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Posted By

on 2013-09-19
 Site Improvements (2013)

I didn't want to resurrect the old thread, so here's a new one. Site improvements are quietly going on as always, maybe you guys notice them, maybe not happy But this one is probably worth a formal announcement, cause I'm hoping in the future people will search for these keywords (how do I change my password? change password happy) and find this post.

If you're a member, and you're using the default skin, you will see your name in the top/right corner of the menu bar. Clicking that takes you to your detail page. (If you're not using the default skin, navigate to your own page through some other means.) Once there, you will see a "Change Password" link there now. That is all!

Posted By

on 2013-09-21
 Re: Site Improvements (2013)

Nice one Csabo, just changed my PW. Casbo gave me "ponies4ever" which I was not happy with. grin

On a more serious note.
You only get the one chance to type your new PW when you go to change it so be careful of typing errors as your be logged out once you confirm what you have typed.

Posted By

on 2013-09-21
 Re: Site Improvements (2013)

Nice one Csabo, now I have a new PW which is easier for me to remember happy

Posted By

on 2013-09-21
 Re: Site Improvements (2013)

I'll miss 'c64rulez'.

Posted By

on 2013-09-21
 Re: Site Improvements (2013)

So yeah, on a side note, the Change Password feature always existed, but judging from these comments I have to conclude that it was very well hidden indeed happy

Lavina, what do you mean? Was that your old pass maybe?

Posted By

on 2013-09-21
 Re: Site Improvements (2013)

I always thought I could change it manually at anytime from my profile from day one. Never did try, but thought I'd give it ago from your new link to see what it was like. happy

Posted By

on 2013-09-22
 Re: Site Improvements (2013)

Csabó: nah just joking. wink

Posted By

on 2013-10-30
 Re: Site Improvements (2013)

The Game Endings page now has a section for "no endings". This is reserved for games where an ending would be expected, but we confirmed that there isn't one. So, Tetris-like games wouldn't count. I added Godzilla, and another famous example would be Tom Thumb. (We've had the info about the no-ending-ness of Tom, I will move it to the new place soon/eventually happy)

If you guys can think of any other games that would qualify, let me know, or better yet, add it to the database.

Posted By

on 2013-10-31
 Re: Site Improvements (2013)

What about games that loop like Fire Ant. It says congrats & finish on the final room and starts over again so you can add to your current score.
Harbour Attack is another.
I sort have the view just for fun that these games that loop have the Nintendo "Game&Watch" effect as they looped much like games of the time 3 years previously. wink

Manic Miner has no ending for us, it restarts and resets your score! Tho it does retain your highest score - if you managed to beat it that is.

Posted By

on 2013-10-31
 Re: Site Improvements (2013)

Well, let's see. Fire Ant: it has an ending, albeit a pretty sparse one, so it could be added as a regular ending. The other two you mentioned are already marked as "Has an end, restarts (no reward)", so we could extend on that and add them to the "No Endings" list.

We don't really have any kind of "rule of thumb" as to what we should list under "No Endings"... I was thinking it would be for games where you expect to have one. I guess both of the games you listed would qualify happy What do other people think?

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