I.: RenderGFX - Load: BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIF - Set: Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, RGB - Show: Normal, Stretch, Fit - Effects: Inverse, Grayscale, Black & White - Edit: by pixel, Zoom, colors - 320x200x121c: color interpolation - Save: PRG and GFX4 (if you edit later)
II.: ConvertSFX - Load: WAV, AU, AIFF, SND, MP3, WMA - Plugin: freac (www.freac.org) - Properties: name, size, type, hz, bit, bps, frame, length, etc. - Table of values for association: modify by bits of $FF11 - Set: Sound #1 and #2, compression, from, skip and bytes - Convert: creating a simple sound player in the Editor - Play/Pause: click on the oscilloscope