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Posted By

on 2012-12-13
 Commodore Free issue 66 available (fwd)

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
From: Nigel Parker
Date: Thu, December 13, 2012 5:09 am

Last issue of the year !
Thanks to all the readers !

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all !

Commodore Free Magazine

Issue 66

Free-to-download magazine dedicated to Commodore computers.
Available as PDF, ePUB, MOBI, HTML, TXT, SEQ and D64 disk image.


* Editorial
- New Products at amigakit.com
- C16 Mega Games Collection
- Paku Paku
- C64 Introductory Audio Tape
- MEM64 Released
- Hollywood 5.2 Released
- Amiga Puzzle Game: G.E.M.Z
- iGame Front End for Windows
- Nerd Book
- SID Wizard Creation Guides
- AROS Vision 1.5.5 Uploaded
- Could Elite Make A Comeback?
- New Version of SysInfo Available
- SteamDraw 2.1 Released
- JiffyDOS & uIEC Cheat Sheet
- The Amiga Works Kickstarter
- New Articles on Obligement
- Revival Studios News
- AmigaOS 4 News: A Frog Game
- V.A.M.P. Player 0.86 Available
- FastATA 4000 MK-VI CF/SATA
- RGCD News
- Sketchblock Version 1.7 Relased
- GadToolsBox 3 Open Sourced
* Home Taping Is Killing Gaming
* Computers For The Masses, Not Just The Classes
* Review: Mayhem
* Review: Dream (Unexpanded VIC-20)
* Retro Derby (G & G)
* Review: Alien Bash 2
* Review: Space Lords

Nigel Parker
Commodore Free Magazine
Commodore Computer club U.k.

Posted By

on 2012-12-13
 Re: Commodore Free issue 66 available (fwd)

- C16 Mega Games Collection

Nice surprise to see it getting a mention, I just wish I got some of it a little clearer happy

Also The Retro Derby 4 page special was great reading with lots of photos, and thanks for the small shout out there.
It was a great event but unfortunately I only made it the one day.
A whole room was dedicated to Chris's entire C16/Plus4 collection hence the mega games collection article above.

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