Water Sports
Title:Water Sports
Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Retail Price:£6.95
Released by:Anco
Notes:Excluded from voting.

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Original releaseAncoUnknownCommercial£6.95CassetteUnspecified0
1 found.

Evidence From Space Pilot's Anco Release
Evidence From Space Pilot's Anco Release
Generically Advertised as "Water Sports", with no specification about the two separate 16K and 64K enhanced version, on the back cover of the Anco's distributed release of Space Pilot.

The description written on the advert let us infer this is a two games'pack:"Water Skiing" and "Shooting the rapids".
This might suggest that there's a link between this gamepack and other well known Anco games: Speedboat Grand Prix and Canoe Slalom (Anco).

A straight description comes from another advertisement:
"Experience the sheer exhilaration of POWER BOAT RACING - Negotiate a complex SLALOM COURSE - Rise to the challenge of a SKI JUMP. Three exciting competitive events. Enhanced Plus 4 features.".

There are rare and mixed infos about the C64 compilation released by Anco as Sports-4, Sport 4 or 4 Sports Pack. Anyway, the compilation also includes Canoe Race and actually Power Boat Race (also published by Eurogold as standalone with the name Speedboat Race). All these games have just been developed by Red-Arrow Software.

Evidence From Commodore Welt Special 1/1987

The game "Watersports" was in catalogue, being sold at the price of 25,00 DM exclusively from Kingsoft. No additional memory module is required, and this supports the idea of a C16 games collection, probably distributed in Germany only.

Evidence In Commodore User Issue 33
The John Penn Discount Software had the C16 version of Water Sports in the new arrivals list (June 1986).


Advert page published on Your Commodore August 1986.

Kingsoft Software Catalog

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