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Posted By

on 2013-04-18
 Re: SID-card scheme?

I'll spread the voice on social networks as I ever did.

Posted By

on 2013-04-18
 Re: SID-card scheme?

> Even if that happens, I would have to recalculate the price, because many things have changed since.
I see. What would be the newest price then?
If I started in 2009 all this mess wink then maybe I should buy more than one card, heh.

Posted By

on 2013-04-15
 Re: SID-card scheme?

S.O.S. please translate it for another scenners who don't speak 'madjari'


Az AROK2012-re igertem par embernek SID-kartyat, elorelathatolag szombat delutan/este leszek ott, az erintettek atvehetik! Viszont! Van par kulfoldi megrendelo, ez oket erinti inkabb: a cucc ara meg mindig 12500 HUF ill. 50 EUR. A kartya EUR-os ara egesz mas forint arfolyamon lett kiszamolva anno, mint a mostani. En a party-n NEM FOGOK penzt valtani, de aki forintban fizet, az a HUF-os aron juthat hozza a kartyajahoz, fuggetlenul a lakohelyetol. happy

Regota igergetem mar a kartyahoz a tesztprogramot, ami ugy nez ki lassan el is keszul. Egy kicsit azt hiszem tulbonyolitottam a dolgot, de azt elmondhatom rola, hogy eletem elso teljesen esemenyvezerelt programjat sikerult megirnom, mindezt plus/4-en. (Muhaha...) Ha a partyra esetleg nem is lesz 100%-os, de tenyleg csak par ora reszeles van vele vissza, nemsokara fel fog kerulni a "honlapra", nemi dokumentaciofrissitessel egyetemben.

Edit: 07.31.

Friss hírek BSZ-tõl:

Frissult a honlap: http://bsz.amigaspirit.hu/nae

Felkerult ANGOL ill. MAGYAR nyelven a frissitett dokumentacio a kartyarol (Innen is koszonet TLC-nek az ".EN" forditasert!), ill. kesznek nyilvanitottam a tesztprogramot is, ami szinten letoltheto! (Az angol forditasert itt meg koszonet szinten TLC-nek, ill. Csabo-nak!) Ha valamilyen hibat talal valaki benne, kerem jelezze! A teszt nem NAE-specifikus reszeinek mukodnie kellene mas kartyakkal is, ha valami nem ugy lenne, arrol is szivesen olvasok hibaleirast!

A masodik szeriabol jelenleg van meg 5 db. kartya. 3 elozo vasarlot ertesitettem, akik esetlegesre kertek masodik darabot is, ha nekik kell, akkor 2 db. marad. Ha nem, akkor tobb, egyelore varok a valaszukra. Ha valaki rendelni szeretne, akkor itt a vissza nem tero alkalom, mivel ugy tunik hogy harmadik kor nem lesz. (Ahhoz hogy legyen, minimum 12 db. megrendelest ujra ossze kell szedni!) Az arak valtozatlanok, de HA esetleg lesz 3-ik kor, a ".HU" arat "hozzabb" kell igazitanom az EUR-os ertekhez.

Edit: 15th of apr. from BSZ:

Szoval csak annyit akartam mondani, hogy a SID-kartya masodik szeriajabol elfogyott az osszes darab! Nem ment olyan gyorsan, de ez nem baj. Ha valaki ezek utan meg szeretne, akkor ugy 12-15 db. megrendelest ossze kell szeni, hogy erdemes legyen gyartast inditani. De ha igy is lesz, ujra kell szamolnom a koltsegeket, azota eleg sokat valtozott az ilyen-olyan arfolyam.

 Re: SID-card scheme?

S.O.S. kérlek fordítsd le ezt azoknak a scenereknek akik nem tudnak magyarul


I promised a few people that I would have a SID card for them by AROK 2012, I'll be there on Saturday afternoon/night, the concerned persons can receive it there! Howewer! There's a few international buyers, this concerns them: the stuff still costs 12500 HUF or 50 EUR. The card's price in Euros was calculated under a completely different exchange rate. I WILL NOT exchange money on the party, but if you can pay in Forints, you can get it for the HUF price, regardless of where you live.

I've been promising a test program, which will be done soon it seems. I think I overcomplicated it a bit, but I can say that I managed to write my very first event-driven program ever, on Plus/4. (Mwahaha...) Maybe it won't be 100% by the party, but there's really only a few hours of testing is left, soon it will go to its "homepage", along with some documentation updates.

Edit: 07.31.

BSZ has fresh news for you:

The homepage has been updated: http://bsz.amigaspirit.hu/nae

The updated documentation has been uploaded in ENGLISH and HUNGARIAN (thanks again to TLC for the ".EN" translation!), and I also deemed the test program ready, which is also available! (Thanks for the English translation to TLC and Csabo!) If anyone finds any problems with it, please let me know! The parts of the test that are not NAE-specific should work with other cards as well, but if something doesn't, I'd be happy to read bugreports!

From the second series there's still 5 cards left. I notified 3 previous buyers who were interested in additional cards, if they want them then there's still 2 left. If not, then even more, at the moment I'm waiting for their replies. If anyone would like to order, then this is the opportunity of a lifetime, because it seems there won't be a 3rd series. (To have one we would need a minimum of 12 orders!) The prices are unchanged, but IF there will be a 3rd series, then the Hungarian price will be adjusted to be closer to the price Euros.

Edit: from BSZ, April 15:

Well, all I wanted to say was that all the SID cards from the 2nd series are gone! They didn't go very quickly, but that's ok. If someone would still like to get one, there would have to be about 12-15 orders to make another series worthwhile. Even if that happens, I would have to recalculate the price, because many things have changed since.

Posted By

on 2012-06-20
 Re: SID-card scheme?

As Csio mentioned in his 24. 05. progress report BSZ has found two minor issues with the firmware of the CPLD of the previously built cards. I asked him to tell about these a bit more. One is the erratic behaviour in handling Amiga mice. Unfortunately, the vertical counter counts in reverse direction compared to the 1351. The other nuisance occurs in the emulation of the Solder-card. In Solder mode the mouse position registers ($FD82/$FD83) and last SID access registers ($FD88/$FD89) get ORed with the joystick data. These are minor things so nothing to worry about. BSZ found these when he wrote a test program for checking the manufactured cards. Also he is planning to publish on the card's page drivers for the two mouse types. If someone wants to get his/her card repaired it must be sent to the Maestro for a CPLD reprogramming or, as Csio also mentioned, meet him at Arok 2012 in person and he will fix it on site. But this party site service option depends on if he can take proper equipment there (something about a portable computer with parallel port). These information are half-official. He wanted to wait with the publication until the card's documentation gets updated (english version by courtesy of TLC as usual).

Posted By

on 2012-06-19
 Re: SID-card scheme?


yesterday I got my SidSard. happy

Now I wait for the SID chip and will be testing the beast.

Posted By

on 2012-06-07
 Re: SID-card scheme?

And finally..... BSZ the god of sidcards finished the 2nd bunch!!!

Nekialltam csomagolni! A megoldas a multkor "kitalalt" modi lett
ismet. Eloszor elkeszultek a "lezarasok":

Majd kivagtam a "boritast":

Ezekutan becsomagoltam a kartyak nagy reszet, egy utolso ellenorzes

Tehat a "nemszeretem" resz is elkeszult. Nekialltam kiertesiteni a
megrendeloket a megrendeles meneterol. Ha a visszajelzesek megjonnek,
akkor fog kiderulni, hogy mennyi darab marad.

Posted By

on 2012-06-02
 Re: SID-card scheme?

oh, well! we are glad!

Posted By

on 2012-05-29
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Have a question about the sidcard?
Want to meet the author?
Want a dedication from BSZ?
Want to meet some really crazy member of ACW?
Want to know the 18-years-secret of Dark as You demo by Chronos?

Come to Arok and everything's gonna be alright!!!

BSZ has a words for yah:

Elindult a masodik szeria gyartasa, elkeszultek a nyakok, megerkezett az osszes alkatresz a beszallitoktol:


A heten megkapja a "szerelobrigad". Hogy mikorra keszulnek el, azt nem tudom, de utolso informacioim szerint "raernek", sokat igy talan nem kell majd ra varni. Lesz annyi, hogy mindenkinek jut, aki eddig erdeklodott. (Sot meg marad is talan 3 db., de ez az inditas utan lesz majd ~biztos, remelem nem lesz problema semmivel, kb. mint az elso szerianal.)

A lenyeg: latvanyos haladas van!

Edit: 06. 05.

Hirek: Elkeszult a masodik szeria szerelese:

A kartyak inditasa, felporogramozasa, tesztelese van vissza, mondjuk ez se kis feladat, el leszek majd vele... De mindenesetre haladas van.

Edit: 24. 05.

Az elmult ket heten igencsak el voltam havazva, igy csak lassan mentek a dolgok. A kartya CPLD FW-jeben talaltam ket problemat, ezek meg lettek oldva. Keszul kozben egy, a kartya funkcioit tesztelo program, a kritikus reszek probalgatasahoz ezt be akartam fejezni. Tulajdonkeppen amit akartam, az benne van, lassan ez is kiadhato allapotba kerul, csak ezzel se haladtam olyan tempoban, mint szerettem volna. De:

Elkezdtem a kartyak eleszteset, remelem a heten vegzek veluk! Ami biztos: a "csomagban" lesz ket 6581-es SID-hez keszult kartya is, azok mar mukodnek. Magasabb a fogyasztasuk mint a 8580-as valtozatnak, remelem a plus/4 gyari tapegysegevel nem lesz problema. De most ugy tunik, kulon keresre mukodhet ez is. (Mivel 7 db. alkatresz mas a ket verzioban, igy NEM atkapcsolhato a ket valtozat kozott, ezek CSAK a regi SID-del mukodnek!)

Ha ezekkel vegzek, akkor johet a "dobozolas" ujra (nem szeretem melo, valakinek otlet?), majd a posta (az a resz mar egyszeru).

Ill. vissza van meg a dokumentacio "kozmetikazasa" az uj informacioknak megfeleloen.

Edit: 29. 05.

A hetvegen el sikerult inditani az uj szeria kartyait, tulajdonkeppen minden rendben volt veluk. Ugyhogy orulok:

Egesz jo lett a pakk, jo lenne ha kellene meg egy ilyen szeriat gyartani. Szerintem rajtam nem fog mulni. Ezt a csomagot utoljara egyben talan most latom:

Most mar csak a "dobozolas" van hatra, utana elkezdem kiertesiteni a megrendeloket a teendokrol.

Congrat BSZ! Yeah!
Hát emberek... így visszaolvasva, meg összegezve BSZ remek munkát végzett, a kasztni jól muzsikál, bírja a koxot és remek a 985 kHz-s muzsika is. Tömegesen tsókoljuk az arany kezeidet, amikkel ezt a gyönyörűséget alkottad nekünk. THX!

 Re: SID-card scheme?

Have a question about the sidcard?
Want to meet the author?
Want a dedication from BSZ?
Want to meet some really crazy member of ACW?
Want to know the 18-years-secret of Dark as You demo by Chronos?

Come to Arok and everything's gonna be alright!!!

BSZ has a words for yah:

The production of the 2nd batch has started, the PCBs are done, all components have arrived from the suppliers:


The "assembly team" will receive the stuff this week. I don't know when they will be done, but according to the last info they "have time", so maybe we won't have to wait too long. We will have enough for everyone who inquired so far. (Maybe we will even have 3 left over, but we will only know for sure after the start, I hope there won't be any problems, just like with the first batch.)

The point: there's visible progress!

Edit: 06. 05.

News: The building of the 2nd batch has started:

The start-up of the cards, their programming and testing is what's left, this is no small task either, but I'll keep at it. At least there's progress.

Edit: 24. 05.

This past two weeks I was very busy, so things progressed slowly. I found two problems with the card's CPLD FW, these have been solved. Meanwhile a program to test the card's functions is in the works, I wanted to finish this to test the critical issues. Basically everything I wanted to put in it IS in it, so it'll slowly reach a releasable state, I just wasn't able to progress as quickly as I would have liked. But:

I began starting up the cards, I hope I will be done this week! What's for sure: in the "pack" there will be two cards which are made for 6581 SID, these are already working. They draw more power than the 8580 version, I hope this won't be a problem for the Plus/4's factory power supply. But it seems - since it was requested - this can be made to work as well. (Since there are 7 components are different between the two versions, they CANNOT be switched over to the other version, so these ONLY work with the older SIDs!)

When I'm done, the "boxing" can begin (I hate this part of the job, any ideas?), and the shipping (that part is easy).

I also have the task of "prettying up" the documentation with the new pieces of information.

Edit: 29. 05.

This weekend I managed to start up all the cards from the new batch, everything was okay. Therefore I'm happy:

This batch turned out pretty well, I would be nice to manufacture another one like this. I don't think I would have a problem with that. This is probably the last time I see this pack in one piece:

Now only "boxing" is left, then I will notify the people who ordered.

Congrat BSZ! Yeah!
Well folks... reading it all in one piece, all in all BSZ did a great job, the stuff is playing cool tunes, "bírja a koxot" and the 985 kHz music is good too. We kiss your golden hands, those which built this awesome stuff for us. THX!

Posted By

on 2012-03-08
 Re: SID-card scheme?

I've just take a bit of my free time to test mine. Fantastic! I did not try out any of the new features of the card "only" the playing with plus/4 clock (neither C64 clock mode nor "legacy" mode was tried). The card is fantastic. Thanks, BSZ! (will write a mail to him too)
And I'm proud of myself that stuff that I wrote almost two decades ago without having a SIDCard just works perfectly now. happy

Posted By

on 2012-03-08
 Re: SID-card scheme?

News again via BSZ:

Az elso szeria kartya (Vegre!) el lett kuldve, mindenkihez meg is erkezett. Ezekszerint mukodik a posta... A jovo heten el szeretnem inditani a kovetkezo szeria kartya gyartasat. Errol mindenkinek kuldtem levelet, akiket "felirtam a listara" anno, ugyhogy az erdeklodok tessenek megnezni a postaladajukat! Ha valaki nem kapott levelet, az amiatt lehet, hogy veletlenul elkevertem az "erdeklodest", ezert elnezest kernek innen is! De! Ha nem kaptal levelet, viszont erdekelne egy kartya, akkor MOST irj legy szives! Viszont "tessek sietni", nem tudom meg hogy mennyi darab fog keszulni, de nyilvan esszeru darabszamon tul tobbet nem akarok elore megfinanszirozni. Ha tul sok lesz esetleg az erdeklodo, akkor indul majd kesobb egy 3. szeria is. Fontos: a kartyahoz szukseges a SID chip tovabbra is, de en NEM TUDOK ADNI, azt mindenkinek maganak kell beszereznie! Az ar tovabbra is 50 EUR korulre van tervezve (AFA-val egyutt), bar meg nem neztem meg, hogy milyen komponens ara hogyan valtozott. A gyartasi ido az inditastol szamitva kb. 2 honap korul alakul, ez mondjuk fugg sok mindentol, de kb. realis. (Ismert a "feladat", ha nem lesz alkatreszbeszerzesi gond, tarthato is.)


 Re: SID-card scheme?

News again via BSZ:

The first series has been (finally!) mailed out, everyone received it. This means that the postal service actually works... Next week I would like to start the manufacturing of the next series. I mailed everyone who was "on the list" back then, so please check your mail! If someone didn't get a mail, it's possible that I misplaced their "interest", I apologize for that! However, if you didn't get an email, but you're interested in the card, please write to me NOW! Please "hurry up", I don't know how many pieces will be made but beyond a reasonable number I don't want to finance any more. If there's too many people interested, perhaps a 3rd series will come later. Important: the card still requires a SID chip, but I CANNOT PROVIDE ONE, everyone has to obtain their own! The price is still planned to be around 50 EUR (including taxes), but I haven't checked how the prices of the components changed. The manufacturing time is about 2 months from the start, this depends on a lot of things but I think it's reasonable. (The "task" is known, if obtaining components is not a problem then it can be done.)


Posted By

on 2012-02-29
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Minden tisztelet BSZ-e ahogy ezt a cuccost vegigvitte becsulettel az elejetol a vegeig, gratula! respect
(es persze az ot tamogato scenenk is)

 Re: SID-card scheme?

Maximum respect to BSZ for honorably seeing this project through, from beginning to end, congrats! respect
(and of course to the scene that supported him as well)

Posted By

on 2012-02-02
 Re: SID-card scheme?

YERZMYEY be patient! i was thinking the same, but i received an email today.

Posted By

on 2012-02-02
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Please be a bit more patient. He will start shipping the cards soon. I spoke to him this week and he got some (minor) troubles with billing so the thing is delayed. As soon as the first batch is shipped he will start the next one in the order above.

Posted By

on 2012-02-02
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Hmmm. And I have no response from the producer, for months now.
It's a bit disturbing.
Can anybody forward him my question about possibilities of buying the card (or 2)?
I'd be very grateful.
My address - yerzmyey AT interia.pl

Posted By

on 2012-01-27
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Yesterday I got a mail from BSz to confirm my SID-Card order and provide a shipping address to him. After the payment he will immediately post the card. happy
@MMS: I've also asked him how can he manage to ship abroad so cheap. happy

Posted By

on 2012-01-19
 Re: SID-card scheme?


I am not directly involved, but how could you manage to pay only 4€for the postage? Is there any trick, or other service provider than Magyar Posta? SID card is not a pretty small one (though not so heavy too). Last time I sent to UK a Plus/4, and although it is not the biggest computer of the history, it cost dozend of Euro to ship (I mean not one or two). Shame on Magyar Posta....

Posted By

on 2012-01-18
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Some news again from the tin-master:

A postas parametereket a mult heten mar megkerdeztem, csak meg nem volt idom informaciokat se irni... De majd MOST!

A "kulfoldi" postazas a kovetkezo keppen fog alakulni:

Az ar kb. 54.61 EUR lesz brutto. (39 EUR a kartya, 4 EUR a postakoltseg, plusz erre jon ra a 27%-os itthoni AFA.) Ez elvileg fedez most minden koltseget, ugyhogy orulunk... Mivel nem vagyunk (meg?) netes bolt, igy egy kicsit korulmenyes lesz a "vasarlas". Ertesiteni fogom azokat, akik az elso 10-es pakkban "benne vannak", es pontosan leirom a teendoket. (Kb. ilyen lesz: irsz egy mailt a megfelelo parameterekkel, kapsz egy szamlat pdf-ben, az adataidat leellenorzod, atutalod az osszeget, feladjuk a pakkot a postara.)

A csomagolasrol meg par szot ejtenek:

A kornyezetvedelem jegyeben a kartya ESD-csomagja, a "dobozka" anyagaival egyutt "ujrahasznositott" anyagok, a boritek az nem. A kartyak RoHS technologiaval vannak keszitve, ez mondjuk egeszen addig igaz is marad, ameddig az olmos SID bele nem kerul.

Szoval mostmar tenyleg remelem, hogy a jovo heten el tud kezdodni a csomagkuldes.

A hazai postazas azt hiszem most 1 embert fog erinteni, a reszleteket vele is megbeszelem, itthonra nem tuti hogy a posta a legjobb megoldas, de egyezkedunk.

Udv: BSZ

 Re: SID-card scheme?

Some news again from the tin-master:

Last week I found out the shipping details, I just didn't have time to pass on the information... But NOW I do!

Shipping to "abroad" will be as follows:

The total price will be around 54.61 EUR. (The card is 39 EUR, shipping is 4 EUR, plus the 27% Hungarian value added tax.) This will hopefully cover all costs, so we're happy... Since out shop does not (yet) have a website, the "purchasing" will be a little complicated. I will notify those who are in the first 10, and I will send them detailed instructions. (It will be something like: write me a mail with the details, you'll get a PDF bill, you'll check your details, pay the amount and we'll ship you the package.)

A few more words about the packaging:

In the spirit of environmental protection the card's ESD bag, the "box" and it's components are made from recycled materials, the envelope isn't. The cards were made with RoHS technology, which will remain true until the "leaded" SID is put inside.

So now I'm really hoping next week the shipping will begin.

National shipping only affects one person I think, I will discuss the details with him, here at home it's not for sure that shipping is the best solution, so we will see.

Greetings: BSZ

Posted By

on 2012-01-13
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Respect dude!

Posted By

on 2012-01-13
 Re: SID-card scheme?

I also wait for it unpatiently. E'mail has been sent (again wink ).

Posted By

on 2012-01-09
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Absolutely fantastic news!

Posted By

on 2012-01-08
 Re: SID-card scheme?

One of our best high qualified mechanic import some infos about THE PACKS:

"Boldog uj evet kivanok mindenkinek, megprobalok par jo(bb) hirrel szolgalni! Mostanaban egy kicsit (muhaha...) el vagyok havazva, de a delutant vegre a "csomagolasra" tudtam forditani. Ez egy egyszeru karton-lap a kartyakon korbetekerve, a vegei meg "lezarva" egy-egy hungarocell darabbal. Eloszor ezek keszulnek el:

Ebbol azert kell par darab:

Maga a "doboz" a kovetkezo lepes, itt mar latszik hogy mirol van szo:

Par ebbol is kell... Ezekbol kell valami "csomagot" krealni:

Eloszor a csomagba bekerul a lenyeg:

Erre "racsukva" a "teto":

De ez igy nem akar megallni. Kell ra meg nemi "rogzites":

Es ebbol meg visszavan par darab...

A "benazasokkal" egyutt el is toltam vele a vasarnap delutant. A kovetkezo adag mar rutinosabban fog menni. Remelem lesz! Ez a kis dobozka meg belekerul majd egy "buborekos" boritekba:

Ezt meg meg kell vizsgalni, de szerintem ennyi "vedelem" mar eleg kell legyen a postazashoz. Boritekjaim meg nincsenek, a pontos postakoltseg kideritese a het feladata lesz, de a "nyugos melo" az elkeszult. Hurra...

Idokozben (meg tavaly... ) elkezdtem irni egy teszt-programot, amivel a kartya osszes kepesseget ki lehet probalni, ill. jo lesz majd "demo" kodnak is, amibol kiderul hogy mit hogyan lehet hasznalni. Az a program, amit eddig hasznaltam (paran lathattak a tavalyi Arok Party-n) az sajnos nem uti meg azt a szinvonalat, hogy barkinek oda merjem adni. De a teszthez meg kellene csinalnom azt a PC -> Plus/4 adatatviteli "kabelt", amit mar regen meg szerettem volna alkotni. Az elektronika elkeszult, a programot is nekialltam hozza osszerakni, de ezzel is elhavaztam... Jo lenne ha egy kicsit normalisabb lenne ez a 2012-es ev, mint a tavalyi...


Udv: BSZ"

 Re: SID-card scheme?

One of our best high qualified mechanic import some infos about THE PACKS:

"Happy New Year to everyone, I will try to provide some good news! Nowadays I'm a little (muhaha...) busy, but finally I could spend one afternoon on "packaging". This is a simple cardboard wrapped around the cards, and the ends are blocked off with a piece of Styrofoam. These are made first:

We need a few of these:

Next is the "box" itself, here you can see what it's about:

Need a few of these as well... The "package" is created out of these:

First, the most essential piece goes into the package:

With the "roof" closed:

But this won't hold. It needs some stabilization:

And we have a few of these...

With my lamering around I managed to waste a Sunday afternoon. The next batch will be done better. I hope there will be one! This little box will go into a bubble envelope:

I still have to examine it, but I think this much "protection" should be enough for the shipping. I don't have envelopes and next week's job will be finding out the exact postage, but the "hard part" is over. Hooray...

Meanwhile (last year...) I started writing a test program, which can test all the card's functionality, and it will also be good as a "demo" code, which shows how things can be done. The program which I used so far (a few of you saw it on last year's Arok) is unfortunately not good enough to be given out. But for testing I will need to make the PC -> Plus/4 "cable", which I wanted to do for so long. The electronics is done, and I started writing the program, but I ran out of time with this as well... It would be nice if 2012 were a bit more normal than last year...


Greets: BSZ"

Posted By

on 2012-01-06
 Re: SID-card scheme?

any progress on this topic?

edit 06.01.: any news here?

Posted By

on 2011-12-20
 Re: SID-card scheme?

any news here?
i want a card too.

Posted By

on 2011-12-01
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Pedig mekkora királyság lett volna, ha még egy IDE illesztőt is beleintegráltál volna happy

Although it would be most people's dream to have a real IDE interface on this card too, extra to the lot of goodies you already have happy

Posted By

on 2011-12-01
 Re: SID-card scheme?

BSZ's words :

A postazassal igazabol meg nem volt idom / energiam foglalkozni, de kezd korvonalazodni a dolog. Mivel a cucc meglehetosen konnyu / kicsi (meg mereseket nem vegeztem, de tuti fel kilo alatt van... ), igy "level" parameterbe meg belefer, valoszinuleg posta lesz a vegeredmeny, nem futar. A postai arak 2000 HUF alattiak ekkora sulynal, DE ebben nincs ertekbiztositas, azt meg meg kell kerdeznem hogy hogyan megy, ill. mennyi. Dobozt meg nem talaltam, de valoszinuleg csinalok majd sajatot... Ez a "dobozka" majd bekerul egy "buborekos" boritekba, igy lesz kuldve. De barkinek barmilyen otlete van, azt szivesen hallgatom am!

A kerdesre a valasz: a nyakon a 44 polusu csatlakozo egy jovobeni bovites lehetosege, a Plus/4 Expansion port van kozvetlenul rakotve. Az Expansion 50 polusabol 3 nincs bekotve, a 4 db. GND-bol csak 2 maradt, ill. a ROM kivalaszto jelekbol a CS0/CS1 nincs kidrotozva. (De ezek egy kulso ROM-boviteshez nem is kellenek, a Plus/4 eredeti ROM-BANK logikaja "eleg jo", azt nincs ertelme szerintem modositgatni.) Igy az 50 labbol lejon 3+2+2, az 43. Az meg mar elfer a 44 polusu csatin. (Ami "szabvany", legalabbis maga a 2x22 pol. 2mm-es raszteru csatlakozo, ui. ezt hasznaljak a regi 2.5"-es PATA HDD-k, DE eszebe se jusson senkinek erre azt rakotni... )

Udv: BSZ

 Re: SID-card scheme?

BSZ's words :

I haven't had time / energy to deal with the mailing, but the process is starting to finalize. Since the stuff is very light / small (I haven't measure it, but I'd bet it's under 0.5 kg), it qualifies as "lettermail", so I can probably mail it via the post office instead of a courier. The postal cost is under 2000 HUF for this weight, BUT that doesn't include insurance, I have to ask how to do that and how much it costs. I haven't found a box yet, but I'll probably make my own... The box will go into a bubble envelope, and that's how they'll be sent. But if someone has a better idea, I'm all ears!

Answer to the question: the 44 pin plug on the PCB is for future expansion, it's directly connected to the Plus/4 expansion port. Out of the 50 pins on the expansion port 3 aren't wired, out of the 4 GND I left only 2, and from the ROM select signal CS0/CS1 is not connected. (But these are not needed for an external ROM expansion, the Plus/4's original ROM-BANK logic is "good enough", I don't think it makes sense to modify that.) So from the original 50 we take off 3+2+2, which leaves 43. That can fit on the 44 pin connector. (Which is "stanard", at least the 2x22 pin 2mm connector, since the old 2.5"-es PATA HDD uses it as well, BUT don't even think about connecting those...)

Greets: BSZ

Posted By

on 2011-12-01
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Chicken is back... grin

Posted By

on 2011-11-30
 Re: SID-card scheme?

BSZ, you rule! Köszönöm happy

Honestly, I'm really happy that you managed to get beyond the prototype stage and in fact present a finished product now. I'm especially grateful that you included all the features I asked for, even if they could be considered as "of doubtful use" (e.g. "stereo mode" SID on one channel/Ted on the other channel). Thanks for not just doing your own thing but considering many ideas from the "community" even if that meant some extra work (e.g. including 1351 compatibility).

I just wondered about the PCB... It looks like it could be equipped with a connector (I counted 44 pins?). Would this be a "through"-port or is this just a different way to connect the card to the expansion port (via some cable)? Is 44 pins enough? What about the missing 6 pins?

Just in case BSZ ever drops by... Could someone translate this please? happy

How many cards are there? I still want at least two :) Though, I can wait... NOT ;)

Posted By

on 2011-11-24
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Posted By

on 2011-11-24
 Re: SID-card scheme?


A kartyak keszek.

Most mar csak tenyleg a "postazas" van hatra, szepen sorban felveszem a kontaktot a megrendelokkel. De elotte meg ki kell deritenem, hogy hogyan is lesz celszeru ezt elkuldeni...

Udv: BSZ

 Re: SID-card scheme?


The cards are done.

All that's left now is the mailing, I will start contacting the people who ordered. But before that I have to figure out how should I send them...

Bye: BSZ

Posted By

on 2011-11-24
 Re: SID-card scheme?

A little old, but click this: http://bsz.amigaspirit.hu/Plus4/SIDcardV2/pics/pic20111114_002.jpg.

Posted By

on 2011-11-20
 Re: SID-card scheme?

This project very cool ! I hope BSZ will be soon answer me, then mine sidcard also done.

Posted By

on 2011-11-04
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Fantastic! happy

Posted By

on 2011-11-03
 Re: SID-card scheme?

BSZ sent me some words about the photo:

"Egy kicsit elhuzodott a tortenet (mar megint, szokas szerint...), de sajnos (?) vannak egyeb kotelezettsegeim is. Viszont az elso szeria megszerelodott. 3 db. az elozo szerelesbol maradt, 1 kesz, 2 meg tesztelesre var. A tobbit meg "inditanom" kell, de hamarosan meglesznek. Utana johet a postazas... VISZONT! Ebben kellene nemi segitseg. Olyan embert keresek, akinek van a "kulfoldre" csomagkuldessel / postazassal kapcsolatban tapasztalata, lenne par kerdesem!

Udv: BSZ"

 Re: SID-card scheme?

BSZ sent me some words about the photo:

"The story has dragged on (again, as usual...), bun unfortunately (?) I have other commitments as well. However, the first serie has been built. 3 piece are left over from the first build, 1 is ready, 2 is waiting for testing. The rest have to be "booted", but it will be done soon. Then comes the mailing... HOWEVER! Here I would need some help. I'm looking for someone, who has experience in shipping parcels / mailing to abroad, I have a couple of questions!

Greets: BSZ"

Posted By

on 2011-11-03
 Re: SID-card scheme?


Posted By

on 2011-11-03
 Re: SID-card scheme?


Posted By

on 2011-11-03
 Re: SID-card scheme?

BSZ sent me today this link: http://bsz.amigaspirit.hu/Plus4/SIDcardV2/pics/pic20111101_001.jpg. Nice, isn't it?

Posted By

on 2011-10-26
 Re: SID-card scheme?

well, it anyhow looked to be too easy, right?

Posted By

on 2011-10-26
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Those are excellent news!
I wrote to the producer already.

By the way - does it mean that SwinSID will work 100% fine with our SidCard?

I've got an answer from the SidCard's producer (the thing about SwinSid) -
"I know the SwinSID, nice project, but there are some problems with it:

1: The SwinSID Audio-OUT is NOT fully compatible the original SID8580, some modifications required;
2: The SwinSID no use the 8580 clock (own clock source is used), therefore only 985KHz mode available (SwinSID firmware modifications required);
3: No Audio-IN, so the DigiBlaster extension does not work (But it would be possible to emulate the SwinSID firmware);
4: No Paddle inputs, the JoyPort analog inputs does not work;

The major problem is the 1. point, I will make a description of the modifications."

Posted By

on 2011-10-09
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Some interesting news about SID chip needed for the SIC card.
SwinSID developed further, and now it is available in the same size as the original SID chip.

It is still a prototype, but very close to serial production. Somwhere in the forum I read 10 Euro price, but it sounds too cheap to be true.


Posted By

on 2011-10-08
 Re: SID-card scheme?

hmmm, no answer yet from BSZ....

Posted By

on 2011-10-03
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Csio, does it mean the distribution is performed by direct contact with BSZ?

Edit: I sent a mail, vanguard of the buyers! ;)

Edit: BSZ kindly answered, and what follow are real times and facts by the author himself :)

"The first series is now assembling. 2-3 weeks are needed to.
The final price is 40 EUR + 25% Hungarian VAT = 50 EUR (+ shipping.)
Payment : bank-transfer is OK, paypal is problematic. :(
Important: The card does not contain SID chip! Only the socket, the SID must
be obtained by yourself."

Posted By

on 2011-10-02
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Sorry, fixed.

But BSZ has a new page with bilingual efx! Check:


Posted By

on 2011-10-02
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Someone with the proper rights: please change the e-mail of BSZ to some encrypted form to protect him against spam. Thanks. happy

Posted By

on 2011-10-02
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Try at this address:

(the address posted here no longer works)

Posted By

on 2011-10-01
 Re: SID-card scheme?

I second Luca. Who should I send my money to, where, when and how much?

Posted By

on 2011-10-01
 Re: SID-card scheme?

...and this is the original BSZ's manual for the new SID-card!
Now: to whom I have to send my money?

Posted By

on 2011-08-01
 Re: SID-card scheme?

it works!!!


Posted By

on 2011-08-01
 Re: SID-card scheme?

I have the number 003 of SIDcard and i was the first buyer in Arok!
It is very cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool! Thx BSZ!!!!

Posted By

on 2011-07-27
 Re: SID-card scheme?

@gaia, i do my banking with ING, soo you know how much they ripping me off...happy

Posted By

on 2011-07-27
 Re: SID-card scheme?

HUF 12500 = 45-50 euros, depending on how much the bank is ripping you off and how the exchange rates evolve in this crazy economic climate.


Posted By

on 2011-07-27
 Re: SID-card scheme?

10,000 HUF + VAT, how much is that in euro?

Posted By

on 2011-07-27
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Attention! Here are BSZ's words:


Van egy rossz hirem, meg egy jo.

Rossz: a szamitasok alapjan a kartya ara 10000HUF + AFA lesz. Remelem meg toleralhato a dolog, legfoljebb kesobb majd akciozunk...

Jo: most ugy nez ki (de meg nem biztos!) hogy a partira tudok majd vinni 5 db. kartyat! Eleg sok mindennek ossze kell jonnie hozza, de most ugy nez ki hogy menni fog. (Felteve, hogy a szerelessel elkeszulnek, idoben megkapom, nem lesz gond az inditassal... Szoval van par ismeretlen az egyenletben, de bizakodom.)

Egyelore ezek vannak.

Udv: BSZ

 Re: SID-card scheme?

Attention! Here are BSZ's words:


I have bad news and good news.

Bad: according to calculations the card will be 10,000 HUF + VAT. Hopefully that tolerable, maybe later we will have a sale(?)...

Good: at the moment it looks like (though not for sure!) that I'll be able to bring 5 cards to the party! A lot of things have to success for this to happen, but at the moment it seems like it's a go. (Assuming that the build will be done, I receive them in time and there won't be any problems starting them up... SO there's a few more unknowns, but I'm hopeful.)

That's about it for now.

Greets: BSZ

Posted By

on 2011-07-06
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pleeeeaaasseee! happy

I want to test SID card very badly. happy

Posted By

on 2011-07-06
 Re: SID-card scheme?

That's really good progress! It seems like the end is in sight.

Posted By

on 2011-07-06
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Betatesting it like hell.

Posted By

on 2011-07-06
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Tologattam a nyakon az alkatreszeket ide-oda par napot, majd - nagy levegovetel utan - kesznek nyilvanitottam, es leadtam a nyakgyartonak. Most kb. 3 het izgulas van, ennyi ido alatt keszul el az elso 10-es "szeria". De ezalatt legalabb meg tudom rendelni az alkatreszeket hozza. Tehat halad az ugy, mostmar gyorsabban lesz lathato "vegeredmeny". Felteve hogy jo is lesz a keszulo nyak... De most mar ut nincs vissza, csak elore.

A forumban valaki emlitette az "emeletes" felepitest, hogy ne logjon ki nagyon a gep hatuljabol a kartya. Gondolkodtam rajta en is, de elvetettem az otletet, mert jelentosen megbonyolitotta volna a dolgot, raadasul a koltsegekre is "pozitiv" hatast gyakorolt volna (a rossz ertelemben termeszetesen). Ugyhogy maradt az a felepites, amit a meretaranyos nyomtatason lehetett latni.

Udv: BSZ

2011.07.06. News:

Kb. most tartok ott, ahol 2010 december elejen szerettem volna tartani... De nem mindig sikerul minden ugy, ahogy az ember eltervezi.

Valahogy igy nez ki, van rajta nemi zsufoltsag:

Ez kezben (Szo szerint!) ekkora:

A gepben valami ilyesmi, es ez mar nem hajlik:

"Ugyanez" hatulrol:

Az a szerencse, hogy ezt mar el lehet inditani. Sot, el is van inditva, ma mar szolt a SID vagy 5-6 orat "belole"... A CPLD "reszelesevel" meg van melo, de az mar belathato idon belul el fog keszulni. Osszerakok meg egy darabot a "szerelobrigadnak", hogy legyen nekik minta, utana az elso szeriat meg fogom tudni szereltetni. (Remelem nem most akarnak nyaralni menni... ) Az elso szeria 12 db. Ki akar betateszterkedni? (Lehetoleg .HU)

Udv: BSZ

 Re: SID-card scheme?

For a few days, I shuffled the components around on the PCB, and then - after taking a deep breath - I declared it ready, and gave it to a PCB manufacturer. Right now we're in the 3-week worrying phase, since that's how long it takes for the fist round of 10 to be done. But at least during this time I can order the components for it. So things are in motion, now the final outcome will be here soon. Assuming of course that the PCB is good... But now there's no turning back, only forward.

On the forum someone mention the two-story structure, so that it wouldn't hang out from the back of the machine so much. I thought about this as well, but decided against it, because it would have made things considerably more complex, plus it would have had a "positive" impact on the price (more expensive, of course). Therefore I stuck with the structure that can be seen on the to-scale printout.

Regards: BSZ

2011.07.06. News:

I'm roughly at the stage where I wanted to be back in December 2010... But not everything works out according to the way one plans.

It looks like this, it has some crowding:

In your hands (literally) it's this big:

Inside the machine it looks like this, and it no longer bends

Same thing from the back:

Luckily this one can be started up. Furthermore, it has been started up, the SID played for about 5-6 hours... There's still work to be done with the CPLD filing, but it can be done within reasonable time. I'll put together another piece for the "build brigade", so that they have a sample, and then I'll have the first series built. (I hope now is not the time for their vacation.) The first series will be 12 pieces, who wants to beta test? (If possible, .HU)

Greetings: BSZ

Posted By

on 2011-05-15
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Congratulations on your progress! Great to see the project proceeded this far.

One question: Why are there so many ICs? Did you integrate additional functionality that the original card did not have?

Posted By

on 2011-04-28
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Great scaled printing, now it will be easy fight for the cheaper solution and declare a definitive price. Keep up the great work, BSZ!

Posted By

on 2011-04-28
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Érdemes lenne kétszintesre építeni, és akkor nem lógna ki annyira grin
(Olyasmi, mint az első világháborús repülőgépek szárnyai, távtartókkal, flex kábellel átdobni a jeleket...)

Milyen proggit használtál a tervezésnél?

 Re: SID-card scheme?

It might be worth to build it as two-storey card, so that it wouldn't hang out so much
(Something like the wings of airplanes in World War I, with spacers, passing the signals around with flex cables ...)

What utility did you use for the design?

Posted By

on 2011-04-28
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Azt hiszem egy kicsit sikerult tulvallalni magam. Nem lesz eppen egyszeru a szerkezet, de mar latszik az alagut... Lassan (de biztosan) a vegere erek a nyaktervezesnek; csinaltam egy meretaranyos nyomtatast, ezen mar latszik hogy mekkora lesz. Igy mar tudok kerni arajanlatot a nyakra...

Valahogy igy fog kinezni, van rajta nemi zsufoltsag:

Ez kezben (Szo szerint!) kb. ekkora:

A gepben valami ilyesmi lesz, csak nem hajlik:

"Ugyanez" hatulrol:

Az a kar, hogy a papir alapu cuccot nem lehet "elinditani". Pedig orulnek a gyors prototipusnak... Tehat halad a dolog, nemsokara lesz arajanlat a nyakra, utana ki fog derulni, hogy tarthato-e az eloiranyzott ar.

Udv: BSZ

 Re: SID-card scheme?

I think I managed to overreach a bit. It won't be a simple contraption, but at least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel... Slowly (but surely) I'm going to finish designing the circuit design. I made a to-scale print, this one shows how big the stuff will be. Now I can get estimated for the circuit boards...

It'll look something like this, it's kinda busy:

In your hands (literally!) it's about this big:

It'll look like this when it's in the machine, except it won't bend:

"Same thing" from the back:

Too bad that the paper-based stuff can't be "started". Otherwise I'd be happy for the quick prototype... So, the stuff is progressing, soon I will have a quote for the circuit boards, then we will see if the planned price range can be managed.

Bye: BSZ

Posted By

on 2011-03-11
 Re: SID-card scheme?

You can see the prototype in the party pictures:

Posted By

on 2011-03-11
 Re: SID-card scheme?!


BSZ held a presentation at Busodore party last weekend. He has shown us his working prototype and told that there are a few things he want to finish on it before starting the production run. He also told that he will definitely finish the project as he doesn't want to waste the worktime he spent on it. But he also stated that he won't rush things because "some months delay for a computer platform that is obsolete for 20 years does not really matter".

Posted By

on 2011-03-11
 Re: SID-card scheme?

any news about making/selling new SidCards?

Posted By

on 2011-02-18
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Well, noone really cared about the incorrect clock frequency in the old sid card, which already made everything sound slightly off. So maybe the swinsid is a very realistic option?

Posted By

on 2011-01-31
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Like I wrote here, the newest SwinSID should be veeeeeeeeeeery colse to SID, in its sound. Also it _should_ be possible to plug the SwinSID into the interface instead of new SID because that's what it was designed for (to replace the new SID).
Still, I have no news about selling SwinSID. Argh.

Posted By

on 2011-01-26
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Hey, I exactly wanted to ask this question, but I had a PC hangup.

Are the SwinSID and real SID price comparable to each other?

Is it possible, that SwinSID (with all the high speed Risc CPU, etc) is even cheaper than a SID?
(yeah, I saw there are some problems, but...)

Posted By

on 2011-01-26
 Re: SID-card scheme?

looks very promising, but prices of 6581 chips are already rising!


Posted By

on 2011-01-25
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Heh, told ya, I'll move to my new home in March So many things to do...

Posted By

on 2011-01-25
 Re: SID-card scheme?

yeppp, then come to Busodore and be glad together

Posted By

on 2011-01-25
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Waiting for a translation, before bouncing the news on FaceBook, I can confirm that my tune's emulation is 101% perfect! happy

Posted By

on 2011-01-25
 Re: SID-card scheme?

New year, new words from BSZ:

A hetvegen akartam mar jelentkezni hirekkel, csak a csalad keresztulhuzta a szamitasomat. Meg szerettem volna probalni meg par dolgot, ami azota sikerult is, ki is derultek problemak. Egy kicsit at kell a cucc "analog veget" terveznem, mert a jelenlegi felallas nem tul jo. (A Plus/4-be bevezetett SID hang tul halk meg mindig, de az erosito meg igy is tul van vezerelve... Valami mas megoldast kell talalnom, egy fokozatban nem lesz jo a megoldas. Fejben mar megvan, de meg kell meg epiteni.) A nyaktervezes se halad ugy, ahogy elterveztem, de a gazos reszig - most szerencse - meg nem is jutottam el.

Meg kozben lemerult a fenykepezogepem akku-ja, igy nem birtam kepeket csinalni. De mostmar vannak:


Közeli kép

Egy kozeli kep a cuccrol magarol. A poen az, hogy most egyszerre szol a SID ill. a SwinSID is. Kivancsi voltam a Swinkels krealmanyara, es azt kell mondjam: gratulalok Neki! A cuccnak egesz jo hangja van. A 20110110-ei firmware a teszt targya, a hangerot ugy latom (hallom) nem kezeli (tehat mindig max-on szol) de ezt leszamitva vallalhato hangja van. Nem volt egy nagy problema megoldani azt, hogy az egyik csatornaba az eredeti SID hangja szol, a maikba meg a SwinSID-20110110, igy csinaltam egy igen gonosz tesztet: egy zenet visszadigitalizaltam ugy, hogy a ket csatornan a ket fele modon szol a hang. Itt van-e:

SwinSID + Legacy SID zene

Errol azt kell tudni, hogy a SwinSID jelenlegi valtozata egy 16 bites D/A-t valosit meg, viszont az en valtozatomban ebbol csak a felso 8 bit mukodik. Tehat ami hallhato, az 8 bites hang! Meg lehet hallgatni, hogy melyik hogy szol... Lehet tippelni, hogy melyik csatornan szol az eredeti. (Nem lesz nehez, de azert meg lehet am lepodni!)

Viszont: A SwinSID NEM LESZ a kartyan alapbol, nem kell megijedni! (Amugy kar, mert ha eleg lenne ez, tehat nem kellene a Legacy SID, akkor egy csomo dolgot ki lehetne hagyni... )

Viszont van itt meg ket hangfile:


Ez ket demo zeneje, eredeti 8580-as SID-del. Arra kernek olyanokat, akinek van Solder-fele SID-kartyaja, hogy hallgassak mar meg, es mondjanak rola velemenyt. Ezeknek igy kell szolni? Szerintem igy hirtelen tul sok SID-et hallgattam sok ev kihagyas utan, es olyan dolgokat hallok, amiket nem kene...

 (no topic)

New year, new words from BSZ:

I wanted to post update this weekend but family stuff prevented me from doing so. I wanted to try out a few more things, which I managed to do since then, but I also found some new problems. I have to redesign the analogue end of the stuff, since the current setup is not that great. (The SID inside the Plus/4 is still too quiet, but the amplifier is already over-driven... I have to find another solution, this won't work in one step(?). I have the plans in my mind, but I still have to build it.) The PCB design isn't going as I planned either, though - luckily - I haven't even reached the messy part.

Meanwhile my camera's batteries gave out, so I couldn't take pics. I have some now though:



This is a closeup of the stuff itself. The joke is, that right now the SID and the SwinSID is playing at the same time. I was curious about the "Swinkels creation", and I have to say: congratulations! The stuff sounds pretty good indeed. The firmware from 20110110 is crappy, it seems (sounds) that the volume is not handled (so it's always at maximum loudness), but other than that it sounds acceptable. It wasn't a big deal to put the original SID on one channel and the SwinSID-20110110 to the other, so I prepared a devious test: I digitized a tune so on the two channels you hear two different sounds. Here it is:

SwinSID + Legacy SID music

What you need to know is, the current SwinSID uses 16 bit D/A, though my version only uses the upper 8 bits. So what you can hear is 8-bit sound! You can give it a listen and find out how they sound... Guess which channel is the original. (Won't be hard, but you may be surprised!)

However: the SwinSID will NOT be in the card by default, don't worry! (Too bad, because if we used it, and not the Legacy SID, then a bunch of stuff could be left out... )

There are two more sound files here:


It's the music from two demos, using the original 8580 SID. I'd like to ask that people who had a Solder SID card give it a listen and give me their opinion. Is this how it should sound? I think I listened too much SID music recently after so many years, so I may be starting to hear stuff that I shouldn't...

Posted By

on 2010-11-27
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Did copy and give a try to GEOS 3.5 today.

It doesn't appear to have any extra input drivers included on the disks. It did work from joystick, port 2, but the list of available input devices (menu executed either from pull-down menu or C= + I ) was empty (similarly to BSZ's experiment).

I'd doubt that the code detects the absence of keyboard and/or joysticks just in order to enable a slightly rare interface + input device combo (let alone how that could theoretically be possible to do at all... I mean how could you detect the _absence_ of a joystick?...). Another source of doubt is the date of GEOS 3.5 distribution... info says it's been created in 1985 (seven years before the first production run of Solders SID card). 1351 support could then be only possible if someone had already hacked the GEOS distribution that we have, in order to include SID card + 1351 support.

Also, the code doesn't seem to reference either of $fd59, $fd5a, or $fd80.

That's sad, but it doesn't look like it ever supported the SID + 1351 combo... (although it should be possible to write one... anyone with strong GEOS programming knowledge on C64?...)

@gerliczer: yes, the original design has been mine (the serial mouse version). The PS/2 version was created by someone from Russia (I didn't know him previously) on top of my design. Also, AFAIR Jim Brain (Brain Innovations) has been fiddling with a similar design (I don't know if that one succeeded at the end).

Posted By

on 2010-11-26
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Bil Herd wrote:
"Very cool. Let me know if you have nay problems with noise on the power pins. You going to make a video of SID in action?".

Posted By

on 2010-11-26
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Hi Csabo,

My answer to your three questions:
- I do have one but Budapest is too far away so this won't really help BSZ;
- I tried that and worked in GEOS 2.0 on the C=64 but I'm sure that none ever did that on any 264 series machine because of obvious reasons;
- Omission of mouse handling is not a show stopper but having this feature is a nice plus.

Actually not having a 1351 mouse not necessarily means that one can't use a mouse with machines having SID on board. Someone, and AFAIR it was TLC, made a PS/2 to 1350/1351 mouse interface so common PC mice can be used instead of original Commodore equipment. As I know the analog interface is not complex so implementing it is easy, route two traces from the DB9 connector to the SID and pick two capacitors and connect them to the proper pins, it just needs PCB area and a bit of experimenting. If you have driver code to test the operation.

Posted By

on 2010-11-25
 Re: SID-card scheme?

I translated the above post to hopefully clear things up. Looks like there was a misunderstanding.

Here are the three important (and hopefully clear) questions:
- Is there anyone who owns a 1351 mouse? (Siz is one person, did you ever lend it to BSZ?)
- Is there anyone who used a mouse with GEOS?
- Is mouse handling a real requirement?

I know it's a nice to have, but since so few people have them, and there's so few software, should we consider dropping it as a requirement? Would it help speed up the design/build process?

Posted By

on 2010-11-25
 Re: SID-card scheme?

I used GEOS without the mouse, only with cursor keys able by default to move the graphic cursor.
As it is, the standard input device is the joystick, not the mouse (look: GEOS 3.5). Joystick is used to move the graphic cursor, as well as the cursor keys.
Regarding Yape, you have the options to use cursor keys, OR to set cursor keys as "emulated joystick". If I'm not wrong, Joy#2 has to be set.
Hoping to have helped.

 Re: SID-card scheme?

Én csak egér nélkül használtam a GEOS-t, csak a kurzorgombokkal mozgattam a grafikus kurzort.
Alapállapotban a joystick a beállított beviteli eszköz (lásd: GEOS 3.5). A joystick-kal lehet a grafikus kurzort mozgatni, meg a kurzor nyilakkal is.
A YAPE-vel kapcsolatban, olyan opciód van, hogy van a kurzorgombokat használod, VAGY beállítod hogy a kurzorgombok a "joystick-ot emulálják". Ha nem tévedek, a Joy #2-t kell beállítani.
Remélem segítettem.

Posted By

on 2010-11-25
 Csabo: tRe: SID-card scheme?


Posted By

on 2010-11-24
 Re: SID-card scheme?

no translation??

Posted By

on 2010-11-21
 Re: SID-card scheme?

BSZ-firm strikes back again and has some news for ya with 3 quite nice pics.

"A ware kezd olyan allapotba kerulni, hogy lassan mindent ki sikerul probalni a tervezett dolgok kozul. Ugy nez ki hogy megvan a veglegesnek mondhato "tapegyseg" a SID-hez (aminek nagyon orulok, ez egy kicsit "mumus" volt, ket fajta is keszult...), mar nem kell az USER-portbol tap, ill. kezd kialakulni az orajel-generator resz is. Mar csak par kiprobalando aprosag maradt, utana neki lehet allni megtervezni a PCB-t. Az mar szerintem nem lesz ilyen hosszu... Ha az elkeszul kb. (a meret a lenyeg, hehe...), akkor fogok tudni majd arajanlatot kerni ra. Remelem nem fogok tul csunya szamokat latni...

Csatoltam par fotot a jelenlegi allapotrol. Nem tul jo minoseguek, de kezd keves feny lenni... (Megorulok ettol az ora allitgatastol, de mind1.)

A GEOS-os tortenettel meg mindig nem jutottam elore, de azt egy kicsit (khm...) korulmenyes probalgatnom, mert az 1551-em nem fer el az asztalon, mindig pakolasznom kell... Amugy ez TUTI hogy mukodik? SVS irta ugyebar hogy hogyan kell engedelyezni, de nekem ugy nem mukodik. Hogy miert, ez jo kerdes. Egyelore 1351-em nincs, mint emlitettem, de "emulaltam" a jeleit, es nem tortenik semmi. Ill. emlitett valamit a YAPE-val kapcsolatban is, amit nem egeszen ertek... "




 Re: SID-card scheme?

BSZ-firm strikes back again and has some news for ya with 3 quite nice pics.

"The stuff is starting to take shape, and I'm slowly able to test out all the things I planned. It seems that we have the final "power supply" for the SID (which I'm happy about, this was a bit tough, I even made two types...), we don't need power from the USER port, and the clock generator is taking shape as well. There are only a few minor things left, once those are done, the PCB can be designed. I think that won't take this long... If that is done (the most important factor is the size, haha...), then I'll be able to get a quote for it. I'm really hoping I won't see some ugly numbers...

I attached a photos of the current state. Not very good quality, but there's less light now... (Changing the clock drives me crazy, but anyway.)

The GEOS story didn't progress at all, and it's a little bit (erm...) difficult for me to test, because there's no room for the 1551 on my desk, and I keep having to rearrange things... BTW, is it supposed to work FOR SURE? SVS mentioned how to enable it, but that doesn't work for me. Why? - that's a good question. I don't have a 1351 as I said, but I "emulated" the signals and nothing happens. He also mentioned some stuff regarding YAPE but I didn't get that."




Posted By

on 2010-11-13
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Unless someone has detailed information on GEOS 3.5 (like http://www.zimmers.net/geos/geodev.html for C64 GEOS) it will be hard to write mouse driver for the plus/4+SIDcard. It seems to be an easier way to modify or rewrite one of the example programs on the 1351 MOUSE UTILITY DISK.

Posted By

on 2010-11-10
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Mouse selection on GEOS:
It is OK that INPUT DEVICE window is empty. When no alternative device is selected, GEOS enables mouse.
If you use Yape for your tests, select ALT-I (setting input setup) and set both joysticks as cursor keys (fire button is INS of PC keyboard).

Posted By

on 2010-11-10
 Re: SID-card scheme?

I have a 1351 mouse. I can lend it to BSZ if he needs it for testing.
I can't help in GEOS questions though, I've never used it.

Posted By

on 2010-11-09
 Re: SID-card scheme?

From BSZ:

Ujra kenytelen vagyok egy kicsit mentegetozni: a "hosszu" hetvegere nem jottek meg az alkatreszek, amikre vartam, csak hetfon kaptam meg oket, viszont a mult heten egy kicsit elhavazodtam, ezen a hetvegen meg nem voltam itthon. De most mar (elvileg) minden megvan az "epitkezeshez", a heten valamit faragok!

Az egerkezelessel meg nem jutottam elorebb: egyreszt nem sikerult 1351-et szereznem, de tudom hogy hogyan mukodik, ugyhogy probalkozni azt tudok. Viszont a GEOS-szal sem jutottam elore; az angol nyelvu valtozatot nem sikerult beszerezni, mivel "REMOVED BY REQUEST", nemetul meg nem tudok... (Helyesebben: nemetul SEM tudok. ) A neten rakeresve azt irjak (a C64-es valtozathoz) hogy az egerkezelest ugy kell bekapcsolni, hogy nyomni kell egy C= + I bill. kombot, majd a bejovo listabol ki kell valasztani az 1351-es egeret. De az altalam letoltott nemet verzioban csak egy ures ablak jon ilyenkor be, nincs mit kivalasztani. Viszont azt is irjak, hogy "valahonnan" "valahova" be kell "masolni" "valamit", (gondolom az eger driveret... ) hogy ott megjelenjen. Na, ezt se tudom, hogy mit hova... Ehm. Kicsit korulmenyes vagyok?

So, please guys from Germany, help me!!!

 (no topic)

From BSZ:

I have to apologize once again: the parts I've been waiting for did not arrive during the "long" weekend, I only got them on Monday. Last week I was busy and this weekend I was away. But now I have all the pieces to build (in theory), so this weekend I'm going to put some stuff together!

I didn't get any further with the mouse stuff: first, I couldn't obtain a 1351, but I know how it works, so I can experiment. I also couldn't get any further with GEOS: the English version is "REMOVED BY REQUEST", and I don't speak German... (More precisely: I don't speak German EITHER). After searching on the net, I read (regarding the C64 version) that mouse handling is turned on by pressing C= + I, and then you have to select mouse from the list that appears. However, in the German version I have there's only an empty window, I can't select anything. They also wrote that "something" (probably the mouse driver...) has to be "copied" from "somewhere" to "somewhere else" for it to appear. Well, I have no idea what goes where... Erm, am I over-explaining this?

So, please guys from Germany, help me!!!

Posted By

on 2010-10-18
 Re: SID-card scheme?

As siz said: the SID needs something not trivial to provide, given the constraints implied by the cartridge port. The cartridge port provides 5V supply only. Both the old and new SIDs require special power supply voltages above the usual 5V digital supply voltage (old: 12V, new: 9V). If you only have 5V DC as power source (no AC voltages etc.), then the only possibility is to use some switching mode step-up converter circuitry, to come up with the required higher voltage level supply. Back then, this has not been easy to do, very few people knew these things in practice (...which seems to show Solder's superiority again, at the same time... he already knew the solution and the TL497 chip (the chip he used as base of the small SMPS on his SID card, that provides the 9V supply of the SID) back in 1992... ). Today it's a lot more common to see solutions like that (in fact most of today's handheld devices contain at least one of such step-down or step-up switching mode voltage converter + regulator).

Posted By

on 2010-10-18
 Re: SID-card scheme?

As seen on previous photos it means that the 9V/12V needed for the SID is currently wired from inside the plusy. In the final version there will be a voltage regulator for this purpose since the expansion port has only 5V pins.

Posted By

on 2010-10-17
 Re: SID-card scheme?

I think this means that there's no circuitry to provide the 9V/12V (taken from the plus/4), yet. It doesn't mean that there will be an external power supply.

Posted By

on 2010-10-17
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Oh! Does it mean the SIDcard itself has its own power supply? Really? :o

Posted By

on 2010-10-15
 Re: SID-card scheme?

rough english translation:
News from BSZ-Studio:

A quick status report about the project:

1: Seems like "Solder mode" works perfectly;
2: The "Legacy C64" mode works too, it means you can switch the bus speed, and the $D4xx can be enabled;
3: The analogue part is still under heavy development, audio out works but i doesn't like it sounds so i need to tweak it yet.
4: There is no 9V (/12V) power supply yet, i need to order some parts to make experiments on it. You need to wait a little bit but i will do that ASAP.

Some new photos will be there when the analogue out is ready, i just worked on the fw so it doesn't changes the photos drastically :D

Posted By

on 2010-10-15
 Re: SID-card scheme?

News from BSZ-Studio:

„Amugy a project ugy all jelenleg, hogy:

1: Mukodik a Solder fele uzemmod latszolag szepen;
2: Mukodik a "Legacy C64" uzemmod, tehat atkapcsolhato az orajel meg
engedelyezheto a $D4xx-es eleres;
3: Alakul (de meg messze nincs kesz) az analog resz, tulajdonkeppen megy az
audio kimenet, de kell meg rajta reszelni, mert nem tetszik;
4: Meg nincs meg a 9V (/12V) tapegyseg, de ehhez alkatreszt kell
(egyparat...) rendelnem, hogy egyatalan kiserletezhessek. Szoval ez meg egy
kicsit varasos, de persze ezt is meg kell oldanom hamarosan.

Fotot majd kuldok ujat, ha sikerul vegre letisztazni az analog kimenetet,
egyebkent meg eddig azert nem tettem, mert a CPLD fw faragasa kivulrol nem
tul latvanyos... "

Posted By

on 2010-10-05
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Just reminding:
Paddle Shooter uses PIC16F818 Microcontroller
Tron 6 uses the SIDcard joyport.

Posted By

on 2010-10-05
 Re: SID-card scheme?

[Terra-X] is an 1990 game... it definitely shouldn't support Commodore's 1351 mouse connected to the Sid card's joyport (1992). ...As a matter of fact, because of low-level differences, the 1351 can't cooperate with the Plus/4 joyport if connected using a regular C64 joystick --> Plus/4 joyport cable (in any of its operating modes), so it's basically a "no-go". The only one that is physically possible to handle (with no extra hw but the above adapter cable) by the Plus/4 is the Amiga mouse -- but thad'd be tricky and cpu-intensive. I'd doubt that TCFS referred to anything but a nice joke by that option... wink

Solder must have added that extra joyport to the sid card to address this sort of problem... the extra joyport is fully (...well, almost) compatible to the one found on the C64. It can also handle paddles (similarly to the VIC-20 and the C64), and it's compatible with the 1351 mouse.

Posted By

on 2010-10-05
 Re: SID-card scheme?

The original SIDcard by Solder has a 3rd joy port, and you can test it with a little basic program included in Synergy Sidcard Software. Mouse port...dunno.
This can help you:
Ah and remember the Solder's Sidcard schematics'repository:

Posted By

on 2010-10-05
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Sure, GEOS is available, but does it support mouse right out of the box, or is there some settings screen for enabling it? I'll go out on a limb and say that probably none of use have ever tested this. Anyone?

As for Terra-X, I remember that it had that setting. It also brings back a specific memory about Tom of LOD and me sitting in front of a Plussy and seeing that option. (Good ol' days...) We made fun of it, it was kinda like a joke. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if it in fact was a joke... Did anyone actually try it? (Perhaps someone could ask TCFS about this specifically.)

Posted By

on 2010-10-05
 Re: SID-card scheme?

You can download GEOS 3.5 here or being served with all the features on Othersi.de, apart of the english version of course, which is copyrighted by...mmm...James?
You can test the mouse even with Terra-X game.

Posted By

on 2010-10-04
 Re: SID-card scheme?

BSZ pray somebody to translate this:

Ujabb fejlemeny: A hetvegen osszeallt a JOY-port is a proton, latszolag muxik szepen.

Viszont lenne egy ker(d)esem: tud-e nekem valaki kuldeni egy olyan GEOS image-t, amiben be van allitva az, hogy hasznalni lehessen 1351-es egerrel? (Vagy ha ez nem igy muxik (nem hasznaltam GEOS-t eddig... ) akkor egy image-t meg egy par szavas leirast, hogy hogyan kell beallitani.) Egeret azt kapok egyet kolcsonbe ha minden igaz, de "mar kesz" sw-vel is ki szeretnem probalni, hogy minden jol muxik-e.

Thanx, and please somebody send him that Geos thing , thanks

 Re: SID-card scheme?

BSZ pray somebody to translate this:

New development: This weekend I put together the JOY port on the prototype, it seems to work well.

I have a question/request however: can somebody send me a GEOS image that is set up to be used with a 1351 mouse? (Or, if this is how GEOS works by default (I never used it before) then just an image and a few words on how to get it going.) I'll be able to borrow a mouse if all goes well, but I'd like to try it with "ready" software, to make sure everything works well.

Thanx, and please somebody send him that Geos thing , thanks

Posted By

on 2010-10-04
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Bionic: IRL Balázs is a longtime digital circuit and embedded software developer and designer... he has been doing 65xx, Z80, PIC, AVR, and 68k based stuff for about fifteen years or so now (...to give you an idea... some time ago I told him that I had just stumbled upon an old stock of 20MHz 68030 chips offered below 2€ per unit, and he replied that he could have avoided fiddling with Freescale's 68SEC000 processors completely, had he known about that stock three years ago)... and AFAIK he works for a company partly owned by himself, that has been healthily up and running for the past ten or so years... While I appreciate your knowledge in the field, I guess I can assure you that he definitely knows what he's doing. ...And whilst the pics appear prototype-ish, he tells us that he did that board + cpld code in about a weekend and a day... not bad (lots of wires to solder on microprocessor based boards = lots of time + work, and he also had to do some of the CPLD code... and the prototype already works, including the SID clocking, which doesn't need any hacks involving slow standard CMOS logics anymore... compared to the time invested, I'd call that an achievement).

...And I'm also not really sure that inducing flames here would be a good idea, to say the least... sorry to say that.

Posted By

on 2010-10-04
 Re: SID-card scheme?

BSZ already stated that there will be some kind of line out. Otherwise, TED and SID sound would be always mixed and especially in BSZ's "$d400"-mode this is not desired.

Furthermore, with a line-out available, you can have true stereo (TED on one channel and SID on the other one) happy

Posted By

on 2010-10-04
 Re: SID-card scheme?

majd csinálsz rá line out-ot is mint a synergy félén ami van? mondjuk engem nem érint mert az enyém műxik, csak pl. jól jön amikor rákötöd projektorra a cuccost..

i hope u can provide a line out too at the end as on the synergy card.. i'm not involved because i have a card built by solder, but it comes handy if u want 2 use a projector and an amplifier.

Posted By

on 2010-10-04
 Re: SID-card scheme?

we know that you got much farther with your SID-Card (and it's sad that it never made it into production... though, nobody's blaming you for that). We also know that you offered your help with previous SID-Card relaunches and that the main developer (the guy from Poland) didn't take much input from the forum.
Instead of being sarcastic you should try to communicate with BSZ. Most of us here don't have the knowledge to develope something like the SID-Card and therefore, we are grateful that BSZ offered to help out. Nevertheless, your experience is more than welcome. I'm sure Csabo will help translating your comments to Hungarian so BSZ can take them into consideration.
It's not like BSZ is just doing his own thing and we have to take whatever he thinks is best. Quite the opposite, by popular request he's going to include the joyport and the readable registers.
Even if it's still in its early stages, this seems to be a real scene effort. So join in!

Posted By

on 2010-10-04
 Re: SID-card scheme?

Congratulations, you completed the first 5% of your project happy Sorry to be so sarcastic, but this is the part that is fun, the work comes later.

Did you copy the C64 audio circuit? If you copied Solder's you should know that it is borked. The transistor is in saturation and introduces a lot of harmonics which should not be there.

Posted By

on 2009-09-10
 SID-card scheme?

Hi there!

Finally I managed to buy 264. Although I wanted C=116 but at the moment I have C=Plus/4. With a diskdrive.

Hence my question - would anybody be so kind and provide me complete schemes of Sidcard? (if it's possible, at all).

I would be deeply grateful.

Best wishes,

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