Winter Olympics
Title:Winter Olympics
Release Date:
Device Req.:Disk or Tape
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Product Code:Computer Software: SP1440
Game ending type:(n/a)
 Play Online!
Released by:Tynesoft Computer Software (Tynesoft)
Re-released by:Playsoft
Released by:QuelleSoft
Re-released by:Top30
Re-released by:Computer Software
Code by:Reynolds, Derek
Notes:In Germany, the game was distributed both by QuelleSoft and Tynesoft, with the name "Olympische Winterspiele". Water Grand Prix was included in some copies. Also rereleased as Winter Games 16.
  External links:
    Amstrad CPC release
    Atari 8bit release
    MSX release
    BBC release
    Acorn Electron release

User Rating: 5.1/10 (8 votes)
Winter Olympics Title Screenshot

Winter Olympics Screenshot

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Tynesoft Computer Software releaseTynesoft Computer Software1986Commercial£6.95CassetteUnspecified3
QuelleSoft releaseQuelleSoft1986CommercialComputer Software: SP1440CassetteUnspecified0
German Tynesoft ReleaseTynesoft Computer SoftwareUnknownCommercialCassetteCaseUnspecified1
3 found.

Winter Olympics

Derived Software
Slalom (Go Games 9)
Super Skier
Winter Games (Armati)
Winter Sports

Review: Zzap! 1 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 29
Review: Commodore Computi... August 1986 (Magazine/English) pg. 49
Review: Commodore User 31 (Magazine/English) pg. 45
Review: H And D's C16 Plu... Volume 1 Issue 2 (Magazine/English)
Review: Compute Mit SA 3/86 (Magazine/German) pg. 6

Cassette Cover (Front)
Cassette Cover (Front)
Cassette Cover (Back)
Cassette Cover (Back)
Cassette Cover (German, Front)
Cassette Cover (German, Front)
Cassette Cover (German, Back)
Cassette Cover (German, Back)
Cassette Cover (QuelleSoft, Front)
Cassette Cover (QuelleSoft, Front)
Disk Cover (Front)
Disk Cover (Front)
Disk Cover (Back)
Disk Cover (Back)
Cassette Cover (Playsoft, Front)
Cassette Cover (Playsoft, Front)
Cassette Cover (Playsoft, Back)
Cassette Cover (Playsoft, Back)
Cassette Cover (Computer Software)
Cassette Cover (Computer Software)
Photo Cover (Computer Software)
Photo Cover (Computer Software)
An actual photograph, roughly cut by hand and added as front cover though detached from the actual cover.

Physical Media
Cassette (No System Stamp)
Cassette (No System Stamp)
Cassette (Quellesoft)
Cassette (Quellesoft)
Cassette (German)
Cassette (German)
Cassette (Computer Software)
Cassette (Computer Software)


Image Gallery
Winter Olympics Screenshot #1
Winter Olympics Screenshot #2
Winter Olympics Screenshot #3
Winter Olympics Screenshot #4
Winter Olympics Screenshot #5
Winter Olympics Screenshot #6
Winter Olympics Screenshot #7
Winter Olympics Screenshot #8

Commodore Computing International Review (August 1986)
Winter Olympics is another attempt to capitalise on the sports simulation market, this time by Tynesoft. It features six events; speed skating, ski jump, crest run, ski slalom, curling, and down hill racing.
In Speed Skating, you control your skater's leg motion with two keys, one for right and one for left. If you press them too fast, your skater gets out of swing and slows down. A computer pacer skates on the bottom of the split screen display, to help you "gain that fastest time of the day".
Ski Jump has you risking life and limb trying to jump as far as possible off a long jump ramp. This is the most unrealistic of all the events.
Cresta Run puts you sledging down the run, trying to compensate for your body weight when going around the corners. If you under compensate, you go flying into the trees! Painful!
Ski Slalom is a standard slalom event, trying to ski through every gate as fast as possible to gain maximum score.
Curling is quite fun. You position your player on the ice, and then hit the space bar, or the fire button to release your stone. The winner is the best of three games.
Down Hill is identical to Slalom, except with no gates. Just avoid hitting those trees!
Although this game is not superb when it comes to the graphics, or the sound for that matter, it is nevertheless fun to play. Playability could have been improved, and so could the instructions, but overall this must be one of the very best sports simulation programs on the C16.

Graphics: 3/5; Sound: 3/5; Playability: 2/5; CCI Rating: CRISP

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