The Thriller Series
Night of the Walking Dead | Perils of Darkest Africa | [ Revenge of the Moon Goddess ]

Revenge of the Moon Goddess
Title:Revenge of the Moon Goddess
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Machine code
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Converted by:KiCHY
Uncredited (Graphics by):Chronos
Uncredited (Additional code by):Csabo
  External links:
    C64 release

User Rating: 8.5/10 (2 votes)
Revenge of the Moon Goddess Title Screenshot

Revenge of the Moon Goddess Screenshot

Appeared On Compilations
Club Info 157

Solutions - Hints
Any time I go into the river (even accidentally), I die!
This is by design, you'll have to be careful to avoid the river throughout the adventure.
How do I interpret the hieroglyphs?
You'll have to find a BOOK, while you have that with you EXAMining the HIERoglyphs will work.
I can't get past the sleeping Jaguar, it keeps waking up!
Find a weapon, then simply KILL JAGUAR.
I found a sharp (weapon) but I still couldn't kill the Jaguar!
There's a well hidden spear under the boulder. PRY BOULDER, DIG, GET SPEAR.

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