| Raid Over Moscow | |
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| Image Gallery |  Title screen  SAC headquarters  Hangar  The attack  Missile silos  The Kremlin  Reactor
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| Description | The outer frontier is currently silent on an average afternoon in 1984. But the silence is never meant total peace in the Cold War era, the nuclear threat is always lurking around the corner. The Sentinel system, using its Missile Site Radars (MSRs) with a computerized command centers buried below them, and the array of five long-range Perimeter Acquisition Radars (PAR) are detecting an enemy missile launch. NORAD ordered DEFCON1 and the Special Space Force immediately deployed the counter-strike from a secret base located in a satellite above Earth. As a pilot, you have limited time to leave the dock, land near the launch site, reach the launch facility, and destroy the missile guidance system before the soviet Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) take lethal strike on the western world. After the direct threat was eliminated, your final mission is to fly directly to the red heart of the enemy and during an intense ground combat, raid the secret military facility and destroy its underground reactor to maintain the world peace.
Special instructions/hints: Press space key when the missile strike is ongoing. The space key is switching you between the orbital view and the hangar. In the hangar, you have to elevate your aircraft above approximately 8 meters to be able to open the hangar door with HELP key. Hard landing will crash your aircraft, but after a gentle touchdown you can move on the ground safely again. After leaving the hangar, you can switch back immediately with the space key to bring out more aircrafts. You are able to keep multiple airplanes in orbit. On the ground, try to fly below the radar level. When you ascend too high, you will hear an audible beep which means that the heat-seeking missiles can detect you. During the battle of launch silos, you need a razor sharp hit right into the crenel to destroy the towers. Do not worry, the Beginner level gives you visual hint when you have proper alignment with the towers: your airplane turns blue. In Moscow, you have to find the entrance to the secret military installation, which is disguised as a national heritage building. You have to find the proper door which is marked as white. When the area is silent (after eliminating all snipers and the tank), the game proceeds you to the next level. But be careful, you have no time to waste: after a while, new snipers will take place and a new tank will arrive to the battlefield. In the reactor room, you have to disturb the daily routine of the service robots and cause a serious malfunction which leads to reactor meltdown. The robots are armored on their the front side, but vulnerable from behind. Your only chance is throwing a disc toward the opposite wall and calculate a proper bounce angle to hit the robots from behind. When you successfully overheated the reactor core, destroying the last robot will open the doors and clears the path out of the facility.
See also: https://www.c64-wiki.com/wiki/Raid_over_Moscow
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