Qui Vive
Title:Qui Vive
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
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Published by:J.Soft
Converted by:Sarcina, Franco
Notes:Originally taken from the book "Crazy games for your Commodore 64" page 29, this version written by (private). Typed in by saver71.
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Published: Papersoft 42/1985 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 10

This exciting and very ancient game is played on a 5x5 chessboard. Each player has 5 pieces and must try to arrange them in order to obtain a symmetrical configuration.

In the version that we present to you, your opponent is the C16.
At the beginning of the game the board is empty and, alternatively, you and the computer will have to arrange the pieces on it by setting the desired coordinates (A1, B3, D2 etc.). Once you have placed all the pieces you will begin to move trying to get a winning configuration. In this case, you must first enter the coordinates of the piece you want to move, then the coordinates of the desired arrival position.

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