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on 2012-07-30
 Escape from Raka-Tua +4

This is my proper first C64 conversion. Csabo missed one adventure from Mountain Valley Software

Download Link: http://www.2shared.com/file/HRPuMffz/escape_raka-tua4.html


Hope you enjoy happy
Posted By

on 2012-07-29
 Re: Escape from Raka-Tua +4

Just got a chance to have a quick look at it now. Nice one again and the window GFX is neat. Good use of the chars and colours. happy

Wonder if C128 has anything to offer, I mean anything basic language on 264 will run on a C128 without too much trouble, like wise around the other way as long as it's coded in BASIC.
Posted By

on 2012-07-29
 Re: Escape from Raka-Tua +4

...Wonder if C128 has anything to offer, I mean anything basic language on 264 will run on a C128 without too much trouble, like wise around the other way as long as it's coded in BASIC...

Since Sixteen Plus converted the game from C64 to Plus/4, it's original C64 code will run on any C128, probably in C64 mode. There's nothing to do to play "Escape from..." on a C128

Any Commodore basic code certainly will run on a C128 machine, excepted the typical 264 basic commands which are related to sound and graphics. Lots of PEEKs and POKEs will be necessary to colour & sound-convert anything coded for a 264 machine to run on a C64/C128.

The more colours and sound effects exceeding primitive "beeps" are to be converted, the better a straight conversion in ASM will be.

Posted By

on 2012-07-29
 Re: Escape from Raka-Tua +4

Running a C64 game on a C128 via C64 mode is not the point I was getting at. happy

The Commodore C128 BASIC 7.0 comes partly from 264 BASIC 3.5 and a number of commands are shared that will not work on a C64. If the code is basic enough, simple, it will run on either a C128 or Plus4 without doing anything. wink

Here are my very words and download file I put together for C16/Plus4 ClassiX many, many years ago. The programs will run on both 264's and a C128 in 128 mode.

Link: http://www.commodore16.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1249#p4203
Posted By

on 2012-07-29
 Re: Escape from Raka-Tua +4

Very nice! I added it to the database and to the series.

I think when I converted those #11 wasn't available, or it wasn't listed on whichever site I found. Mine are compiled with AustroSpeed (you can see this under the "Code Type" field, instead of "BASIC" or "Machine Code" it says "AustroSpeed").
Posted By

on 2012-07-30
 Re: Escape from Raka-Tua +4

Cheers Csabo, but happy to say that you can update it now.

I had some headaches with some of the code last night and this morning, but now it's finally done. You can check to see what fixes I did in the link below


I'll amend the link at the top too.

I realised earlier it was Austrospeed so I downloaded it. Great utility.

Looking at the code, it appears to me that it converted BASIC to plain ML.
Also a little bit confused. Does austrospeed compile or decompile?

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