Robots Rumble
Title:Robots Rumble
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Machine code
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Released by:Digital Monastery (HF)
Code by:Majikeyric
Credited (Additional code by):TLC
Credited (Additional code by):BSZ
Notes:Music by Uctumi, graphics and game concept by Miguetelo. Title tune covers "Chase" by Giorgio Moroder, ingame tunes cover "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson and "The Robots" by Kraftwerk.
  External links:
    C64 release
    VIC20 release
    ZX Spectrum release

User Rating: 8.2/10 (5 votes)
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Robots Rumble Title Screenshot

Robots Rumble Screenshot

Appeared On Compilations
Club Info 156

Review: K&A Plus 14 (Magazine/Polish) pg. 19
Cited: Zzap! 7/92 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 13

PartEffect nameParametersNotes
SID Support Optional by autodetection.

Robots Rumble                           

(c) 2019 Digital Monastery
Hokuto*Force Game Developing Division

Programming by Majikeyric

Graphics & game concept by Miguetelo

Sound by Uctumi

The game

You are Slade, 45 years old, and yes,
you love your job : to destroy broken
robots on distant planets and throw them
into the burning lava.

You will be sent to different planets
guiding the broken robots through
different scenarios, your mission, throw
them into the lava with the exclusive
help of two old big magnets.

You must avoid the green stones of
kryptonite (the robot will explode
causing pollution of the entire planet).
You must avoid the sentinels of the
plant as well.

The magnets have a limited battery
charge. They can be charged by picking
up the batteries on the map. If you run
out of energy, you die. If both magnets
are aligned with the robot, it will stop

You can use mobile platforms to fill
gaps, break glass floors, climb through
light lifts, use teleportation, etc.


use keyboard or joystick in port 1

Q or joy left - Left magnet UP
A or joy right - Left magnet DOWN
P or joy up - Right magnet UP
L or joy down - Right magnet DOWN


The C64 SID made by Uctumi is included
in the game which makes use of a SIDCard
if one is detected at startup else it
uses MConv by TLC to replay the C64
Thanks to BSZ for his SID detection

Good luck! You will need it.

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