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on 2022-05-23
 Mob City Released

Hi all,

Released MobCity on cassette for the C16/Plus4 (16K). Loading screen by Tommi "Electric" Musturi. Available from the Fantasy Software Designs Facebook page and eBay soon (once I've recovered from the fee charges).

It's also available from the FSD itch.io account @ https://fantasy-software-designs.itch.io/mob-city-c16
I added the ability to make a donation as requested by some of my customers without real hardware. It is optional.

Honestly this has been an absolute nightmare as this wasn't really supposed to be a full release but it kinda got a life of its own.

Have fun.
Posted By

on 2022-05-23
 Re: Mob City Released

Is this an Operation Wolf-like shooter game?
Posted By

on 2022-05-23
 Re: Mob City Released

Yes, it's a shooting gallery game, basically.

Very well done Stinaris! I'll be happy when the cassette will come wink Meanwhile, I tossed some pennies in the jar wink
Posted By

on 2022-05-24
 Re: Mob City Released

The cassette of Mob City is arriving (thanks Stinaris!) and I feel astonished again to see all together in a row the releases of the new 264 era, from Church Of Death and Adventures In Time on out...incredible, who could have a clue... grin

Posted By

on 2022-05-24
 Re: Mob City Released

Looks neat, glad it got finished after such a long pause.
Posted By

on 2022-06-18
 Re: Mob City Released

Thanks. It was painful.

Sadly, it will be my last physical release.

The first 2 sold over 20 each which gave me some cash to get the Vic20 working These releases. 4 of each. The deal with the missus was that I couldn't lose money.
Hopefully she will never find out and this whole thing can slip by without her knowing. happy
Posted By

on 2022-06-20
 Re: Mob City Released

gerliczer, Luca: Aliens had an effect on this game, even the sound beeps in the background (like heartbeat) or the cross-hair in the foreground (just like as in the original "ancestor"). The difference is scrolling not only horizontally, but vertically and the gangsters of course, and the year... happy
Posted By

on 2022-10-05
 Re: Mob City Released

@Stinaris: Zzap! Italia 6/91 review (Italian).

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