64 releases are signed by Massimo Scanavini, but it's unclear if he was the only one behind the label, or just the covers d
Releases by Unisoft (Italy)
TitleCoversCategoryRelease DateProduct CodeLanguageSizeDistribution
Arrows Game/Action1985Italian16KAs compilation
Mazes Game/Maze1985Italian16KAs compilation
Arrows - Bomber LandingGame/Compilation19851685/5Italian16KCommercial/PD
The Tower - MazesGame/Compilation19851685/1Italian16KCommercial/PD
Bomber Landing Game/Bomber1985Italian16KAs compilation
The Tower (Unisoft) Game/HanoiTower1985Italian16KAs compilation
7 release(s).

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