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on 2019-10-02
 Re: Verona's Wish List (for LUMYDCTT)

AAaah, I just saw I was mentioned, sorry for late reaction. Thanks for the nice words, but...

I tried to be competent on different fields (as in real life), but I failed gross in different areas. grin
A small uncomplete list:
-RS232 mouse: HW is ready, but failed to finish a working resident driver (too lame to do that), also failed to generate any interest (eg hacking Botticelli or GEOS). So still no POTX/POTY realization on +4
-ECM mode: failed to get CBM PRG studio or Krissz PETSCII to support +4's function (in a working way), and the SPECM mode suggestion (with dithered charset addressing gfx creation) also rejected by the scene
-Music: eh. have no real ears and patience for programming the rythm. Melody? No way! happy
-Programming? duh. Maybe in BASIC at basic level happy nothing advanced. Maybe 30 years ago few nice codes on PC, but all forgotten.

Posted By

on 2019-09-25
 Re: Verona's Wish List (for LUMYDCTT)

1.: "And what was your goal with this?"
Answer: The aim of it was very-very simple, but you didn't understand the main point. This is a little FAQ and the goal was only that. According to the advice of Mad who mentioned something like that: "Please calm down. It seems to be only a communication 'error' between two persons", so my goal is to make LUMYDCTT better bug-after-bug. I am really very happy whenever somebody reports me a bug because I can teach new things to LUMYDCTT. I am not pretend to be happy. BTW: LUMYDCTT = Let's make your dreams come true together. It is not a joke!

2.: "I send you some email with some things I didnt find in LUMYDCTT, or didnt work."
Answer: OK, I was very happy. But you seem to be a little bit arrogant because you are telling about "what Hungarian people are like in general", but you don't realize what you are like in real... So you think you can tell your opinion to everybody, but nobody dares to tell anything to you. It's very strange. In sort, you cannot face your own thoughts(?)

3.: "By the way, most of your example programs didnt run in LUMY, with a few expects."
Answer: This was a long time ago. Since then I released a bunch of new versions. And thank you again for reporting that variables didn't work. I suppose you get error in Windows XP because you use your operating system in 1024x768 resolution... ...LUMYDCTT needs minimum 1280x800...

4.: "I think it will be some difficulties with using a new IDE, but I was optimist."
Answer: The problem is that only you would like to know everything in one-or-two-days. And if you are not succeed in doing something right now, then everybody else is vicious.

5.: "Lets talk about a manual. Where can I find one?"
Answer: LUMYDCTT is too simple so not needed any manual to use it. I try to make it easier, so a lot of help are embedded (eg. tooltips). I won't write a book for explaning the basic key combinations we are using in an operating system like Windows: eg. CTRL+F happy Sorry!

6.: "Its maybe a good IDE, but now, its mostly for you... happy"
Answer: It seems to be a bit ironic, but never mind... I am not a crybaby. By the way, I started to develope it in order to exchange the "Commodore Plus/4 MONITOR" for an easy-to-use and a user-friendly tool, so the mission was fully accomplished for ME... happy But it would be cool that anybody else find it useful, too.

7.: "Yes, definitely needs a debugger, of course, but why the whole IDE crashes?"
Answer: Maybe, your code is not right and full of syntax errors(?)... ...btw: Can you see the pictures above? Not? Why? There is a "Bug Tracer". Nobody writes your codes instead of you. Please training yourself.

8.: "I mean, I want to save as a prg file. Sorry for the inconvenience. happy"
Answer: I am not a mind-reader, sorry! happy BTW: when you execute a program, LUMYDCTT automatically creates a PRG in the same directory. Didn't you realize it? Why?

9.: "I want to see a dedicated Plus4 IDE in the future, but now... I must stay at the CBM P. S. for now, as I said."
Answer: I won't force anybody to use LUMYDCTT. Everyone uses what he wants.

10.: "If you are fell aggrieved about that someone has problems with your creation, and he said that, then fine."
Answer: Luckily, I am not you. If I were you..., I am sure to feel aggrieved about everything, everybody and the whole world.

11.: "I won't bother you with my complaints in the future."
Answer: What a pity!

12.: "Anyway, why everybody make the IDEs for Windows? Everybody hates win, but they make IDEs for that. I can't understand."
Answer: Is there anything you understand? In my humble opinion, people use Windows because most of them work at a workplace where they have to use Windows. At school, at Local government, at Library, at Bank. They write a lot of documents and they are used to the conveniences of Microsoft Office, not LibreOffice and OpenOffice... Well, anybody can use LUMYDCTT at his work if he has a little time for relax... ...btw: I have been using Linux since 1997-1998... ...yes at work and at home too... And like it! What's more I am using AmigaOS and I like it! ...so go on... I like computers and systems! happy

Lavina: One of my favorite operating system was DOS 6.22... happy

MMS: You are a genius. You are competent in everything... hm, hm, hm, ZackZack, where is your music sheet??? happy

Posted By

on 2019-09-24
 Re: Verona's Wish List (for LUMYDCTT)

Actually I have no problem with Windows too.
Very first time I tried our Linux when it was supplied on 3 floppy discs in 1995. Since then every 2-3 years I try out a new release, but none of them really convienced me. But I can say I am an average user, not a pro happy

Posted By

on 2019-09-24
 Re: Verona's Wish List (for LUMYDCTT)

I don't hate win, I love it and we have been married since win 3.1 came out wink

Posted By

on 2019-09-24
 Re: Verona's Wish List (for LUMYDCTT)

And what was your goal with this?
I send you some email with some things I didnt find in LUMYDCTT, or didnt work.
By the way, most of your example programs didnt run in LUMY, with a few expects.
I think it will be some difficulties with using a new IDE, but I was optimist.
Lets talk about a manual. Where can I find one?
Its maybe a good IDE, but now, its mostly for you... happy

And for example, your quotes... and about number two:
(Most ha gond van,hibaüzivel elszáll az IDE)
(Now, when an error occurred in compiling, the IDE quits, with a windows error message.)
Yes, definitely needs a debugger, of course, but why the whole IDE crashes?

On #3, I mean, I want to save as a prg file. Sorry for the inconvenience. happy

I want to see a dedicated Plus4 IDE in the future, but now...
I must stay at the CBM P. S. for now, as I said.
If you are fell aggrieved about that someone has problems with your creation, and he said that, then fine.
I won't bother you with my complaints in the future.
Anyway, why everybody make the IDEs for Windows? Everybody hates win, but they make IDEs for that.
I can't understand.

Posted By

on 2019-09-22
 Verona's Wish List (for LUMYDCTT)

Hi All Plus/4 Fanatics,

Verona sent me an e-mail some weeks ago that is full of bugs... happy

I will cite his sentences in Hungarian then I will try to summarize it in brief-English. I am not going to translate exactly because the Hungarian language and people are the most complex all over the world... happy

HU: "XP alatt kapásból hibaüzenet, de ha a continue-ra nyomok, akkor elindul."
EN: "He gets an error when he executes it under Windows XP."
Answer: I didn't test LUMYDCTT under XP. I start to develope it on Windows 8.1...

HU: "Ami nagyon hiányzik: Egy hosszabb programnál nem ártana egy keresés,kivágás,beillesztés funkció."
EN: "He needs a 'search', 'cut' and 'paste' function."
Answer: search="CTRL+F", cut="CTRL+X", paste="CTRL+V"

HU: "Jó lenne, ha lenne egy kis ablak, hol a fordító jelzi, mivel van gondja. (Most ha gond van, hibaüzivel elszáll az IDE) Egy dump lista se ártana, ha mutatná fordítás után."
EN: "He needs a debugger"
Answer: When you press RMB on 'Compile and run...' you can see what the compiler does in a window.

HU: "Még nem próbáltam meg programot menteni benne, de gondolom, benne van a tutorialban."
EN: "He needs a tutorial for saving."
Answer: Press floppy icon on the toolbar.

HU: "Az utasításokat csak nagy betűvel fogadja el, nem mindegy, hova nyomsz TAB-ot, mert pl. a legtöbb utasítás után kell."
EN: "He needs to write assembly mnemonics in lowercase."
Answer: Yes, really until now you should write assembly mnemonics in uppercase between two spaces. But not from now...

HU: "Keresés és csere funkció sem árt, mert itt ORG és DW,DB van, a CBM P.S.-ben meg *=,BYTE,TEXT... Na, ezeket átírni, az kb. a megőrülsz tőle kategória jelenleg. happy"
EN: "He needs a 'find and replace' function."
Answer: find and replace="CTRL+H"

HU: "Makrókat tudsz definiálni ebben?"
EN: "He needs macros."
Answer: Macros have not been implemented, yet.

HU: "Betűméret állítás is jó lenne."
EN: "He needs to resize the font in editor."
Answer: While you are pressing CTRL, please roll the middle mouse button up or down.

HU: "Viszont jelenleg ezzel nem tudom kiváltani a CBM Prg Studio-t."
EN: "He wants to exchange CBM Prg Studio for LUMYDCTT, but not now."
Answer: Ok.

HU: "Alapvetően jó lenne, mert ez legalább nem áll le 20 másodpercet gondolkodni, ha leütök 2 billentyűt, mint a CBM Prg Studio, de jelenleg olyan szinten fapados, hogy a konvertáló eszközök kivételével kb. semmit se érek vele."
EN: "Basically he thinks it is good because it doesn't wait for 20 seconds after pressing 2 keys like CBM Prg Studio. On the other hand he find it useless instead of converting tools."
Answer: Thank you for all your experiences.

HU: "Remélem, nem veszed bántásnak, inkább tippeket akarok adni, mert szeretném használni az IDE-det, gyors, a Plusy-ra szabtad, de most annyira fapados, hogy kényelmetlen használni."
EN: "He hopes not to hurt me with his opinions. He only wants to give some tips and like to use it because the IDE is fast and it's all about Plus/4, but he finds it not so user friendly."
Answer: Thank you again. LUMYDCTT was really fast because it didn't check errors, only compile and run the source... ...maybe until now, because the more error checking the slower running...

HU: "Ha a Heartlight-ot ebben írtad, akkor minden elismerésem, és lehet, hogy egy profi könnyebben boldogul vele, viszont én rengeteget javítgatok a kódomon, minden változtatás után futtatom és a keresés, hibakijelzés hiánya nagyon odaver nekem."
EN: "He gives all his respects to me if I wrote Heartlight with LUMYDCTT. He thinks that it is easy to use as a professional, because he fights a lot with his sources."
Answer: Yes, I made Heartlight in LUMYDCTT and I usually save my work before compiling.

HU: "Pedig nagyon hiánypótló a programod és nagyon drukkolok, hogy kiváltsa a CBM P. S.-t, de most még maradnom kell annál."
EN: "He thinks that LUMYDCTT is filling the blank and he is a fan of challenging CBM P. S. But he uses CBM P. S. instead of LUMYDCTT, right now."
Answer: Thank everybody for testing LUMYDCTT.

HU: "Látom rajta, hogy igen frankó kis cucc lesz, de addig még sok munkád lesz vele. Szerintem érdemes foglalkozni a projekttel. Úgyhogy sok sikert hozzá."
EN: "He thinks LUMYDCTT will be a pretty cool thing, but it needs a lot of work to get ready. To his opinion, it worth dealing with it, so good luck for it."
Answer: "Thank you very much."

HU: "A kritikus észrevételeimről pedig annyit, hogy nem az a barátod, aki a képedbe vigyorog, hanem aki őszintén megmondja, ha valami nem tetszik neki, bár itthon ezt nagyon nem csípik sokan."
EN: "He told about his critical remarks: 'not your friend who is grining into your face, but that one is telling the truth, telling what he doesn't like', although most people in Hungary don't like the pure truth."
Answer: You are right. Most of the people...

Here is the new LUMYDCTT (v4.8.1) with "Bug Tracer":

Lumydctt - Bug Tracer

Lumydctt - Best Fit

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