You play the role of a cast away in this fun strategy game. Your goal is to survive as long as you can and ultimately escape or get rescued. You have to gather food and water and sometimes rest to survive.

Sziget (Island)
Title:Sziget (Island)
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Converted by:Bit-Ikli
Notes:A cleaner conversion compared to Sziget (Head).
  External links:
    C64 release

User Rating: 7.8/10 (7 votes)
Sziget Title Screenshot

Sziget Screenshot

Derived Software
Sziget (Piás)

The main screen displays these pieces of information:

N napja vagy a szigeten - you have been on the island for N days
(weather description)
van N liter vized - you have N liters of water
es N napi ennivalod - and food for N days
(tiredness description)
van N deszkad a tutajhoz - you have N wooden planks to build a raft

These are the choices in the main menu:
1. Gather water
2. Find food
3. Send message in a bottle
4. Find wooden planks
5. Rest


You can win the game by either collecting 10 wooden planks and escaping on a raft, or getting rescued by a boat. To get rescued you have to send a message though...

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