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Posted By

on 2007-05-29
 Re: We need an Ebay id cross-reference list!

Oh, a good idea - I have such an arrangement also already with RĂ¼diger, Plus4Vampyre & C16 Chris !

Just I had also bought at an auction a few things from Chris, without knowing it...

Posted By

on 2007-05-28
 Re: We need an Ebay id cross-reference list!

Csabo, thank you. I hope that other members here can see the value of this list, and add their Ebay id's to it.

Posted By

on 2007-05-28
 Re: We need an Ebay id cross-reference list!

A very good idea, ensures were not bidding against each other.

Posted By

on 2007-05-28
 Re: We need an Ebay id cross-reference list!

Added. Members can now enter their eBay id into their own records (along with ICQ, Skype, etc). The cross-reference list here - hopefully it will be longer.

Posted By

on 2007-05-28
 We need an Ebay id cross-reference list!

Csabo, as if you don't have enough to do..... I'd like to see an Ebay identity cross-reference list. When I'm bidding against someone else for Plus/4 and 16 items, I don't want to bid against someone else from here that's willing to scan books, post .d64 or .tap files, etc.

And on the flip side, if there are two sellers of an item, I'd rather buy from another of our group rather than someone who's listing items of unknown quality.

Myself, I'm cbm264 on Ebay, and I took the time to post an "About Me" page to try to avoid the bidding wars... but it hasn't helped very much that I can tell. http://members.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewUserPage&userid=cbm264

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