| Salvage | |
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| Releases | Name | Released By | Release Date | Distribution | Product Code | Retail Price | Format | Package | Rarity | Notes | Owned |
Original release | Livewire Software | 1985 | Commercial | | | Cassette | | Unspecified | | 3 |
1 found. |
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| Covers |  Cassette Cover (Front) |
 Cassette Side Cover |
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| Maps | Download: salvage_map.gif Created by Csabo Description: Game Map Dimensions: 460x390 File size: 9.4 KB. Created in 2003. |
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| Solutions - Hints | How do I get out of the first room? Wow, you really don't have any imagination, do you? Just PRESS on the PAD. What's the toilet paper for? You need to know the number that's on it to escape, nothing else. How do I get past the door? UNLOCK it with the electronic KEY. How do I get past the monster? It's just hungry, FEED him. How do I get past the droid? INSERT the CARD you found at the beginning. How do I raise the bars? You can't! You have to SAW through them. I was wearing the suit when I went into the Reactor Control Room, and I still died. I you EXAMINE the SUIT first, you'll find out that it has a hole. How can I pick up the crystal? Since it's too hot, you'll have to use the TONGS. How do I run the Information Computer? TYPE RUN, but you must have the PASS. How do I run the Maintenance Computer? You don't have to, and you shouldn't, as you will be killed if you TYPE RUN. Where can I find the numbers? The card, the toilet paper, the droid, the crystal, and in the store room. What do I do with the switch in the store room? Type SWITCH OFF, and make sure you are NOT holding the torch. A number on the wall will appear. What's the final number I need to know to win the game? The five numbers are 11, 27, 36, 43 and 59. The first digits are the position, the second digits make up the number.
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| Solutions - Complete | The object of the game is to get the crystal and escape from the ship through the teleport. You start in the detention room. You will need to find numbers to win the game, make sure to note them or write them down.
get card examine card (it has a number, make note of it!) note ## (use the actual number instead of ##) press pad (door opens) e,n get key s,s get plaster n,e,s drop key get paper examine paper (a number!) note ## drop paper get key s,w unlock door (opens) drop key w get saw n,w,n,n,e,n,e saw bars drop saw w,s,w get suit fix suit wear suit w,n examine driod (number!) note ## insert card (droid runs off) e get pass w,s,s get tongs n,e,e,n,e,e get crystal examine crystal (number!) note ## drop tongs w,w,s,w,w,s get food n,e,s,s feed monster (runs off) s switch off (a number appears on the wall!) note ## get torch n,n,n,w,s,s,s type run (the computer explains what to do with the numbers) n,n,n,e,s,s,e,s,e,e,n,n type ##### (you won!)
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