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Posted By
 Luca on 2013-09-05 10:00:54
 | Re: World's First Useful Trainer For Rockstar Manager
I guessed that would have been quite impossible :v Anyway, do only one stadium tour at the very beginning, just to sign up a contract, record your album, then training all the time, done. 
Posted By
 retroscener on 2013-09-05 07:57:36
 | Re: World's First Useful Trainer For Rockstar Manager
That's the odd thing I always granted their requests on the tour bus.
Posted By
 Luca on 2013-09-05 07:05:08
 | Re: World's First Useful Trainer For Rockstar Manager
You have unlimited money, why didn't you pay for the rockstars'requests? Better: why gigs overall? Success is guaranteed, I said
Posted By
 retroscener on 2013-09-05 06:49:52
 | Re: World's First Useful Trainer For Rockstar Manager
Unfortunately for me though, I got 3 gold (purple?) records, and before I could get the final one, all of my 4 rockstars one by one kept getting themselves fired during a 7 day gig, so total success isn't exactly guaranteed, lol.
Posted By
 Luca on 2013-09-05 02:17:50
 | Re: World's First Useful Trainer For Rockstar Manager
 Eh, actually the Paninaro and Ikari trainers on C64 were single '+' releases, but, as I've written in the news, unlimited money only does not help you in finishing the game.
I pushed for a C64 trainer too, but those guys told me that they would levelpack it and make it onefile, hence their trainer will see the light later. Our scene is a lot less demanding 
Posted By
 Csabo on 2013-09-04 23:04:27
| Re: World's First Useful Trainer For Rockstar Manager
It's nice to have the first useful trainer at last... Hate it when I get one of those useless trainers. Cool release!
Posted By
 Degauss on 2013-09-04 18:38:59
| Re: World's First Useful Trainer For Rockstar Manager
Good job! Loved especially this game back in the ole days...
Posted By
 Luca on 2013-09-04 12:29:37
 | Re: World's First Useful Trainer For Rockstar Manager
Thank you Chronos! I also activated somebody for a C64 trainer too. Of course, even this time I've got a typo in the scrolltext 
Posted By
 Chronos on 2013-09-04 12:14:16
 | Re: World's First Useful Trainer For Rockstar Manager
Well done Luca! Another piece of history corrected! 
Posted By
 Luca on 2013-09-02 12:13:56
 | World's First Useful Trainer For Rockstar Manager
No words needed, just try googling out with keywords like 'rockstar' 'ate' 'hamster' 'cheat' 'walkthrough' 'solution'. See how many results? And how many people did try in the past to see the ending of this cornerstone of British humor's recreational piece of art? Although the game plays like a sarcastic joke around the music biz in the '80ies, it represent the proverbial hard nut to crack, and nobody (I repeat: n-o-b-o-d-y) had never seen what happens to Clive and his boss Cecil Pitt when they eventually get the desired platinum disc! Some trainers of the original C64 version exist, but the single help of unlimited money does not assure that you'll finish the game, resulting basically useless...
..until now! Luca of FIRE crew takes to you the world's first trainer which enables you to reach the ending of Rockstar Manager! Rockstar Manager +2! forces your musical releases to hold the first place in both the billboards, you will have no contestants! You'll aim straight to conquer the 4 gold discs by recording your album and releasing it, no more actions have to be required for! Beat it like only a Wacky Jacko can do it! To complete the package, introductions pictures from both C64 and ZX Spectrum versions have been included as bonuses.
What shall we do? dirt Clive!