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on 2005-08-08
 Csavargás A Gombák Birodalmában

Me too wanna play an hungarian game in all his fashion!
"Stroll in the Realm of Mushrooms" is one of the most original games I'd seen ever, it's the game that I wanna code! Maybe I'll scream in the desert, but if a good soul wanna translate this masterpiece in english, well, an italian old baby will be very happy! happy
Posted By

on 2014-12-28
 Re: Csavargás A Gombák Birodalmában

Luca, FYI, a real "the making of" type video on your favourite game:


The game was truly multiplatform, but the video is showcasing the plus/4 version (w00t).

Pity it's in Hungarian But perhaps someone can summarize it wink
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on 2014-12-28
 Re: Csavargás A Gombák Birodalmában

It's not really a game, rather than an interactive lexicon of mushrooms mixed with some game elements.
I don't think it will be translated ever..
Posted By

on 2014-12-29
 Re: Csavargás A Gombák Birodalmában

What a fantastic find happy
Posted By

on 2018-05-28
 Re: Csavargás A Gombák Birodalmában

Somebody have idea or source about all kind of mushrooms? happy
I have a dictionary, but too many are they. ...

I have tried to disassembly the source code, without big result...
Posted By

on 2018-05-28
 Re: Csavargás A Gombák Birodalmában

I have the complete list with ID numbers, prices, descriptions and pictures. I was (am?) going to do a big write up for this game, it's one of the many plans that had (have?) for the Plus/4 stuff, just never have the time to work on. I also have similar materials for other games, a bunch of magazine related stuff, not to mention unfinished demos and games :-/ Argh. Anyway, I digress, if you want I could email it to you.

Edit: the list is up: /software/Csavargas_A_Gombak_Birodalmaban#items, minus the images (but those are not necessary to identify the mushrooms).
Posted By

on 2018-05-28
 Re: Csavargás A Gombák Birodalmában

Hi Gaia,

The link in your post is unavailable.
What a pity! I would be very curious to watch it.

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