Suicide Run
Title:Suicide Run
Category:Game/Shoot'em up
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Machine code
Retail Price:2.99£
Game ending type:No end (highscore)
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Released by:Solar Software Ltd.
Code by:Shay, John P.
Notes:Originally released as Scrambler on the VIC20. Novaload serial: M100003.
  External links:
    VIC20 release (Scrambler)

User Rating: 1.8/10 (7 votes)
Suicide Run Title Screenshot

Suicide Run Screenshot

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Original releaseSolar Software Ltd.1985Commercial2.99£CassetteUnspecified2
1 found.

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Derived Software
Bomber (Go Games 12)

Appeared On Compilations
Triple Decker 4

TitleCreated byPlatformHomepageNotes
Suicide RunLacosteGameboy Color

Cassette Cover (Front)
Submitted by Mosh
Cassette Cover (Front)
Cassette Cover (Back)
Submitted by Mosh
Cassette Cover (Back)

Physical Media
Cassette (Black)
Cassette (Black)
Cassette (White, Blue Print)
Submitted by IQ666
Cassette (White, Blue Print)

Graphics Debris
Like in Cruncher, Quick Draw, Mission Mars, Knock Out and in Alien Attack, at memory $2A00, there are some graphics used in 3D Quasars.

Six Titles Debut
Suicide Run has been arguably released at the same time with Quick Draw, Cruncher, Knock Out, Mission Mars and Alien Attack in the very beginning of Solar Software: all the titles show a loader screen in the respective no turbo versions where all the six names are displayed.

As reported in Commodore Horizons 21, Brenda Shay talked about a routine coded by John P. Shay which was capable to convert the games straight from the VIC20 code, then she named exactly these six games.

All these titles have as original starting address $2100. All of the titles have been saved thru Novaload versions on Triple Decker series including some useless memory filled with garbage till $3FFF, although all these games occupy $1001-$3000 only, and starting from a code located in $2050 which awaits some seconds before jumping to the original starting address at $2100.

Suicide Run exists in three different releases: no turbo with loading screen, turbo, turbo starting at $2050 (Triple Decker 4).

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
>1710 60
Asteroids move in a straight line
>1035 3#
Starting number of lives (1-9)
>16B0 AD
Unlimited lives
POKE 4149, 255
207 lives (unpacked)
POKE 4435, 44
POKE 4508, 44
Invulnerability (unpacked)
G 2100
Restart game

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