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Posted By

on 2012-05-11
 [eBay] The Italian treasure

Got a real treasure on eBay for 30€ overall: about 80 tapes!
What's inside? Well, a list for categories could be:
- original games
- italian rereleases
- italian originals
- italian newsstand collections' hack
- user's own tapes full of personal stuff, copies and italina mags'typein

It will be a hard work, but hey, tape after tape, I'll do it! wink After that, I'll dismiss all, hence ping me if you're interested in some or all of those tapes! E.g.: see the GIGANTIC box behind in the picture happy

Posted By

on 2012-05-11
 Re: [eBay] The Italian treasure

Wow very nice!

Posted By

on 2012-05-11
 Re: [eBay] The Italian treasure

The only word that seems to describe this perfectly is: JACKPOT!

Posted By

on 2012-10-13
 Re: [eBay] The Italian treasure

Ok, I did what I've been able to do, some tapes were perfect (all the commercial releases, apart of one or two unfortunately :/ ), some older ones not, but the best stuff is in and working happy
Later, we will discuss about a big release regarding the newsstands'collections of hacked games ("Byte Games", "C16/MSX", Linguaggio Macchina C16/VIC20", "Computer Set", "Go Games" just to name the notables ones). In this moment, the commercial rereleases and other commercial stuff are all in, and they only have to be linked and news-ed.

Meanwhile, someone contacted me to get all the tapes for free, and of course I'm forgetting who at the moment. Hey dude, can you contact me again and write a valid snailmail address where to send a couple of boxes? wink

Posted By

on 2012-10-13
 Re: [eBay] The Italian treasure

woo happy

Posted By

on 2012-10-22
 Re: [eBay] The Italian treasure

@Sixteen Plus, does it mean it was you who asked for the tapes? I really don't remember, so please whoever he was write me again.

Posted By

on 2012-10-22
 Re: [eBay] The Italian treasure

No it wasn't me mate, soz. If I wasn't planning on moving abroad I'd snap them up. A very nice collection though happy

Are there any games in that collection that are maybe truly original, maybe not on the database or labelled as missing and maybe not a rerelease?

Posted By

on 2012-10-22
 Re: [eBay] The Italian treasure

Oh well, War Games is an original one I can remember right now happy

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