PROGRAM DESCRIPTION =================== Two canaries fight, for the greater glory, under a neat skyline. For 2 players.
GAME INSTRUCTIONS ================= Use 2 (real or emulated) joysticks to control 2 canaries to fight each other. If you move the stick towards the other player, you attack them with your sword. If the other player is not in self-defending pose, you hit them. You can swing in defend pose with moving the stick away from the other player. Beware, your motions last for a moment only. If you manage to hit the other player 16 times, you're awarded one point, then the fight continues. Play until getting bored of it.
PROGRAM LINES OVERVIEW ====================== Use the LIST command to view the program lines.
lines purpose ----- ------- 0 first-time variable inits, call instructions at line 9 1 define canaries' main bodies 2 define hits gfx, init next fight 3 draw skylines 4 get and apply movement, display canary gfx phase 5 if hit, prepare it; else go to 7 (& legs & swords gfx data 1 of 2) 6 make hit sound & gfx, on win prepare it and go to 8 7 swap player and go to 4 (& legs & swords gfx data 2 of 2) 8 change background to winner's color, display winner text, wait then go to 2 9 brief instructions, wait then return
VARIABLES ========= A actual canary action (0: idle, 1: attack, -1: parry); also loop variable, temporary variable C$(1-2) canary gfx (1: left, 2: right) C actual canary number (1: left, 2: right) D actual canary facing (1: right, -1: left) E enemy canary position (0: idle, 1: attacking, -1: parrying) F$(2-7) canary features (legs & swords) gfx per animation phases H$(1-2) hits gfx H(1-2) hits count J(0-7) joystick movement to canary direction translation (-1/0/1) P actual canary position (0: idle, 1: attacking, -1: parrying) P(1-2) canary points (won matches count) R$ "go to next line" string