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on 2013-04-13
 Re: TOP30 musics :-)

...not to mention that the fantastic cover of "Chariots of Fire" you can enjoy listening in Daley Thompson's Star Events is the very first job Ocean had assigned to Martin Galway, he confessed via Facebook happy

Taking back to the original thread, MMS: yes, the HVTC I've taken forward, even when it has been branded as 'useless effort', aims to rewards theTED sound overall, and all the people who did something with it, that's because copycatting HVSC from C64 would have been the best move to do in that direction. Two folders: one with playbale stuff (the tune's code may be changed) and pure files (in order to preserve and reuse; e.g., before Csabo has given his fantastic tune to me for Liberator +5MD intro, it has been quite easy and fast to re-use Xadium's tune for it)

I have had a lil'breaktime with HVTC because we're waiting for the famous file format for the stunning TEDplay (TLC and Gaia: infinite thanks again activate? Y/n grin ), but soon I'll fix/enrich/whatever the collection with another release (when the format will be implemented, converting 200 300 or 400 tunes should be almost the same, so why waiting?).

Posted By

on 2013-04-12
 Re: TOP30 musics :-)

and WHO added David Whittaker as the composer of Treasure Island as that is a new one on me? grin

I always thought it was Greg Duddle, but how could the man who gave us Treasure Island and Aliens give us Shark aka Shark Attack!?!?! Such a strange game, almost left overs from working on Harbour Attack or rather unreleased by Commodore and later was given to Firebird Software.

Saying that, Treasure Islands music being done by David Whittaker is starting to make sense now tho. Back in the day no one pulled a sound out of a 264 that was so unique as if it was another instrument used and not your normal TED sound like David Whittaker. Treasure Island still gets me now, the quality of the instrument used and yeah by the time we get to G-Man, more astounding sounding TED even if it is a short jingle.

Terra Nova on Plus/4 had one of the coolest tunes ever composed back then tho. Even Auf Wiedersehen Monty suites TED so well.

One last thought... is David Whittaker going to be credited for Exorcist music now? Come to think of it, it's too catchy of a tune to of been created by someone that wasn't a composer at heart. wink

Posted By

on 2013-04-12
 Re: TOP30 musics :-)

Yerzmyey, that demo is 7 years old. Not that age matters of course, and yes, it has some nice tunes, but a stroll through the Top List here for you is highly recommended. Especially keep an eye out for TEK and BKN releases.

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on 2013-04-12
 Re: TOP30 musics :-)

Hmmmmmm. What was the demo (music-collection) by 4MAT?
With a girl on the screen. Working even on C16.
They were the best TED songs I've ever heard. For now of course. wink
(Like I mentioned before, I wait for a cross-platform TED-tracker for PC, hehehe).

OK - "Ted Storm"


Posted By

on 2013-04-11
 TOP30 musics :-)

I was looking abound the Toplist, and though we had a lot of discussion on TED and SID musics, etc, we still do not have the TOP musics for Plussy happy
I was just listening to Treasure Island, and listened how good it is (well Mr.Whittaker knows few things about notes... in fact: strange sound, even if the music is rather simple, still in my ears)

What is your opinion?

I would take out from the voting the pure SID musics, but we several raw TED musics we should be proud of, and there are few of them we may refer. The recently released games and intros music are just great, and there are some other nice ones, like Quadrillion, but I would also refer to Athrur Noid too :-)

I am not sure about the FRQ converted SID musics ( Pigmy's Game music had it's special taste (really different from the SID sound), and in my childhood I listened it for hours). Games Music 9 sounds really special, "TEDish", but very sweet tunes came out just by using square waves.
Some other digiconverted musics (like Castle Master intro or Laser Squad intro, but my Dinoshock Readme file would win grin )) were also very nice, but certainly little destroyed by the background noise.

What is your opinion, knowing the TEDPlay project in place?
Does it worth to create a new category?

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