| Who Done It? | Title: | Who Done It? | Category: | Game/Adventure | Release Date: | 2020-06-11 | Language: | English | Size: | 64K | Machine: | PAL & NTSC | Code Type: | Machine code | Distribution: | Freeware | |  | Converted by: | KiCHY | Notes: | Original by Sameen Ullah. |
External links: C64 release
User Rating: 8.0/10 (2 votes)
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| Solutions - Complete | Here is the complete solution by MCG:
Note: This program contains numerous and significant spelling mistakes and grammatical errors (for example, detective is spelt three different ways).
Scenario: You are Jack Stalk a detective and must solve his latest case.
(You start in a small office. A large desk, a closed door and a pair of handcuffs are here. SCORE 0%.) EXAMINE DESK (Found some money. SCORE 4%.) GET MONEY GET HANDCUFFS OPEN DOOR W (In a small room. A young lady behind the desk is here.) TALK LADY (She says the file is in the filing cabinet.) E (In a small office.) S (In a small corridor.) W (In a small filing room.) A closed filing cabinet is here.) OPEN CABINET
(It seems unfortunatelly the C64 version and plus/4 conversion has a small failure, because after you have talked to your secretary, the filing cabinet is empty after the examination. This causes your final score will be short by 4%.) EXAMINE CABINET (One catches your eye.) GET FILE EXAMINE FILE (about the murder of Mr. Smith in Bond Street.) DROP FILE
E (In a small corridor.) N (In a small office.) W (In a small room.) W (Outside the Detective Agency. A sign is here.) READ SIGN ("At Stalk Agency's We investigate anything.") W (On a Victoria Street.) W (Outside your local hardware shop. A large sign is here.) READ SIGN ("Joe's shop".) W (Standing inside a hardware shop. A rather tall man behind the counter is here.) TALK TO (Man - He has a wide range of torches.) BUY TORCH (Funny that this is the last one considering he has such a wide range! SCORE 14%.) E (Outside your local hardware shop.) E (On a Victoria Street.) S (Outside the local taxi spot.) W (Outside the local Newsagent.) W (Inside a newsagent. A young lady behind the counter is here.) TALK TO (Lady - We have today's paper if you want one.) BUY TODAYS (Newspaper. SCORE 18%.) READ TODAYS DROP TODAYS E (Outside the local Newsagent.) E (Outside the local taxi spot.)
S (Inside a taxi - Where to mac?) BOND STREET (Inside a taxi.) S (Standing on a pavement in Bond Street.) S (In a dead end. You hear a groan from the corner on the right.) EXAMINE CORNER (Found a drunk tramp. SCORE 22%.) TALK TO (Tramp - He says "I need a drink".) EXAMINE TRAMP (No thanks.) N (Standing on a pavement in Bond Street.) NE (Outside Mr. Smith's house. A large front door is here.) S (In a very large garden. A dead Mr. Smith is here.) EXAMINE DEAD (Body - He was slashed by a very sharp weapon and the cuts look very deep.) EXAMINE CUTS (It has been done with a blade... You notice a small piece of scrap paper next to the corpse. SCORE 26%.) GET PAPER READ PAPER (It says "I want 10,000 pounds cash at Linda Foster's house.) DROP PAPER EXAMINE BUSHES (Found a small glove. SCORE 30%) GET GLOVE EXAMINE GLOVE (It has blood and a sign of a horse on it.) EXAMINE BLOOD (The blood is quite fresh.)
N (Outside Mr. Smith's house.) EXAMINE DOOR (Found a small doorbell.) RING BELL (A voice says "Come in detective Stalk." SCORE 34%.) E (In Mrs. Smith's entrance hall. A closed sitting room door, a stairway to up are here.) OPEN DOOR S (In a sitting room. Mrs. Smith and Inspector Boob are here.) EXAMINE BOOB (He says "I am pretty glad you came. Jack, I haven't got a clue to who killed Mr. Smith or the motive of the murder.") TALK TO (Mrs. Smith.) SMITH ALIBI (She was with her daughter.) GIVE GLOVE (to Inspector Boob. He says "This is a vital piece of evidence I think we might have a suspect." SCORE 44%.) S (In a library. A bookcase is here.) EXAMINE BOOKCASE (A book is missing.) N (In a sitting room.) WAIT LOOK WAIT LOOK WAIT LOOK WAIT LOOK WAIT LOOK WAIT LOOK WAIT (Until Fred Jones is here.) FRED ALIBI ("I think it's none of your damn business Inspector Jack Stalk.") EXAMINE FRED (He looks very calm.) FRED ADDRESS (He lives in Lewis Road.) N (In Mrs. Smith's entrance hall.) U (Standing on a landing.) N (In Smiths' bedroom. A small bedside table, a large bed, a large desk against the wall and a large window are here.) EXAMINE WINDOW (You see the garden below.) EXAMINE DESK (Found a small note addressed to Mrs. Smith. SCORE 48%.) EXAMINE NOTE (It looks like you got the note before Mrs. Smith.) READ NOTE ("Linda Foster lives at King Street".) S (Standing on a landing.) E (In a small but very neat bathroom. A closed bathroom cabinet and a small sink below it are here.) OPEN CABINET EXAMINE CABINET (Found a small razor blade. SCORE 52%.) EXAMINE BLADE (the razor blade looks quite blunt.) EXAMINE SINK (Found a small but bit of dried blood around the bottom.) EXAMINE BLOOD (The blood is quite fresh.) W (Standing on a landing.) S (In Lisa Smith's bedroom. A very nice pink bed, a window next to it and a sobing Lisa Smith are here.) LISA HELP ("The off switch is on the right.") EXAMINE BED (The bed hasn't been slept in.) ASK ALIBI ("I was with my mother when we heard a loud scream.") N (Standing on a landing.) D (In Mrs. Smith's entrance hall.) W (Outside Mr. Smith's house.) SW (Standing on a pavement in Bond Street.)
N (Inside a taxi - Where to mac?) KING STREET (Inside a taxi.) E (Standing on a pavement in King St., at Linda Foster's front door. A closed front door is here.) WAIT WAIT (Until Linda arrives and opens the door. SCORE 56%.) E (In an entrance hall. A stairway to up is here.) S (In a sitting room. Linda Foster is here.) LINDA ALIBI (She admits to having an affair with Fred Jones.) TALK TO (Linda says "I have nothing to do with these robberies or the murder of Mr. Smith.") N (In an entrance hall.) U (Standing on a landing.) E (In a small bedroom. A large bed, a side table and a bottle of wine are here.) GET WINE (of bottle.) EXAMINE WINE (It is a 1912 vintage and looks very tasty.) EXAMINE TABLE (Found a small envelope. SCORE 58%.) EXAMINE ENVELOPE (The address is written partly in code.) READ ADDRESS (From Bob Wade - Rearrange the letters to read "CATER ROAD".) W (Standing on a landing.) D (In an entrance hall.) W (Standing on a pavement in King St., at Linda Foster's front door.)
W (Inside a taxi - Where to mac?) CATER ROAD (Inside a taxi.) S (On Cater Road.) NE (Standing outside Bob Wade's house. A large doorbell and a front door are here.) EXAMINE BELL (You notice it can be unscrewed.) UNSCREW BELL (You hear a voice say "Dial Blue".) SW (On Cater Road.) S (In a dead end. A huge wall is here.) EXAMINE WALL (You see a small slab which looks very loose. SCORE 62%.) EXAMINE SLAB (Found a dial.) DIAL BLUE (A passage appears to the east. SCORE 66%.) E (it's dark.) TORCH ON LOOK (You're in a secret passage.) E (In a library. A moved bookcase is here.) N (In a sitting room. A small sofa and Bob Wade are here.) TALK TO (Bob. He doesn't say anything.) N (In an entrance hall.) U (On a landing.) E (In a bedroom. A small and very dirty bed and an another glove are here.) GET ANOTHER (Glove.) EXAMINE ANOTHER (Glove. The glove has been worn and has a small amount of blood on it. Also it has a sign of a horse on it.) DROP ANOTHER W (On a landing.) D (In an entrance hall.) S (In a sitting room.) E (In the kitchen. A large oven and a washing machine are here.) E (In a backyard. A large dustbin is here.) OPEN DUSTBIN EXAMINE DUSTBIN (Found a small map. SCORE 76%.) GET MAP EXAMINE MAP (The map is about all the major ways to major banks.) W (In the kitchen.) W (In a sitting room.) S (In a library.) W (In a secret passage.) W (In a dead end.) TORCH OFF DROP TORCH N (On Cater Road.)
N (Inside a taxi - Where to mac?) BOND STREET (Inside a taxi.) S (Standing on a pavement in Bond Street.) S (In a dead end.) GIVE WINE (He thanks it. SCORE 80%.) TALK TO (Tramp - He says "I know that Fred Jones and Bob Wade have been committing all these the robberies. I also know that he killed Mr. Smith, because he would leave a huge amount of money to his daughter which he would then marry and then murder so he could split the money with Bob Wade." SCORE 84%.) N (Standing on a pavement in Bond Street.) NE (Outside Mr. Smith's house.) E (In Mrs. Smith's entrance hall.) S (In a sitting room.) GIVE MAP (To Inspector Boob - An another vital piece of evidence.) DROP MAP (Even though you have given it to Inspector Boob, you still have it in your inventory.) N (In Mrs. Smith's entrance hall.) W (Outside Mr. Smith's house.) SW (Standing on a pavement in Bond Street.)
N (Inside a taxi - Where to mac?) LEWIS ROAD (Inside a taxi.) E (Standing outside Fred Jones's house in Lewis Road. A front door and Fred Jones is here.) WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT (Until Fred Jones leaves to the west.) E (In an entrance hall. A very thick carpet, a stairway are here.) EXAMINE CARPET (the carpet looks like it has been removed lately.) REMOVE CARPET (Found a small exit leading down to the cellar. SCORE 88%.) D (In a cellar. A vary large table and an unused 50 Pound note are here.) GET UNUSED (50 pound note) U (In an entrance hall.) S (In a sitting room. A very large sofa and a television are here.) WATCH TV N (In an entrance hall.) W (Standing outside Fred Jones's house in Lewis Road.)
W (Inside a taxi - Where to mac?) CATER ROAD (Inside a taxi.) S (On Cater Road.) S (In a dead end.) GET TORCH TORCH ON E (In a secret passage.) E (In a library.) N (In a sitting room.) CUFF BOB (Wade. SCORE 92%.) CARRY BOB S (In a library.) W (In a secret passage.) W (In a dead end.) TORCH OFF DROP TORCH N (On Cater Road.)
N (Inside a taxi - Where to mac?) BOND STREET (Inside a taxi.) S (Standing on a pavement in Bond Street.) NE (Outside Mr. Smith's house.) E (In Mrs. Smith's entrance hall.) S (In a sitting room where Inspector Boob is.) DROP BOB SAY BOB (He says. Bob Wade confesses he did it with Fred Jones, who is also arrested immediatelly.)
You have cracked this adventure. Score 96%
The game is done successfully.
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