Apparently you need to get some treasures and return here. TAKE RUM from the table and WEAR SNEAKERS. Since there’s a flight of stairs, CLIMB STAIRS and enter an alcove. There are lots of books here. TAKE BOOK, then OPEN BOOK and READ BOOK. Seems there are 2 treasures left on Treasure Island.
Now that you’ve take a book, you’ve revealed a secret passage. ENTER PASSAGE and GO EAST into the passageway. You’ll find a duffel bag and an unlit torch. TAKE TORCH and OPEN BAG. When you LOOK you can see the matches fell out. TAKE MATCHES and GO WEST. From here GO WEST once more back to the alcove and the bookcase with the secret passage.
GO WINDOW to climb onto the ledge and say YOHO and you’re teleported to a sandy beach on an island. You need some space in your inventory so DROP BOOK, DROP BOTTLE and DROP SNEAKERS. Then GO EAST and GO EAST again. A path leads to the top so GO PATH and you can now see a narrow crack. Before entering though, LIGHT TORCH and ENTER CRACK.
There’s a pile of sails here: TAKE SAILS and ENTER SHED. From the tools TAKE HAMMER and WEAR WINGS. To leave the shed, GO NORTH and GO CRACK to return to the top of the hill. UNLIGHT TORCH. From here GO DOWN the hill, then GO WEST into the meadow and GO WEST back to the beach where all you items are.
DROP SAILS, DROP TORCH and DROP MATCHES. Then DROP WINGS, TAKE BOOK and WEAR SNEAKERS. Say YOHO and you’ll be back at the ledge of the open window. ENTER WINDOW into the alcove and GO DOWN the stairs back to the apartment.
The rug is nailed to the floor so REMOVE NAILS with your claw hammer and TAKE RUG from the floor. You’ll hear a strange sound. LOOK to see a ring of keys on the floor. DROP RUG and TAKE KEYS from the floor.
CLIMB STAIRS and ENTER WINDOW again to the ledge. Say YOHO to return to the island. DROP NAILS, DROP HAMMER and DROP BOOK. Then DROP SNEAKERS and GET BOTTLE. From here GO EAST and ENTER SHACK.
Inside the shack you’ll find a pirate. GIVE BOTTLE to the pirate and he’ll leave. Now you can UNLOCK CHEST and LOOK CHEST. Inside you’ll find a set of plans. TAKE PLANS and LOOK CHEST again. There’s more in it! TAKE MAP and READ MAP. It tells you directions where to find the treasure. TAKE PARROT and GO WEST to leave the shack and GO WEST to return to the beach.
DROP MAP, DROP PLANS and DROP PARROT. To return, GET BOOK and WEAR SNEAKERS. Say YOHO to return to the window. ENTER WINDOW and ENTER PASSAGE. Inside the passage GO EAST and you’ll find the pirate sleeping here. TAKE BOTTLE and GO WEST to return to the passageway. GO WEST again into the alcove. GO WINDOWS and say YOHO to return to the beach.
On the beach, DROP BOOK and DROP SNEAKERS. Now WEAR WINGS. From here GO TIDE to enter the lagoon. GO NORTH into the ocean where you can find water and a fish. TAKE WATER in the bottle and GET FISH. From here GO SOUTH back to the lagoon and GO SOUTH again to the beach.
DROP WINGS, then GET TORCH and TAKE MATCHES. From here GO EAST into the meadow, then GO EAST again to the bottom of the hill. LIGHT TORCH and ENTER CAVE. You’re now in a maze of caves. CLIMB DOWN into the pit where there’s a hungry crocodile. GIVE FISH to the hungry reptile and DROP BOTTLE. The animal will leave you alone.
UNLOCK DOOR and LOOK to see the hall beyond the door. ENTER HALL. From here GO EAST into a large cavern where you’ll find a pile of lumber. TAKE LUMBER and ENTER SHED. You’ll find a shovel here so TAKE SHOVEL and you can only GO NORTH back into the cavern. GO WEST into the hallway and ENTER PIT. From here CLIMB UP out of the pit. GO WEST to leave the cavern maze.
UNLIGHT TORCH and GO WEST into the meadow. GO WEST again to return to the beach. DROP LUMBER and LOOK TIDE. You’ll have to repeat this until the tide is out, then you can GO TIDE into a shallow lagoon. Now you need to DIG and TAKE ANCHOR. Now GO SOUTH back to the beach. DROP TORCH, DROP MATCHES, DROP KEYS and DROP ANCHOR.
You’ve now got all ingredients to build a ship: TAKE PLANS and BUILD SHIP. Now TAKE BOOK and WEAR SNEAKERS. Say YOHO to return to the slippery ledge and ENTER WINDOW to enter the alcove. ENTER PASSAGE and GO EAST into the musty attic. The pirate is still sleeping. WAKE PIRATE and he’ll vanish. GO WEST to leave the attic and GO WEST again to the alcove.
GO WINDOW and say YOHO to return to the beach. DROP SNEAKERS and DROP BOOK, then GET PARROT, GET HAMMER and TAKE MAP. To sail away, ENTER SHIP. The pirate is here as well. DROP MAP and SET SAIL to start your adventure. You’ll reach your destination in no-time.
ENTER BEACH and what did the map say? GO 30 to take 30 paces. Now DIG for the treasure… or not. GO SOUTH to a spooky graveyard. GO EAST to the monastery, GO 30 paces and DIG again. You should now hit a wooden box. TAKE BOX and OPEN BOX to let something drop out. DROP BOX and LOOK to the find the rare stamps. TAKE STAMPS and ENTER MONASTARY.
Inside you’ll find deadly snakes and valuable doubloons. DROP PARROT to get rid of the snakes and TAKE DUBLEONS. From here GO WEST back into the barren field and GO WEST again into the graveyard. WAKE PIRATE again to send him off to the ship and GO NORTH to the beach. ENTER SHIP and SET SAIL.
Back home, ENTER BEACH and DROP HAMMER. Then DROP SHOVEL, TAKE BOOK and WEAR SNEAKERS. Say YOGO to go to the ledge. ENTER WINDOW to climb into the alcove. CLIMB DOWN into your Londen apartment. You’re back! DROP STAMPS and DROP DUBLEONS. To finish the game type SCORE.