| Tools - CBCCWIF | |
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| Notes | CBCCWIF is "Commodore +4 Basic Cross Compiler with Italian flavor".
USAGE: cbccwif "basic_text_file.txt" >"assembler_file.asm"
The input file must be a text file (not a PRG file). PETCAT (included in VICE) can be used to convert a BASIC PRG file to a plain text file. (E.g. "PETCAT -3 -o txtfile prgfile" should do the trick.)
The resulting assembler text can be compiled to a PRG file with TMPX assembler, e.g. "TMPX assembler_file.asm". The inc/mac/s-files from the cbccwif-distribution must be in the same directory as the assembler file.
This is open source software, so it can be used on almost any platform that has C++ compiler. |
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