Tools - Exomizer
Last updated:2023-11-25
Created by: Magnus Lind
Download: https://bitbucket.org/magli143/exomizer/wiki/Home

Exomizer is the best cross-platform cruncher. To compress a Plus/4 .PRG file with it, at the command prompt type:

exomizer sfx startaddress -t4 -o outfilename.prg filename.prg
e.g. exomizer sfx $2000 -t4 kikstart_sys8192.prg

To compress a C16 .PRG file, being warned in case it wouldn't fit into the memory:

exomizer sfx startaddress -t16 -o outfilename.prg filename.prg
e.g. exomizer sfx $2000 -t16 kikstart_sys8192.prg

You can omit the -o switch, the output filename will be "a.out", and you can just rename it. Startaddress can also be "basic" for programs that can be started with RUN.

A few more switches:
-n: no decrunch effect
-s/-f: add custom code at (s)tart or (f)inish of decrunch. For example, -s"LDA#$0B STA$FF06" will turn off the screen at the beginning.

For detailed explanation on all the switches, please read the included manual.

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