Sea Battle
Title:Sea Battle
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
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Code by:raze
Notes:A single player battleships game.
User Rating: 8.0/10 (4 votes)
Sea Battle Title Screenshot

Sea Battle Screenshot

*** SEA BATTLE ***
v1.2 - 08/2020
By Giuseppe Mignogna

An ancient game written in 1987 by a very young me, for C16. Code is quite
terrible, but, after all, it was less than two years since I received my first
computer and I started learning BASIC. Recently, I've made some fixes and added
a couple of features; the result is rather interesting, so I decided to release
it, even if after so many years (the young Giuseppe would be happy to know it).
I hope you will enojoy it. :)

The game is an electronic version of the classic pencil and paper game: you have
to guess where the computer has placed his ships and sink 'em. Before the game
begins, you can select how many hits are necessary to win the game. If a ship
has been sunk, it will not be announced, requiring the opponent to take further
shots in order to confirm that an area is clear. Shots from the player will be
marked as red if it's a hit, or blue if it is a miss. Shots from the computer
will be simply marked with a cross, without changing the square's color.

To play the game, use a joystick in port 2. Use the joystick both to position
your pieces and to chose your target square.

You can contact me (Giuseppe Mignogna) at:

This S/W has been developed using:
- A real Commodore 16 and its editor ;)
- CBM prg Studio v3.13.0

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